Back-up of the Site

Due to the last two errors that have occured, the former being ilovephilosophy was hacked by someone, and the latter reason is unknown to me for now, I have realized that it may be a good idea to keep a back-up of the board.

This can be done in many ways, obviously the most inexpensive ones would be the best so here are my suggestions…1) There are some servers on the internet that will store files for a good price. 2) A second back-up ilovephilosophy board can be setup using a free service for message forums. 3) All the files and information could be downloaded and kept on someone’s hard-drive. Each week any new files could be downloaded to keep the back-up updated. This wouldn’t take long and could easily be done by one person.

Lastly, it may be worthwhile to let the server company that houses this site know of the problems that have been occuring and there may be something they can do to help, give suggestions, or increase security for the site.

What’s your take?

All your suggestions are valid one, it’s just a case of who is going to do it. I don’t have access to a) a fast enough connection (the forums back-up is hundreds of MB and growing) and b) enough private hard disk space to keep the backups. The only other person with access to the database is HVD and he does enough already for this site. It’s definitely a problem and I would like the site to be backed up more than it is but I’m not quite sure who is going to do it.

Perhaps a member of the staff has enough time/patience/bandwidth to keep a weekly backup?

Also, I have notified the hosts of the problem, they were involved in solving the last glitch.

perhaps there are ways i haven’t thought of…

  • ben

how much space?

At present, under 500MB, but could grow to at least double quite quickly…

I can keep backups for as long as i am at uni, but that’s only 6 months out of the year, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Oct-Dec

i am more than willing to do so

I am willing to do backups and have more than enough bandwidth/ HD space to do it on a consistent basis. I could even set up a mirror site if need be for extreme situations such as the host company having an outage. I own a web server that I have set up on a partial T1 line so it would be no problem. How consistently are you performing backups currently? Let me know if I can help.


Thanks skep and hvd, I will keep you in mind while I survey the options, i am trying to find a server which I will be able to have access too if need be. I will get back to you on this one, in the meantime Hiren can you make backups of the database structure and data through the admin panel as often as you can? many thanks

  • ben

I’ll make the first backup on Sunday when i get to uni