
There is a minuscule but heavy gyroscope between the nostrils high up on the nose. It is connected to the tip of the penis or clitoris by a single long nerve which is not connected to the brain or the spinal cord or the cerebellum. It employs a neurotransmitter which no other nerve uses.

Do you have any evidence or a source for this information?

That single long nerve is the same nerve connecting the nipples and the lungs in females, so that when a woman holds her chest, she can cough better. In males, it connects the balls & lungs. In rare syndromes it does that with female gonads, rendering them infertile, but when it fails to do that with male gonads, it increases the chances of getting a hernia & man boobs.

Same single long nerve running between the index finger and the sphincter in men with children & gas that can only release by the pulling of the trigger finger. They could pull their own trigger finger, but nature has determined this is one of the ways the younger generation learns cause and effect. When this stops happening, the younger generation acts like a bunch of teenage elephants with poached fathers.