BBCode, LaTeX, Reactions

Today’s update added a few new functions to the site, descriptions below, let me know what you think!

BBCode is now fully supported, so for example you can change color and size. See all the options here.

Go wild, within reason.

LaTex support has been restored, so you can add equations, special characters, etc.

Inline works by surrounding it with dollar signs, so this: $e^{i \tau} = 1$ produces this: e^{i \tau} = 1

Blocks work using two dollar signs, for example this:


makes this:


I’ve found helpful, or just ask your favorite search engine “how to xyz in latex?”

And last but not least, additional reaction have been added for posts. You can still click the heart to like a post, but hovering the heart will show additional options, like :+1: and :upside_down_face: and :banana_dance:

These can be customized, and though there are diminishing returns to additional reactions, I think we can bear a few more. Please suggest any you’d like to see added (or removed), and we’ll do a poll or something to decide on a final set.

Tagging some people who suggested/requested these:

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I’ve been finding this page useful for getting the LaTeX markup for various logic symbols:

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