Beauty is the ascription of a property or characteristic to a person, object, animal, place or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, culture, social psychology and sociology.
The experience of “beauty” often involves an interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being. Because this can be a subjective experience, it is often said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”[2] Often, given the observation that empirical observations of things that are considered beautiful often align among groups in consensus, beauty has been stated to have levels of objectivity and partial subjectivity which are not fully subjective in their aesthetic judgement. Ugliness is the opposite of beauty.
K: from our friends at Wiki…or to say it another way… we find beauty given our
own indoctrinations of family, the state, church, media, socially…
an example of this is the fact that Olive Oyl of Popeye fame, was the ideal
understanding of feminine beauty during the 1920’s…
as was Marilyn Monroe was during the 1950’s… see a picture of Olive Oyl
and see how skinny she is and note a picture of Monroe and she wasn’t…
but new research points out that Monroe wasn’t an “a plus” size either…
(being married 25 years has given me insight, not wanted, into women and
their sizes) and we can see over the years the ever changing understanding
of a women and beauty…
and example of this is the 1970’s when it was Farrah Fawcett and
her ubiquitous poster found on every teenager’s wall during that time…
(not mine because I had to share a room with my younger brother and my
mom forbid that poster… so as not to lead to impure thoughts I would guess)
anyway… beauty has always been subject to ever changing principles…
for example, Greek women’s beauty… you would have women with the brow
that went over the entire eyes… hate that look… BTW…
but beauty has also existed in forms other then women…
you see the beautiful sunset or the painting or the house…
each one is just another example of beauty…
so what is beauty? it is a subjective viewpoint that is heavily influenced
by current cultural, social, economic, political and philosophical influences within
society at large… beauty and our understanding of being beautiful,
is based upon the standards set by the society and it various aspects like
social, political, economic, philosophical aspects of society…
we see beauty as society wishes us to see beauty…
your serve, IAM…