the united states has never had good private property laws. it is one of the huge faults of the original Constitution and Founders, that they did not write into law explicit legal guarantees to ones ownership of wealth. they pretty much left this one wide open, and as a consequence progressively we have lost more and more of this ‘right’ with time. eminent domain is a glaring example, yes, where government clearly violates an expectation of property ownership, even when they do compensate fairly. a free society would never allow government to TAKE property from an individual-- at best, government could make a very good offer to the individual, and the individual would have the option to take it or not.
chrysler is just a logical continuation of the thinking involved in america. the underlying assumption, going back even to the 1800s, is that individuals retain private property at the implicit guarantee of government; that the existence of all individual wealth at all is predicated upon government’s protection and continued functioning, and therefore government is the primary entity which has a RIGHT to all property, and it CHOOSES to grant to the individual the status of ownership of his or her wealth-- until, of course, government decides it wants what you have.
the Constitution should have read “Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness”, but it does not. i consider this oversight so massive that it is one of the chief reasons why the american experiment has failed. a lack of public awareness of the premises necessary for sustained economic growth and free market efficiency is also to be blamed on State educational systems, which do not address these issues at all.
once it is assumed as given that our wealth and property only belong to us by government gift or favor, which is the case now, technically we are no longer even a capitalist or free state; implicit government ownership of private property is a fundamental pillar of collectivist economic systems, not free ones.
chrysler should come as no shock to anyone. that so-called conservatives wail and scream and are so surprised by this is just another example of how conservative ideology and thinking is the real reason behind the modern failures of america. conservatives want the effects without understanding the causes-- they want a free economy and all the benefits that come with it, without seeing or advocating for that which is PREREQUISITE to any free markets at all… “liberal” (statist) ideology is far more honest than conservative ideology is; at least statists are consistent, you KNOW what they believe and what they want, even when they pretend otherwise. conservatives, on the other hand, have long ago given up on anything consistent in their beliefs, they have no idea what they believe or why they believe it, even when they think they do.
liberals and conservatives are both guilty of the same thing: trying to mix freedom and slavery. they both want the same mix of statism and capitalism-- they want government services and guarantees and economic protections and bailouts etc etc, while at the same time trying to maintain a free economy that somehow continued to operate naturally under this burden of beaurocracy… they merely argue over how to divide up the freedoms and slaveries, but theyre preceeding from the same premises.
trust me, were bound to see far more chryslers coming, and much larger at that. card check, cap and trade, environmental regs on cars, government healthcare… most people have no idea whats coming. and thats all even without the inflation thats on the way. once the markets get wind that china is beginning to sell of its US treasury assets and trade them for gold, its all over. at least the inflation will wipe out a lot of our debt, however, even as it sends our economy into the toilet.