Bidens Blackmailed by CCP, National Security Risk

If you want to compared levels of corruption, the answer is obvious.

Trump is about 1/100th as “corrupt” as Biden. Biden has been in politics for nearly half a century. What has he accomplished, other than making his family and himself rich, by selling-out America, to Ukraine, to China, to whomever else was ready to pay???

Trump has only been in Politics for a few years. He hasn’t had a chance to be corrupted (yet).

Accusing Trump of “Colluding with Putin”, compared to Biden, is like comparing a slap in the face to being pushed off a cliff.

Let’s just say that crony capitalism is a two way street. And that our take on Trump, the Trump campaign and Putin in 2016 and beyond are at odds.

I just wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that the Post story is actually at least close to being true.

Oh, and the fact that I recognize that my take on all of this is rooted in my own political prejudices rooted in dasein and not in the rabid conviction that those who don’t agree with me are conservative scumbags.

You are an objectivist right?

How about if we take that part up on another thread?

I feel that would be a very large waste of time.

The Republic is on fire.

Not only that, but look what is at stake for you if someone is actually able to convince you that your own value judgments are rooted subjectively in political prejudices rooted in dasein.

You could no longer insist that everyone who doesn’t think exactly like you do about, well, everything, is, among other things, a scumbag liberal.

You don’t even recognize how ridiculous objectivism is given all of the hundreds and hundreds of people up and down the political spectrum who agree with you that there is only one truly righteous path…but it’s theirs not yours.

It’s the need to see only your own arguments as reflecting the one objective truth that matters more than whatever you think that truth is.

Still, let’s give it a shot. If nothing else as the exchange unfolds you’d be able to point out exactly why it is a waste of time.

You’re too buried in Dasein to have a meaningful conversation about Objectivity with me.



Note to others:

Another objectivist wiggling towards the exit? :-"

Here we go!

From Fox News: “Trump calls on Barr to act quickly in Hunter Biden case”

And, to the extent that Barr is or is not Trump’s lapdog, he will or will not “act quickly” on it. Let’s see what unfolds.

This is one one of those political “scandals” that, given my own “political prejudices rooted in dasein”, is a win-win contraption. My contention is that the leadership of both political parties sustain the crony capitalist “swamp” that sustains in turn the interest of those corporate entities that fund their election and reelection campaigns.

And, existentially, it is in changing or reforming this that “I” am the least “fractured and fragmented”. Here and now. And, really, that’s the best I can hope for.

would this alleged Laptop be evidence in a court of law?

not in the least… and why?

because of what is called “Chain of custody” in other words, had the laptop
gone straight from Biden to the FBI… we have a straight “chain of custody”
in never went into any body else’s hands… but here we have a broken
“Chain of Custody” because it was in the hands of first the computer
shop for months, by his very account and then Rudy Giuliani had the laptop
for months… trying to get the media to bring it out… so, in fact,
the shop owner and Rudy could have placed into the laptop, all kinds of
things…you know, e-mails and pictures and accounts numbers…

there is no “chain of Custody” because the laptop wasn’t in the FBI hands,
where it could have been preserved pristine and safe…
with whatever was on the laptop, being directly from Biden…

so, we have no way to know what was or wasn’t or even if the laptop
is Biden’s because there is no way to know because it wasn’t secure,
in a solid “chain of Custody”… going straight from Biden to the FBI…

this means that the laptop could never, NEVER be able to be used in
a court of law… you can’t know or be secured in what happen to the
laptop all those months in the shop owner or in Rudy’s hands…


Child Pornography is very heavily prosecuted across the country, in every state, and Federally.

So, you’re wrong.

K: ok, let us try this… let us say, you left your laptop with me for, as Biden is alleged to
have done with this computer shop, for months… everyone admits the shop had the laptop for
months and Rudy had the laptop for months… so, how do you know, KNOW, that
I haven’t put evidence on that computer that links you to treason, child pornography,
just like the shop owner and Rudy did to this computer?

that is why the “chain of custody” is so important…who knows what was place
on the computer during all those months that the shop owner and/or Rudy had
that computer…

if I had your computer for months and place evidence on it that implicated you,
you would certainly be shouting from the rooftops about the “Chain of Custody”


The videos show Hunter Biden, reportedly.

How does somebody go about “putting that in”?

Your ignorance is showing. Do some research and at least look at the accusations, claims, and implications made. But you are too mired in your Bias to do so.

Let’s get this straight. Who reported that there are videos of Hunter Biden dropping off his laptop at the computer shop? If that’s the video you’re referring to. Obviously if a video exist clearly showing him entering this shop and it’s confirmed that the video is legitimate, that would be news.

But we still need hard evidence that Joe Biden met with Vadym Pozharskyi at the behest of his son. And that he set about to reconfigure American foreign policy in order to enrich his son.

Where’s proof of that sort?

a republican:

“Proof, I don’t need no stinking proof. I got a conspiracy theory… that is
all the proof I need. What is wrong is them Libtards is that they always want
proof… Proof… I never heard something so stupid as to demand proof of something…
like only communists demand proof of something… that is what is wrong with America today,
all this uppity niggers demanding proof of racism… I got your fucking racism when I blow
your head off for being so uppity… dam, people need to learn where they fit into
the way of the world… fucking proof… If I wasn’t a fucking Christian,
I would proof them on the side of the fucking head… proof, only lazy ass
moochers demand proof… I don’t need no stinking proof of what I know to
be true”

yep, that is your local conservative…

Kropotkin :cry:

You two deluded pea-brains want to deny Hunter Biden, on video, raping young children?

I guess that shows how corrupt and destroyed you are. You are defending a pedophile. Get ready for your walls to crumble around you.

The US FBI has confirmed that the laptop is indeed Hunter Biden’s. They are now investigating how guilty Mr Hydin Lyin Biden has been. President Harris might need to know that in order to impeach him.


That tweaked bloke is really hard to watch and listen to.

K: the FBI hasn’t in fact confirmed any such thing…
you are simply listening to the q crowd…and they are claiming all kinds of
conspiracies… this falls into the insane QAnon conspiracies… and once again,
“chain of custody” it isn’t evidence because both the shop owner and Rudy had
the laptop for months and who knows what they put on the laptop…

you take a pretend fact, that its Biden laptop, unproven, and you suppose
that this unproven fact has other facts in it, also unproven facts… there is
nothing in your story to show us that this is in fact Hunter Biden laptop…
just the word of a conspiracy nut in NJ and a proven liar like Rudy…

hardly the best evidence because you can’t even show us that the laptop was
Hunter Biden’s or that it wasn’t tampered with by the computer shop or Rudy…

so let us pretend because that is what you are doing, pretending, that there are
video’s on the laptop, because of the problem with the “chain of Custody” it can’t
be shown that the laptop was Biden’s or wasn’t corrupted by someone else…

you simply have no evidence… I know, I know, not having evidence never stopped
a true conspiracy theorist from pulling out of their ass, all kinds of pretend information…

but really, show me some evidence that the computer is Biden’s…
and that it has video from Biden… you can’t and you know it…
