Tomorrow i will be appearing as a “guest” on “The Black Conservative” show.
I called in to his show yesterday, and have roused enough commotion to earn myself the first half an hour of a show tomorrow at 10 pm u.s central time
here is the show i called into yesterday … ist-agenda
It began as them reading some of my comments in the chat room. they insulted me for a good 45 minutes, and i eventually called in and lightly expressed my opinions (i was cut off many times)
Tomorrow i will debating 4 or 5 “creationists”… The debate is supposed to be about evolution vs creationism, but i know it will center around the “evils of communism”, the validity of Christianity, and i will be arguing from the point of agnosticism (basically telling them the universe is more than 7000 years old).
They are hefty conservatives, who espouse some very strong minded notions.
To be honest i don;t know what I’m getting myself into. I have always found a way to put myself in the thick of things and this conservative talk show has to be the most dogmatic show around, and i don’t expect a worthwhile debate.
If you want to listen to the show from last night, click the link, and skip towards past the half way mark of the show, i only called in about two thirds of the way through.
I’m going to post the link for the show tomorrow if anyone wants to listen in live.
my talking skills in last nights show were somewhat impeded, i allowed myself to be cut off, held my tongue, and found it difficult to straight up tell these people that i think they are wrong.
My introduction to the talk show and its audience began as insults.
My debut on their show was not really that interesting, tomorrow will be a blast though.
(i accidentally swore on air yesterday, lol, and i was at a loss for words a lot of the time)
I ended up making mixed waves yesterday, listen to it if you want to laugh at me.