book hunting

I’ve gone through every university server I have access to and I simply can’t locate these works. I only find references to them in other works.

I’m looking for anything by Adamaeus Theodoricus, especially his writing on the Pythagorean carmina.

The Proverbiam of Buhelius. It’s a collection of Italian aphorisms.

Tiharsius, anything by him. He got put on the Prohibitorum so I am not sure anything of his survives.

Anything by the poet named Paganellus Prignanus Mutinensis, especially his De Imperio Cupidinis. But his carmina too, or elegies.

I’m looking for Philelphius’ work, the Satyre Centum.

Find copies of any of those and I’ll give you a pat on the back.

x Found the book I’d been hunting referenced to a Gregorius Oldovinus Cremonensis. His De Primordio Felicique; Elegiaco Carmine Exaratum Adriacis; Epigrammatum. … 87?page=,1

Nice got one, I didn’t think they’d have it so I didn’t bother searching that digitalization project. It’s a strange work, where Eros, a daemon of poetry, love, and art, is transformed into the animating geni of industrialization and more physical kinds of labor holding society together.

Found Buhelius Happurgae Noricus. The work is not a collection of proverbs as I assumed from the title, it’s better; a philosophical essay on the use of the aphorism form itself. Got Adamaeus Theodoricus too.

That’s cool.

Buhelius: Non universi mortalium generis polliceri mihi possum suffragia Poetas, saltem viros bonos, et queis meliore de luto praecordia finxit Prometheia Titan: qui quantum pariant amoenitatis, quantaque gaudeant dulcedine.

The poet can admire no beauty greater than that he can bring forth himself.

The limit of the poet’s vision, is the limit of what he can create.

A poet can see no farther than his own creation’s height.

And it uses the myth of Prometheus as the “poet” of human nature, his- being a fallen titan- creating fallen men.

"No longer willing, and no longer valuing, and no longer creating! Ah, that that great debility may ever be far from me!

And also in discerning do I feel only my will’s procreating and evolving delight; and if there be innocence in my knowledge, it is because there is will to procreation in it.

Away from God and Gods did this will allure me; what would there be to create if there were—Gods!

But to man doth it ever impel me anew, my fervent creative will; thus impelleth it the hammer to the stone.

Ah, ye men, within the stone slumbereth an image for me, the image of my visions! Ah, that it should slumber in the hardest, ugliest stone!

Now rageth my hammer ruthlessly against its prison. From the stone fly the fragments: what’s that to me?

I will complete it: for a shadow came unto me—the stillest and lightest of all things once came unto me!

The beauty of the Superman came unto me as a shadow. Ah, my brethren! Of what account now are—the Gods to me!— "

This would go for an exceptionally strong poet alone - I think. A primordial one. Perhaps the only type truly worth of being a portion of reified Poesis.

Thats interesting.

How would Odin here compare to Prometheus? Odin being a poet as well, creating not men, but destinies of men;

Perpetual – Nietzsche is either confused or, given that he is Nietzsche, much more likely, strictly rhetorical;

Im sure he was aware of Norse creation myth, which has the world brought about without a creator, and in which Gods have no special prerogative for creation - it is as much a human thing to do as a thing for dwarves or elves, etc. And even in Greek myth there is no creator-god. The Gods didn’t create much at all to be exact, only Hephaestion was in that business and he mostly created tools.

It is only the exoteric Abrahamic god which has a monopoly on creation. In esoteric Judaism, that is to say, Kabbalah, being, along with the host of gods, emerges from the Void, as it happens to also do in both Taoist and Norse mythology.

If I may be so bold as to speak for the great man (and primordial poet), Nietzsche needed this being alone in the cosmos to create the idea of the Superman. And that is well justified - though I daresay there will not be an Uebermensch without the runic path (runes notably were revealed to Odin, not created by him) and without bold alchemies involving different religious instincts.

We will need to transcend the atheism/theism divide, which is a form of pettiness.
So what if there are gods? So what if there are no gods?

What is it to a creator?

If there are no gods, I will bloody well create them. - Fixed Cross