My friends,
Today I would like to explain somethings about the bible that may perplex many of you.
Many people have a problem understanding what on earth St John was going on about in the book of revelations.
In fact for many christians it has been this one book of the bible that has caused much distress. But there is no need for it anymore.
“let him who hath understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666”
Revelations 13,11-18.
The only way to understand the number six is to look at it in relation to number five. Think about it, five is the number of a man outstetched.
Two arms streched out, two legs then his head make five. Man makes the shape of the pentagram , if you just imagine that for a moment.
Or even draw it for yourself , the lines following the natural shape of a man with his arms held out like Leonardo da vincis vitruvian man.
But if we add a tail to the equation, then there would be six points to this diagram. Two arms held straight out, two legs standing slightly apart, a head and a tail.
Do you see? The early sages and spiritual thinkers were a lot cleverer than you may imagine, and saw things in a suprisingly simple way.
Therefore five represents the man who is evolved from his animal nature. And six therefore is the number of the animal, of a man with a tail.
Perhaps it all sounds to easy for you “but men have sought to unravel this truth for centuries, it cannot be so simple as this” .
Or you may object “why should we assume that a man with his arms held out is the key, people dont normally stand around with their arms like that”.
that is why it says in revelations, “let he who hath wisdom calculate”.
Sometimes we look further afield never realizing that what we look for is right in front of our nose.
As I say the sages of old were smarter but simpler than many may imagine. Sometimes it is the simplest details that overlook people.
And there people were , coming up with fancy, far flung theories for decades about 666 meaning hitler, or stalin , or pol pot , the devil himself etc.
But Why would you look for a complicated sounding theory?
The beast spoken of in revelations is largely aimed at us humans, with our treachery and deceit, lies, and adultry, and craftiness, we take on the six and become no better than animals.
But when we practice the five virtues :wisdom , love , truth , kindness and righteousness, we become the five. Simple. Thankfully the days where this information had to be shrouded in mystery are over.