Brain, Mind, Soul

NOTE: I will be editing this document as time goes on. I may at some point remove this from the forum and replace it with a link to a better rendition or excerpt of the document. Moderators please contact me if it would become an issue.

Brain, Mind, Soul.
By Manuel Ulliac

Isn’t 3 a lovely number?

There are only 3 equidistant shapes that can be properly tiled. Its simplest one (the simplest shape of all shapes) has 3 points and edges. There are 3 states of matter (allright, plasma a vague fourth). 3 visual colours as detected by the most visually advanced species. There are only 3 real “numbers” or extremes of a number: 0, 1, and infinity (all else is a fraction or combination of 1). Is it possible that our conception of the foundation of the universe could be quite nicely packaged in the form of 3 elements as well?

Here follows is our subjective approach to the make-up of any one person in 3 constituents. A metaphysical theory which will be likely neither proven nor disproven for millennia to come.

Before we begin, let us imagine something that is technologically feasable today, that you are driving a car. Except you are not driving it by the wheel in a chair. You are driving it with a remote control in your living room. This remote control for your car is not simply a little touchpad with a few dials and buttons. This remote control simulates the actual car by seating you in a car-like apparatus- complete with a wheel, a gas pedal and break, and a windshield made out of big screen TVs. You are, in effect, driving the car just as you would be driving it had you been in the car, but remotely in the safety of your own home. In this fashion, the purpose of the car is no longer to transport you, but to transport some item that the car is carrying.

But it does not end there.

The satellite GPS tracking for your car acts as a remote control for a little RC vehicle in a large miniature roadway which you have built on an acreage. This roadway simulates the scenery in which your real car is driving. The RC vehicle simulates your car, and receives the GPS signal via cellular receiver. It translates the received data as instruction to where it should go.

In effect, you operate a virtual car in your living room, which operates a car on the road, which operates a satellite GPS signal, which operates an RC vehicle on an acreage. If we are creative enough, we can make this pattern continue . . . ad infinitum. But the principal does not change. The principal as follows-

The virtual car, the car on the road, the GPS signal, and the RC vehicle are all, in effect . . . YOU. So then, what defines you? Your body? Your brain? Your property? The mechanisms under your direct control?

Because of skin, because of genetics- we are given a feeling of separation as individuals from the rest of our environment. We are able to ignore the nuances, such as our breath, our exfoliation, our pores ingesting the matter of our environment. Because of skin, this one organ which covers virtually every cellular space of surface area on our bodies, we can imagine that we are separate from the rest of the universe. But in our technological example, we are not really separate. Indeed, through mechanical apparatus, the real “YOU” can perhaps become distorted, the less direct of a control it becomes. But one is left to wonder where you end and the external universe begins.

So far, we have only been moving forward, in our hypothetical extension of one’s self into the universe. We use plausible technology to model one’s influence having quite direct power over a very broad set of apparatus. We have not yet moved backward. What operates the remote control of the car you’re driving – your hands? What operates your hands – your brain? What operates your brain?

The human body generates electromagnetic fields. These fields interact with other electromagnetic fields around it. Organic interferance of electromagnetic fields have been exemplified by bees gathering honey nearby a communication tower. The electromagnetism of the tower interferes with the electromagnetism of the bees, and disrupts their ability to properly communicate and gather honey. Likewise, the radiation from too much proximity to communication towers around people have been shown to render the body cancerous. This is theoretically because the morphogenetic fields have been somehow weakened . . . the cells of the body can no longer communicate as practically once this electromagnetism faces too much interferance. The free radicals break up the phosphorous bonds of DNA, but also the electromagnetic fields are compromised as well.

Electromagnetic fields are everywhere. In the planet, the sun, and even space itself in the form of tachyons. Is it possible, then, that human beings, and rightly any organism for that matter, is relying on some sort of cosmic electromagnetic dynamo in order to complement their own fields? Is it so preposterous that some sort of basic information can come to our bodies through the cosmic radiation itself? Our brains do in some form rely on these electromagnetic fields of our bodies. And so, one can hypothesize that the radiation of space can communicate some sort of basic information with our brains.

Remember that it is entirely plausible how you could remotely control a car safely from your living room. What if . . . something has control over you from the cosmos of space? But that something need not be an alien invador. That something could be . . . YOU.

At this point, we can conceive of what we mean when we speak about the metaphysical constituents of a person. The constituents we will be talking about are of the brain, the mind, and the soul. The mind could alternatively be called the spirit. The brain could alternatively be called the body. Thus, we can have: Body, spirit, soul. Or: Body, mind, spirit. Body / brain as the example of what delves into mechanics and the physically known universe. Mind / spirit as the lesser known origins of thought in control of our body / brain. Soul / spirit as the deepest form of consciousness that we can possibly own. Because the words mind / spirit / soul are all quite undefined, we cannot clarify exactly which word suffices best. But in this article, we will remain in these 3 terms: Brain, mind, soul.

The brain, for the most part, belongs in the domain of neurobiology. And therefore, it would not be wise to delve much further into this constituent without the necessary discipline. But before we move on from the brain, let us also consider another theory which has been proposed by engineers like Dr. Hartmut Neven. Inside each brain cell is a large array of fibers called microtubules. Inside these microtubules are possible protein qubits. These protein qubits make use of a strange effect known as quantum entanglement. Because we are neither neurobiologists nor quantum physicists, we cannot delve much further into this subject. But suffice it to say, quantum entanglement is the phenomena which allows particles to communicate with one another beyond our visible universe. In essence, wheather any of these theories are true - the tachyons of space interferacting with our electromagnetic fields, or the quantum entanglement interacting with protein qubits of our nervous system . . . it is still very possible that our brains somehow communicate to some methods not entirely physically known.

Enter the Mind. Our separation of the mind from the brain identifies it as such- where the brain is the physical biological entity that we understand quite well under neurobiology - the Mind is an entity (the entity of our consciousness) which as yet remains ubiquitos to our scientiffic understanding. And because it remains ubiquitos, we can say no more.

Enter the Soul. When we consider what possibly lies beyond the reach of modern science, we must also consider what is ultimately at the very source of this chain of influence. If the Mind is ubiquitos, the Soul is essentially intangible to our understanding. But just because a thing is intangible would not mean it is not there. This would essentially be an entity (again, the entity of our consciousness) on a level which science may never fully understand, but still see the slight influences of unto the Mind. For example- if we were to one day identify the mind as matrices of quantum manifolds, or as some sort of unyet named phenomena, then if we were to discover anomalies within this Mind which we cannot seem to isolate further . . . then these anomalies would be the influence of the Soul.

If an eternal consciousness exists, one which supercedes time itself, it is the Soul. If the Soul cannot be a single individual but ultimately a single unifying field, then perhaps the Soul is synonymous with God.

Just like the only real 3 kinds of numbers that can exist, these comparatively accentuate our concept of Brain, Mind, and Soul. Brain is what can be ultimately atomized into small constituent packets which are fully understood. It is not a decision maker. It is a machine, obeying something else. Like the number 0, it has no depth to its power over reality. It has energy, mass, and ingenious mechanical advantages. But no choice.

On the other hand, Mind, is the theoretical portion of consciousness which influences the brain and will remain a scinetiffic mystery for much time to come. But so long as there is something to learn about it, this is the Mind. It will always be the complete totality of what we know about consciousness. The One. But as long as there are aspects we do not know, there is also the Soul.

The Soul, on the other hand, like infinity, cannot be defined in constituent parts. So long as there is something anomalous about the Mind, the Soul will remain. It is the one thing which does not belong to a realm of science, obscure or not, yet that we all would like to truly believe exists.

The Brain - a machine, like the car you drive with all of its circuitry and apparatus.

The Mind - a system of some mechanical constituents yet some ubiquitos concepts, is a theoretical entity which controls or influences the brain.

The Soul - a thing that may never be fully understood, and will ultimately by definition remain the absolute most fundamental source of what can be understood about consciousness, is the real YOU which in your brain you cannot comprehend yet somehow suspect exists.

I take it from the moderators the answer to my note was “No” :smiley:

It hasn’t become an issue yet. It does if replies are made and those replies cease to make sense due to later editing. I general, replacing it with a link would be inconvenient for those wishing to follow both replies and the text which is being replied to.

I didn’t realize the Essays board later blocks me from editing. Not a problem though.