It is said, and was confirmed by my professor, that humans only use between 5-10% of their brain potentiality. I’ve always found this interesting, as untapping that extra 90% will do wonders for future generations, and I’m wondering if anyone has any knowledge on the subject.
Unless they mean that, while I only use 10% at a time, such as right now I have memories of the past and know instructions for putting together my bike, but am not using these portions of my brain at the time. Thus, the percentage reflects usage at any given time. Even so, an advanced human that could “juggle” more information and memories into each second of un/conscious thought may gain advantages and become the next line in human evolution.
Good link Metavoid. I was just about to say the same. We do, indeed, only use 10% of our brains, give or take 3%, at any given time in the day. But, we, throughout the day, use approximately 90%, give or take 3%, of our brain. We have many parts in our brains and some are active at all times, some are active at night, some are active in the day, when we eat, et cetera. But, in the end, we use near 100% of our brain throughout our lives, and the missing parts are things that are not needed, working the appendix or tonsils, for instance. Also, the empty memory space is a factor in this, more experiences means more information; which in turn means less space left and more used.
I still wonder what it’d be like to juggle even more, say, 80% of your brain potential at every given point. I have more ideas on this, pertaining to Evolution, where a form of telepathy accumulates from the outdated, ultimately useless “language.” Just as language accumulated from grunts and hand gestures. I’ll need to digest the idea a bit more though, 'fore I display the shxt.