Bring back the cool hand of philosophy

The mission: create philosophy again as coolness X factor overcharged NOS brainfueled madness and inspiralized fractalized maximum mind-occupied universal conceptual supermazing while staring into the soul of the sun and burning a hole through to its core with the power of the light coming out of your eyes. What is the coolest hand in philosophy? Is this a card game or a boxing match?

Not this boring boredom boringness slow pedantic obnoxious nihilistic academicomedial narcissism brainless cancerish dum beta copycat simping limping selfpimping silly absurdisms and empty-skulled propaganda downloading nincompoopianisms. What happened?? Culture is on the verge. Feel it gestating. Something is being born, can you feel it?

Can you do it? Do you have it in you? Where is your will to the truth? If not that, where is your will to be weird? that’s a good start. ditch the wired and get weird. plug those wires back into the source home slice.

Newsflash, you are going to die and you have no idea when or where or how or why or what’s going to happen after you do, or the relative value of your time here on earth compared to all that unknown stuff. No one knows God personally. No atheists in foxholes. Denialism is fatal disease. You cut yourself down before you even grew up. Imagine a seed hacking itself to pieces before it can sprout. Don’t let that be you. Don’t be a boring bored old boredoid.

But find the right ways to interesting. What is cool? The answer better be a holographic 10D supermodeled epiphanic protodivinated overlapping with the universe, which is to say with philosophy. Do you understand that the far end of philosophy merges into spirituality, religion, God? No, you don’t get it yet huh? Give it time, hopefully your brain is capable of adjusting to extreme depolarizations deconstructions and discharginations of the shit.

Spring is a good time for renewal. The spirit longs for this. Philosophy is nothing if it is not at least spirit-longing. Love God as you love truth as you love anything. Love=God=Truth. Put that in your vape and smoke it.

What do you think truth is? Something to write down in a dusty book no one reads? Something to impress your friends with? Something to covet? Something to make use of? Something to hide from? Something to remake yourself in the image of? Something to choose from amongst? Something to lavish? Something to share with friends and likeminded souls? Something to laugh alongside? Something to ignore and take for granted? Something to fuck to? Well it is all of these things. SO you better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Do what you want but give truth a nod in the right direction as it comes roaring by your degenerate musing hedonistic striving and catatonic brainwasted uberdistractionism and lazy drug-induced tv therapy sessions. Who knows, it might wave back. The crest of the wave is saturated with the leading edge of existence and superphenomenologically charged with everything you want to be and are and aren’t and don’t want to be and can’t avoid and fantasized about and prayed for and rejected and mistook for something else. You are a condition of near-maxed but cross-stabilized soulbeing amidst such confusions as can only fail to appear as anything but background caveats of meaning. Is this cool? Oh yes, it is very cool indeed. The coolest. The most based badassest abundantly awesomest amazingly factored and refined perfected cool.

Be the cool. Be the philosopher you wish to see in the world.


Interesting content…

Not interesting. Cool.

There isn’t enough alcohol in the world to face your own soul. That’s why people drink so much. Or don’t drink damn near enough.


Dionysus got nothing on me.

Nietzsche can suck it. Not mine.

Hegel can get back to me once he returns from his extra-universal journeys, we’ll compare notes.

Jesus is my homie waiting for me to shuffle this badazz trip like break dancing.

Getting old
Getting gray
Getting ripped off
On the Plane
Getting sold
second hand
That’s how it goes
Playing in a band
Or you fill in the lyrics man. You write one.



No, seriously.

Yea, cheers buddy

…as the song goes… drink till you’re drunk, smoke till you’re high.

I went on an all-out detox to expel all toxins from my body, 10 days ago… it did bad things to me, but I lived to tell the tale, and came out the other side feeling fantastic!

That’s awesome, that’s …very cool! Well done sir or madam.

:-$ [-o<

:-" :-" :-"

:laughing: :wink: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Just imagine, the last human to know God personally was Jesus.

Think about that for a while.

ranting about ‘God’:

[tab]Setting aside the lack of evidence,
my issue with God are those that claim to know God.
Fucking assholes - so many fucking assholes.

Someone experiences love,
and then some fuckhead says,
‘No, man. You experienced God.’
Then they spew all these conditions.
They make love conditional -
jump through these hoops to be worthy.
God demands blood,
God has some list of stupid rules.
God hates the gays.
Don’t touch your genitals, demon.
Oh btw, Hell’s a thing - eternal torture.
No redemption, no forgiveness -
but this is an expression of love.
Fear me. Question nothing.
This is the truth,
but we rewrote a few things.

WTF? Really dude, WHAT THE FUCK?

Love is love.
Truth is truth.
Stop redefining these terms and inserting this bullshit.
Why is the concept ‘God’ necessary for this equation?

The fire that burns your family to death doesn’t love you.
The wave that drowns the town doesn’t have your interests at heart.
Existence is callous - indifferent to us.
Only the living care, and 99% of them don’t care about you either.

How much mental gymnastics does one have to go through,
in order to say that the cosmos gives a shit about us?
As there a countless examples of brutal cruelty & suffering.
What kind of twisted all-powerful fuck thinks this is the ideal creation?


Who cares for reason though,
when you can strawman anyone who disagrees?
ezpz :sunglasses:

You know what truth’s good for?
Empowering us to counteract the callous nature of existence.
Alleviating suffering, as God seems busy -
God seems to let many fall through the cracks for some reason.
All part of the plan, remember. The loving plan.

Checks out.


To clarify… I don’t do drugs, so was detoxing from the toxic world around me [all: foods, household products, personal products, etc.] purified… and it’s madam. ; )

Paul Newman and Jim Morrison… um, yea. Cool people say and do, cool things. Cool…

11 days later, and I be feeling like:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Your ranting is reasoning with passion. Thank goodness the two are not mutually exclusive. Who would ever reason if they didn’t care? And who would ever care without reason? That would be some radical caring right there. Chaos everywhere. We’d be too scared or happy to change anything, seeing either ALL problem or NO problem. But if all we had was reason, nothing would ever get off the ground because we wouldn’t even care if there was a problem, much less how to solve it. But if we care, and we see, separately and together… well. We can actively return to a no-problem state of okayness… or level up, if we enjoy solving the problems that will inevitably present. But where did we get this idea of level okayness, and leveling up, and problems with both? If God is to blame for all problems, so he takes them away, is it a problem to never be able to level up? Can we be okay if problems are not possible? Which problems are real problems? Is there real okayness? Where?

On, Dostoyevsky…


Though I’ve not actually read Dostoyevsky…


I doodled again.

Passion could also read Judgment.


and don’t ask me why, .



No idea wym, sorry gramps

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

=D> =D>