Can dogs think phenominally?

The Look is a central concept in Sartre’s phenomenology. It is the exploration of the experience of being seen. You are a subject, but if someone gazes into you for a long time, you start becoming hyper aware of yourself as an object in other people’s views.20 Oct 2020

The Look and Hell is Other People - Sartre - Eternalised

The Look and Hell is Other People - Sartre - Eternalised.

I don’t mind being made an object… for the right subject. ; )

Even bettertwo subjects, making each other objects. lel

Yes for the right objective - subjective coupling- when the most general one will be worth the subjective demolition: or subjective sacrifice.

Meaning: the objective ducithomy, clarified for the revisionong of subjective ills, a political gesture, bereft of all uncovering, understood or repressed.

Meaning again: the general fears associated with political inexperience, HASTi be accounted for and placed into the mix, as an inversely variable unstable fact.

Meaning the thrust, that dogs have in a phenomenally thought it friendship HAS to be re-established!


Someone has deemed this^ to be in bad taste… that’s because they don’t know what good taste is:nail_care:t3:

Sorry I don’t do crass and tasteless trash-talk, like they:woman_shrugging:

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We seem to be at crossed wires here… I said “…the right subject”.
I guess you don’t like being made a confidante out of… I didn’t know you were such a bore… :yawning_face:

His wife is his confidante. Scoot, bitch.

…as in a friend - you guys have lost the plot, or been trying to make me look bad… been playing me in that position for a long while now, haven’t you.
Game’s over!

¿What kind of language is that? Trash:woman_shrugging:

Thinking for others/me is dangerous… I don’t do [immoral] things that most would consider doing or have done, my mind doesn’t even go there… :innocent:

Why-ever would anyone think the opposite.



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You talk like Sculptor. Just an observation.

Go cream your panties elsewhere, dear… the game is over.


I really missed that point, but does that make a more?

If so, well, that may explain my reticence, or vamporistic fears of the light.

But MagJ , when the only one time loosing my mind that came with benefits, of ingesting LSD, that were awesome and terrifying at the same time, saw others for that second, as in a sudden burst of fireworks, and for that short span—

But that lasted for what seemed an eternity,

The World through Others , for who they were, and wished.

So yes, it was predicted by someone eons ago, that the most will become (of me) , is a jyransmitter of some kind, a waterboy to serve a higher purpose.

So there, I accept lostness for ever, (Kerouac) and that is why him too promised that to be his first and last mind expanding experience.

Most life afterwards is just series of flashed back and forth nuances.



Maybe don’t belong here with each other, but then quitting is never on any level, for some more impossible then denying the responsibility for the Other, it’s that significant.

There’s nothing wrong with anything you said. Anyone who feels offended surely has never experienced love or romance, which is pretty sad for them.

What do these people think physical attraction is anyway? Oh well we already know, as feminism has defined all forms of sex (of course only when it comes to men being involved) as de facto rape for a while now.

This can be understandable considering the types of people who align themselves with such an absurd, life-denying and self-hating ideology. But the sadder thing is how it still pollutes the minds of otherwise better people, slowly eating away at what is otherwise their normal, healthy and good instincts and mentality.

Bringing this back to dogs, there is this one kind of wolf-dog hybrid species that is HUGE. That would be a cool pet to have. Imagine walking down the street with a dog that is as tall as you are and looks like some kind of super-wolf :rofl: People gonna gtf outta the way.

Yeah that’s one way of getting respect, and only the very cool dogs would not shirk from not crossing the street.

Dogs feel love just like Sartre said…

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I am convinced that certain dogs feel very deep and complex ranges of emotion. It must have to do with their close bond and intuitive feeling for their owners, they can really sense and empathetically feel at least some degree of the emotions of humans.


I don’t appreciate that kind of misunderstanding, either from you or your partner-in-trolling.


The stuff obviously doesn’t agree with you, to have that kind of long-lasting effect on your psyche.


Well it is your thread… :woman_shrugging:

Have at it!

I’m not paying them no mind, they’re just trolling… again, but the game is over as they overplayed their hand.

…but that’s what happens, when 2 average minds come together, and think they’re smart.

Haha, yep.