Slowly, imperceptibly, over the last three hundred years the scientific “myth” of evolution has become the backdrop, the frame of reference, the mindscape within which we think. For the first half of my life, I, like many others lived my life within the context of the Christian myth of Salvation History and Creationism. Personally, I find it impossible to live now without some over-arching mind-scape to make seeming sense of human existence.
If you look at any form of human thought it always implies a genre, a frame of reference, a context - a mindscape with its own horizons, its own dimensions, principles and features. Literature falls within innumerable genres or forms from narrative, to poetic. Science falls within its disciplines from theoretical physics to psychology. Every kind of human conscious thought implies the use of some semiotic or symbolic code and some degree of abstraction or generalisation. It implies some kind of “reflection” of reality into a story form, a visual art, a philosophy, a science or a form of politics.
Because of the way our human minds and consciousness have developed we cannot but presume that reality is “intelligible” and fits into the frames of reference, the contexts of our “abstract” and “generalised” thinking. We presume the universe is intelligible.
Theists, believing in an intelligent creator were able to presume that “Lex mentis, lex entis” - the way the mind works reflects the way reality works because they believed we were made in the “image and likeness” of the creator him or herself. But if we do not accept such a creator and accept the myth of evolution why should we presume that the way our mind works co-relates to the way reality works?
Surely our minds evolved to respond to the world we were immediately aware of, to the limitations of human experience? Could it not be that human consciousness is a false line of evolution leading to in-built contradictions. And when you look at all the religions, philosophies etc etc that human beings have lived in and by in the past, surely there is no quarantee that our modern myth of evoluion is any better than any that went before?
Just as our human eyes are only accurate within a certain field and range or reality, so surely too our human minds are similarly only accurate within the field and range of reality they evolved to deal with. We can no more see atoms or sub-atomic particles than we can comprehend relativity or Higgins’ field?
Indeed some would say that the very way our mind works, needing to think within a frame of reference, a coherent story or philosophy might “falsify” reality because there may be no ultimate explanation comprehensible to us.
If we are a product of an evolving universe how can we hope to “think outside the box”, because there is no box.