This is a short article, full of complete lies by the AK Steel CEO.
Let me show you how this really works:
Union Contract nears ending.
AK still settling suits for wrongful death due to illegal safety failures.
AK forces lock out.
Union, who has raped these workers for generations, hangs them by the short hairs, while dealing for final severance for themselves.
Company Board makes known lock out, offers workers shit deal, knowing full well the poor sheep won’t realise what is happening to them when they don’t take it.
Foreign investors eye potential promise of entering US Steel market, with years of tax abatements to boot.
Company Board and CEO act astonished at leveraged deal, use news media to disperse lies.
Foreign investor buys AK contracts/customers, sharks remnants of AK Mill to highest bidder for parts.
Former Board and CEO walk away multibillionares, Union Management walk away millionares, workers just walk away.
It was all planned long ago, and no one is any the wiser.
Where is the government now?
Where is the grand party supporting Unions, the Democrats?
Where is the grand party supporting morality/ethics, the Republicans?
Nowhere, because those repugnant fat fucking pukes won’t go a minute having to wonder where their next meal comes from, or a mortgage payment, or a utility payment.
The really sad thing, you’ll still vote them in session after session, pissing on the “other team”'s leg, like it’s their fault … when it is the fact that Americans, by and large, are dumbest mother fuckers on the entirety of this planet.
I will grant you that Americans are relatively dumb. But we are certainly no dumber than societies that produce people who believe, by and large, that killing themselves to take out a Jewish wedding will somehow benefit their society. And how dumb can a society be that has sustained one of the world’s highest standards of living for several generations? Our dumb and poor people usually go home to at least one television set - not a graveyard or one room hovel.
If we’re talking stupidity, we need to put things in perspective. We may be stupid, but we have that luxury. And if we shouldn’t have that luxury, we’ll lose it. C’est la vie. It’s gone.
Before I post, because you have my admiration, reread the OP.
Think of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Ottomans, Czars … were they too not luxuriant, beyond the scope of their times?
This country is awaiting the turn from entropy to chaos, still I hear people say the same things you say, every day.
Will that luxury save you, when “the Senate” has corrupted the system out of possible correction?
Will that luxury save you, when predators, not unlike myself, who have want in their mind, and rage in their being, come to take it from you?
America is only two hundred and thirty years into its sovereignty, and already shows signs of succumbing to the weight of its society’s mindless corruption, and the atrophy of its denial.
Do you truly believe that opulence is a saving grace, when those of that state, number so few?
Has not history played this scenario out, many times before? What has been the inevitable outcome? Have we reached a point where we repeat the lie so often, we believe ourselves?
I return your respect. I read and understood your post. My understanding of your post is why I cut to the chase. I take it you think there is something worth saving. I’m not sure I share this sentiment, but I’ll ride along with it. Since I believe you think there is something that needs to be–and is worthy of being–preserved, I asked you, what is your plan for doing so?
I admit that I don’t have one. Maybe I’ve lost hope in this nation. Maybe I haven’t. In either case, it (the nation) will not stand forever. [Edit: perhaps it has outlived its usefulness]
The problem is yopele, you are too smart for me, oft times. I can accept that, nature of life.
Yes, all things have their years numbered. Since you accept the conclusion of the experiment, there is little to offer you, you already understand the inevitable.
Do we live for tomorrow then? What then do we measure as having worth, equated to the input of effort?
Anything? Nothing? Set to meander aimless?
Does life have no value in living? Where lies the purpose? Respiration gets rather arduous without a cojoining function of necessity.
If there is a reason to persist with the experiment, its first purpose must be to rage against the status quo, the most noteable of dehumanisers.
Enlightenment is a pipe dream, satisfaction with mediocrity of existence must be accepted. America has exceled at standardising mediocrity, and making it functional towards systemisation.
Cognition to anticipate, questioning, and denying known limitations through expanding discourse = high degree of intellect. No refutation will suffice.
Live? Maybe subsist to the next moment, but I part company here, because we aren’t proven to be comprised of enough high level cognition to understand living in the sense of human being.
One man’s meander, another man’s processional to awareness.
Strange, at the onset of the post, you sublimated yourself to mediocrity of the average mind, yet you know better. LOL, you don’t fool me yopele. Discernment hides like a serpent in a burning cane field.
We rage against different instances, no empiricism as to the effect. I rage against the system. I piss on the purveyors of servitude to diplomacy and political correctness. I spit on victims. I seek to trample any who reek of the odeous stench of weakness and sublimation. I raise my voice against those who place the status quo in my line of sight. I vote, but not just to cast my responsibility into the pool and assume that responsibility met, I vote my ethical conscience - last round, Colin Powell received my vote. Conscientious objection, my vote was taken away from the destroyers and perfidious enslavers.
How does one mediocre state surpass another? You’ll have to explain that one.
I beg to differ here. What is an average grade on a scale? A “C”. Eighty percent of people fit the “C” category - in education, performance, attributes. We have systemised the “C” person, especially as concerns socio-economics. Yes, mediocrity is our legacy.
Mas, you’re right - about most of it. Your raging has tremendous value, and I should not permit my apathetic determinism to sully your noble effort to raise awareness of the issues.
For those with useful comments or more positive criticism, please address Mas’s post: