Has any one here every been caught smoking pot by a parents, guardian, sibling, ect.
if so, how did they or how would they react?
Has any one here every been caught smoking pot by a parents, guardian, sibling, ect.
if so, how did they or how would they react?
The only time I was ‘caught’ was a long time ago. I had been smoking with a friend of mine, as well as drinking a fair amount. We passed out watching Young Frankenstein in my living room.
When we woke up, our eighth was gone. That was all. It was never addressed outside of that.
But I was also home for the holidays, so it was different than what would have happened had I still been living with my parents.
But they were cool when they caught my girlfriend and me . . . so I imagine they would have been pretty cool with the pot too.
Edited for grammar.
Xun, they smoked it. =D>
Given that my Mother, to this day, smokes pot.
Yes, I am quite sure they did.
im interested to see if Old_Gobbo ever got caught.
he appears to be the home authority on pot here
I’ve been ‘caught’, but it’s never been a problem. My family are all hippies.
I’ve never been caught either, but the story of the first time I ever smoked pot is interesting.
When I was in the tenth grade, I went to a “redirectional” school for kids with disciplinary problems. Needless to say, the quality of the school was questionable. It didn’t have much funding and the staff consisted of those teachers who, I suspect, weren’t qualified to teach at a normal school.
Anyway, it was the bus driver who offered me a hit one day after school, on the bus ride home. She had a “dug-out,” which is a little box containing crushed marijuana, and it would be forced into a little metal pipe that looked like a cigarette. The pipe was spring loaded and would pop out when you took the top off the box.
I took one hit before I got off the bus, and recall ten minutes later when I got to the house, standing in my fathers room having forgotten why I went there. That’s the funny thing I remember the most: “why did I just come in here?..[scratching head]”
I don’t remember the effects being very intense. I wasn’t really “high” in the sense that I am now if I smoke it.
I knew it.
“Sugar magnolia, blossoms blooming, etc., etc.”-- Grateful Dead
That’s because I’ve told you before.
once by the police, but it was out of an apple so it was easily discardable. they let me go, i talked my way out if it.
Well, I’ve definitely said it here before, and I know that you read every single one of my posts, so…
speaking of which.
Where do you guys hide you’re stuff
Yes I’ve been caught
There are some interesting strategies though. If you’re smoking in your room out the window, exhale through a bottle with holes in it that’s been stuffed with Bounce or some such dryer fresh scent thing. It will neutralize much of the smell.
Never smoke in the rain if you’re worried about smelling.
Always wash your hands/eat something after.
Remember food smells cover weed waaaaay better than cologne. If you’re worried about smelling roll in eating a bunch of onion peanut butter fish cakes or something.
I’ve never been caught. Of course, that’s because I’ve never tried pot or cigarettes.
Remember food smells cover weed waaaaay better than cologne. If you’re worried about smelling roll in eating a bunch of onion peanut butter fish cakes or something.
So that’s why the French stink of garlic…
Smoking cigarettes will cover the smell of weed.