I was just thinking about how they banned that abortion ad from airing because of distressing images of discarded foetuses. It got me wondering, Just how much are kids minds being polluted by obscenity. I decided to find out, and investigated some well known kids stories.
The Little Mermaid - amputation of tongue, suicide, impaling
Jack and The Beanstalk - trespassing, robbery, cannibalism, murder by beanstalk chopping
Hansel and Gretel - child abuse, child abandonment, destruction of property, imprisonment, starvation, forced feeding, murder by oven, conspiracy to commit cannibalism
Wizard of Oz - decapitation, full limb amputation, kidnapping, imprisonment, attempted murder, death by falling house, contract killing, murder by melting.
Sleeping Beuty - rape, attempted cannibalism
Little red Riding Hood - attempted double homiceide by eaing, murder by chopping
Emperor’s New Clothes - full male nudity
I think the solution is obvious folks. Ban all fairy tales, or at least give them an 18 rating and put them on the top shelf.
Does sign language have silent letters?
When coloured people shower, is that ethnic cleansing?