Certificate of Vaccine IDentification, COVID

So all the athletes having heart attacks, aren’t, and it’s a figment of imagination?

The videos are all fake? Hundreds of them? “Sudden death” after the “vaccines”, do some simple searching… misinformation?

smears, you’re a main consumer of Big Pharma, of course your loyalty is with them.

How many times do you need to get “vaccinated”, yet you can still get Covid, you can still spread it…

Tell me. Two? Four? Ten? One hundred? When are you going to figure it out?

When is your brain going to be delivered?

Keep vaxxing, eventually you’ll get the right batch.

Here is something which may interest those who see no democratic outcome from being waxes:


The world’s 10 richest men have made so much money during the pandemic that a one-time 99% tax on their gains could pay for all COVID-19 vaccine production and more: Oxfam
Huileng Tan Jan 17, 2022, 4:25 AM

Bezos Arnault Musk

The wealth of the 10 richest men has more than doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 10 richest men have more than doubled their wealth in the COVID-19 pandemic, Oxfam calculated.
Oxfam issued a new report on inequality in which it advocated more taxation for the rich.
“Billionaires have had a terrific pandemic,” Oxfam’s executive director, Gabriela Bucher, said.

The wealth of the 10 richest men in the world has grown so much during the coronavirus pandemic that even a one-time 99% tax on their gains would be able to pay for the production of all the COVID-19 vaccines the world needs and more, according to the charity Oxfam.

“Billionaires have had a terrific pandemic. Central banks pumped trillions of dollars into financial markets to save the economy, yet much of that has ended up lining the pockets of billionaires riding a stock market boom,” Oxfam International’s executive director, Gabriela Bucher, said in a press release announcing a new report from the organization, “Inequality Kills.”

Highlighting the vast wealth disparity that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, Oxfam noted that the wealth of the world’s 10 richest men more than doubled to $1.5 trillion from $700 billion from March 2020 to November 2021. That’s a rate of $15,000 a second or $1.3 billion a day, the charity said.

Oxfam used the Forbes Billionaires List, topped by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault, to calculate the figures.

“Vaccines were meant to end this pandemic, yet rich governments allowed pharma billionaires and monopolies to cut off the supply to billions of people. The result is that every kind of inequality imaginable risks rising,” Bucher said.

According to Oxfam’s calculations, a one-time 99% windfall tax on the gains in fortunes of the 10 richest men would able be to pay for the manufacture of the world’s COVID-19 vaccines. There’d also be enough to fund other public-works projects, including universal healthcare and social protection.

“All this, while still leaving these men $8 billion better off than they were before the pandemic,” Oxfam noted in its report.

The charity urges governments to “claw back” gains made by billionaires.

“It has never been so important to start righting the violent wrongs of this obscene inequality by clawing back elites’ power and extreme wealth including through taxation — getting that money back into the real economy and to save lives,” Bucher said."

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International Editions:

I’be predicted catastrophe when the individual holdings of any person reaches 1 trillion dollars.

Still sticking to it.

But that’s not fare when considering Caesar Augustus’ 4.6 trillion and Solomon’s 2.2 trillion in today’s equivolancy in xollars, however back then those figures squalled empires and total net land ownership.

Today’s very nuevo rishe accumulations in corporate shares, bonds real estate, continue to grow the net worth of Forbes list many times more.

The law of uncertainty effects classes that are beyond indenture , thereby causing an affective depression conflate with that of economic expectations of social signaling, diving ecenomic sentiment corrElative with the Fed’s corrections.

Therefore this signal of capital holding will definitely have a breaking point.

Imagine being part of this, injecting this shit, convincing others to… how Evil you must be:




Why the need to be vaxxed in order to see a democratic outcome? So mass-vaccinations, in replace of corporate taxations, the new taxation… so always at the expense of the struggling masses.

Now we are being told that we’ll just have to live with covid… do you think that the top Scientists didn’t know that that was the case all along. :laughing:

So… considering that ^^^ news, do You/We all here think, that Governments will do the exact same procedures asked of them as was asked of them for the covid situation, if/when other new similar situations arise?

That’s a hard one to answer MagsJ, I would think the scientists remain as politically neutral as possible, so that such impression may be avoided.

But, it’s inescapable that there is more to the waxer/ non Vaxer divide then mere politically derived unscientific conjectures.
But the overall impression in part of at least ‘scientific’ releases to the public, Fauci included is that the studies on effectiveness of different vaccines and methods ars changing almost daily.

What this may actually mean in terms of the economic state of imbalance between the 1% ultrarich and the 99% deprived is that the 1% benefited from the instituted programs, at the expense of a public fir which the stimulus was meant for.

The effective result of stimulating the economy , further enhanced this that least need it.

Whether this was pre-planned, my impression is that it may very well have been, fully knowing that a thousand dollars given to 3 hundred million people would not at all equal to trillions made on the stock market.

In particular: given that scientist working on a vaccine, for pharm.;which spectacularly in a year were successful to develop vaccines , must have learned something from hiv, and the universal vaccine promised to come - resembles the 'cocktail approach - ; I think this may have been foreseeable as well.

The politicization of it, weather it was driven more by public sentiment. or, awareness of scientific credibility, is another uncertain proposition, further aroding any possible resolution between factions.

That’s what I read out of the article. Is that what You similar to Your reading?

Aren’t babies, in certain US States, given tens of dozens of injections that have led to their death? On looking over my own NHS Baby Medical-Book I counted 8 injections in total, from the age of 0 to 15.

The human system can only take so much immune-suppressing drugs… as contained in vaccinations and all jabs, before it ceases to bounce back and recover, and the fitter One is the more damage this will reek on the system, due to having a much more active lifestyle.

Why are vaxx and jabs allowed to contain toxic ingredients though…?

The Amish and other Fundamentalist Christian groups throughout the US have the ‘best’ approach:

Keep Government needles out of your babies and childrens’ arms.

The “vaccine” industry is just a sub-arm of Big Pharma; they’re the same entity. Neither care about human health or welfare.

Blood-Coagulation from the “Vaccines” turns blood into a thick jelly paste.

Pharmacist goes to the police…

npr.org/sections/health-sho … -hard-sell

On the other hand, God has seen to it that when it comes to heart disease, the Amish are one up on us:

“Sometimes, there are good genes and there are really good genes. A recent study of the Amish community and cardiovascular disease suggests that they’ve got a case of the latter.”

Go figure God, right? He creates the covid virus that are killing the unvaccinated Amish, but gives them a break in the heart department.


Imagine being this fucking retarded:


Reiner Fullmich and Wolfgang Wodar discuss premedidtation evident in Batch number lots.

Oh no, it’s fine… that’s perfectly normal and to be expected.

Yea right!
Remember when I told you about my niece-in-law’s grandad/uncle? who was on life support for almost a year and given his last rites, then after barely moving for all that time, one day he sat up, got dressed, and went to his local cafe for an English breakfast and a large cup of tea. Been there, done that already… more than once, and once is one too many times.

Are we supposed to rest our lives away and be unproductive zombified shells, for the sake of something that is amounting to nothing?

Most “Healthcare” systems are bought & owned by Big Pharma.

They make billions and trillions of dollars by selling Tylenol and Advil for $1000.00 in the emergency rooms…

That people believe most doctors actually care about their health, is quite frankly a joke at this point.

The world needs Hero doctors who operate outside the perview of the World Health Organization and Center of Disease Control.

These institutions are corrupt and cannot be trusted.