Changgi (Xiangqi)

Anyone play this game? I’m interested in learning, just wanted to hear of anyone’s experience of it? I can play chess at maybe a low-intermediate level, how similar are the two?

Correction: I actually meant Go, the other board game :unamused: but I’m still interested in Changgi…

I’ve actually started playing Xiangqi relatively recently myself. I really like it a lot. It has enough similarities with Chess that it will feel familiar, but is different enough to keep you interested. What I really like about it is the pace – it is lightening fast and very decisive. Considerably faster than chess and way faster than go. For example, you want to get your power-pieces (the rooks and cannon) out early in the game, as opposed to chess where you want to keep the queen in the back until later.

Go is a different animal entirely. Instead of a decisive victory, it is shades. Instead of stressing offense, it stresses defense. Super-simple, but a whole different mindset. Good stuff.

I knew you’d reply to this thread, I might as well have titled it to you :smiley:

I do like the look of Changgi (Korean Xiangqi) generals and elephants and what not, cool stuff, there’s a channel here called BrainTV which just has go and Changgi on all day, I just have no clue as to what is happening…I read on Wiki that Changgi is much quicker because it is originally a gambling game…trivial information there…I’m going to have to pick up a board…do you play it online at all?

I’m not good enough to play on-line. I still spend a lot of time thinking about my moves. Too long for interacting with humans who know how to play the game, I’d really piss people off (or just suck). I’ve gotten good enough to reliably beat the computer at the hardest level, at least on some of the shitty versions I’ve downloaded.

But don’t cannon have to jump to move (as well as capture) in Korean Xiangqi? That would mess me up.

I have no idea just yet, I do know there are differences though, I know the Chinese board has a river and the Korean one doesn’t…I’m going to have to hunt me down an intro book!