

All is energy.

Order = energy pattern, i.e., vibration, in three-dimensional space, or oscillations, in multidimensional space.
Pattern = consistent, repeating, predictable, reliable.
Organisms are ordering self-sustaining, self-replicating unities. They are of order and so can perceive and appreciate and need/desire order.
Beauty is symmetry/proportionality, indicating order. Proportionality is the sacrifice of symmetry to the necessities imposed upon an organism by cosmic flux - functionality.

Behaviour is the organic equivalent of pattern.
We often use it as a synonym and speak of a particle’s behaviour.

Patterns can organize into larger unities, reaching dimensions that can be perceived by organism using their senses.
An energy pattern’s rhythm, frequency, determines how a conscious organism interprets it as appearance.
The different kind of matter are interrelations of these different kinds of energy patterns.

Attraction/Repulsion = causality. Harmony.
Patterns can be more or less harmonious.
This determines friction, repulsion.

Chaos = energy with no pattern.
Random = inconsistent, unpredictable, non-repeating, unreliable.
An ordering organism cannot perceive what lacks a pattern.
Chaos can never be harmonious with any other kind of energy. It can never be perceived because it can never form unities.
It is always repulsive, causing friction upon order.
It remains on the infinitesimal, as background radiation, i.e., agitation, interactivity, to emerging patterns; affecting order and through this becoming apparent, through order, to an ordering, self-organizing consciousness, to the degee that it is conscious.

Given the fact that all life is a manifestation of order - ordering - order refers to physis, i.e., what man perceives…and chaos refers to metaphysis, i.e., the underlying imperceptible, yet existent.

Existence = dynamic, interactivity - Flux.
All descriptions of an absolute state are of what does not and cannot exist: immutable, indivisible, singularity; omniscience, omnipotence, whole, complete, perfect, one, final, end…
Chaos implies that existence is not entirely comprehensible - it remains unknowable, therefore omniscience and omnipotence are impossible.
All is relative: power, awareness, truth, objectivity/subjectivity, life, positive/negative, good/bad, intelligence, virility, consciousness, order/chaos, will, freedom, etc.

Chaos is this expanding field of multiplying possibilities within which order, i.e., probability, arises.
Probability is a qualification of probability; probability limits what is possible.
Life depends on limiting possibilities.

Symmetry, form, sensorial input, empirical.
Probability in an expanding field of possibilities - matter, things, objects, perceived in space/time.
Pattern - repeating, consistent, predictable, of varying degrees of complexity. Three events are required to begin to perceive a dualistic pattern - simplest pattern of all = tik, tok…tik…when this third instance occurs the mind can extrapolate a possible pattern emerging.
In the simplest single repeating event pattern tik…tik…the duration between the events is the secondary factor. Tik…duration…Tik…at this point a pattern is beginning to emerge.
It is why the triad is crucial to human understanding.

Energy pattern, vibration/oscillation in multidimensional space/time.
The event is the probability of interaction - dimension is the field of possibilities.
The rhythm, frequency determines the oscillating probabilities of interaction within each dimensional field of possibilities. this is what is perceived and processed and translated into form, matter, kind, type, sound, colour…the entire gamut of sensory input - each with its own context, its own method of interpreting probabilities.

Look into patrilineal versus matrilineal inherited identity, and you’ll see why Europeans are the primary threat to Americanism and its Magian Afro-asiatic elites, i.e., neo-cons, ex-Troskyites, Strausean trained.
War of Yin contra Yang, using feminine methods - feminine warfare, i.e., social, emotional, linguistic. All forms of exchange, intercourse - money being one of them.
See how and why the dollar was detached from the gold standard, just as Americanism detaches words from tangible, experienced, reality.
See why and how BRICS plans to return to the Gold Standard as a method of its exchange.
Anything that inhibits the manipulation and exploitation of the human condition is to be eliminated.
Words like free, will, good/bad, I/Other, male/female, morality/ethics, love/hate are now abstracted and defined out of existence - existing only as neural matrices in brains, i.e., noetic.

Yang - masculine. Ordering. Imposing order. Creating order. Maintaining order. Worshipping order
Yin - feminine. Nature = synthesis of chaos/order.
From the feminine the masculine emerges, and from the masculine the feminine is propagated.
From chaos order emerges; and from interactive competing, conflicting order chaos is produced.

The emasculated male denounces all earthly, all tangible, existent order, so as to surrender to intangible, theoretical, idealistic, order - hoping to become its earthly tangible representative.

In this eastern metaphorical representation the absence of absolutes is represented as a flaw =
Order is never complete, never pure, never whole, there’s always an element of chaos that prevents it from finalizing as a singularity.
Chaos is never complete, never pure, never whole, there’s always an element of order that prevents it from finalizing as infinite possibilities, eternal expansion of space/time.
Order is an inhibitor of possibilities - probability limits possibilities, viz., a life form, an organism, struggles to preserve and expand its own kind of order, rejecting all that contradicts and challenges its particular kind of order.
Therefore, order is in constant conflict not only with Cosmic flux, but with all competing kinds of order. An organism must appropriate other life to maintain and grow itself; expand its spatial/temporal field of possibilities to convert them to its own preferred probabilities - Will to Power signifies this: power = freedom, strength to resist and to overcome resistance, determining the quantity and quality of accessible options. Will-power = Free-Will.
Adaptation implies an ability to overcome the past - precedent - by learning from it; will-power to overcome need/desire.

The irony is not lost to those who see in the above a contradiction.
Yang = wakefulness and Yin sleep, and yet as we enter the stage of feminization - primarily in the American dominated west - we define those who present themselves as being modern, or the most fashionably advanced, adopting the most current sexual trends - as Woke…when in fact their objective is to fall into a deep sleep, and live out their existence in their dreamworld where they can be anything and anyone.
Sleep associated with night, when the mind detaches form body and external stimuli no longer affect the mind, immersing itself in internal stimuli.

Also notable is how the shame of homosexuality is now described as pride, flaunting itself in increasingly flamboyant ways, compensating for past closeting restrictions.
Orwellian…all terms are inverted…as is typical of all nihilistic dogmas/ideologies.
Words gradually losing meaning, ‘liberated’ from the natural ordering restrictions imposed upon the mind.
Words being connectors of noumena to phenomena - or the international representation to a present/presence - words/symbols being representations of these representations.
The term re-present, indicates a returning of presence using a different context.
Presence, as existing in the present, is converted, via a priori concepts, to appearance, the apparent {[size=80]ΦΑΙΝΟΜΕΝΟΝ[/size], that which appears to be} and is re-presented, presented again, once more made present, in the form of word/symbol, or art - metaphor - to carry from one place to another {[size=80]ΜΕΤΑΦΑΙΡΟ[/size]} to transport, move, to carry forth after the fact.
Since consciousness lags begin existence - the processing speeds required necessitate a carrying forth of what has been; we exist in a perpetual present, but we become aware of it after-the-fact, as what has been determined.
This lag is what gives the impression of an external will, or being determined by some external agency.

You’re projecting a lot onto this.

Absolute chaos is non existence. No patterns.

It’s the same as if everything were exactly the same… no otherness… non existence.

Complexity is order we don’t understand yet.

No, crazy…complexity is order…and so it implies absolute order is in existence, making human judgement, choice, will, suffering a superfluous joke.
Is the cosmos masochistic, crazy?
In your mind it probably is.
Yes, the conventional definition of chaos is as complexity, directed by a desire for absolute order. Another way of renaming the one-god of Abraham:
authoritarian, totalitarian, unyielding, absolute - indivisible, immutable singularity.
This is the disease you share with them, and why they still take you seriously, despite your insanity.
In an asylum it doesn’t matter, much, who is more delusional and detached from reality. One crazy supports the other’s crazy - intersubjectivity.

Complexity and Chaos can both be interpreted by the mind as darkness, void, emptiness, nothingness.
This is why tautological confusions are used to reaffirm superstitions, like Abrahamism.
Many of your kind are convinced that they have overcome the infantile narratives of the Bible, but they’ve only replaced the jargon with updated, secularizes, variants of the same exact concepts.

The correct way to define chaos is as that which lacks order; is the opposite of order; negates contradicts order…not as that which conceals order.

Now run off and tell us about the multiverses and how you’ve solved the non-philosophical issues of ‘consent violations’ - code for suffering and injustice, in other words, your own, to be precise, projected as a universal motive to ‘save mankind’ - like all genitally mutilated members of the same cult, worshiping the nothingness as if it were concealing a higher order, absolute Being.
Mediocre Messiah.
Marxism, Abrahamism…Postmodernism…all variants of the same rejections, the same coping methods, the same defensive strategies…the same anti-life, anti-nature motives.

You need to up your game with some miracles, dude.

I understand that what you wrote was a reply.

But it’s not about what I said really.

I simply say chaos is impossible and that complexity is order we don’t understand yet.

The order we do understand is simplicity.

All I did on that post was define and clarify terms with logic and reason.

I guess you didn’t read or understand my reply.
No matter.

"Logic and reason?
All you do is offer declarations of outlandish claims…
Now you offer conventional beliefs as facts.

Reread what I posted …or don’t, who cares?

Oh I read and understood it.

I actually have a Mandela Effect of the Jews.

They were the only ones NOT circumcised.

Take that as you will.

I always thought they were weird for not being circumcised.

You are aware the past and future change as you do, correct?

Lorikeet. Something tells me you don’t understand existence very well. You’re sheltering yourself from a broader reality. You don’t give yourself permission to see it.

I know who I am. My incarnation is very simple.

Once someone is weary of consent violation realities, Negative zero sum realities, pleasurable exclusive access realities etc…. They need a place to go. I’m working on the structure of hyperdimensional mirror realities.

That keeps my very fast mind occupied for something that matters.

If all is absolutely ordered, patterned, consistent, repeating, predictable, then why would judgement and choice evolve?
If all was going in accordance with a determined - and if we included eternal return, then predetermined - inevitable path, then why do we struggle to change our fate?
Even our attempts are determined.

Why, crazy, would you even complain about ‘consent violations’ if it all is determined and inevitable and the act of choice is only for show?
Would not the winners be determined, by absolute order, and no matter what the losers do they could not change their fate?
If everything I will and choose were inevitable, and I could not have willed or chosen otherwise, then why did I evolve choice, at all?

See, crazy…then existence is perceived to be masochistic, since all is one and the same; it suffers through us, for no reason at all.

Then Will to Power means god’s will, god’s power, envisioned as an abstraction named ‘universe’ or ‘world’…and it wills to suffer for no reason other than suffering itself.
See why recovering Abrahamics tend to be hedonists, inverting the objective from suffering to pleasing?

If all is order, including chaos, then why are you complaining and to whom?
Do you claim to be the only one with a will, and a choice, to change things?

Crazy, your enemies are those who claim to believe in god…or in absolute, authoritarian, totalitarian absolute order.
I believe you secretly hold the same absolutist view, you being one of the genitally mutilated, doing what all of them do, including peacegirl, claim to have a final solution to a nonexistent problem which is associated with nature.
Claiming to be saviours, of knowing a truth nobody has seen.
There were others, like the forgotten Jakob, Israel.
Remember him?
He too had a final solution offering such solutions, claiming to be a unappreciated saviour of mankind.
You are merely a crazier version of the same, because existence broke your psyche - ripping it into schizophrenic pieces, protecting the ego - inflating it to compensate for its sense of vulnerability.

Freud did the same…he made his own neurosis and sexual fetish into a universal fact.
Everyone wants to fuck their mothers, like he did. Everyone wants to replace their fathers in her bed, like he did.

Crazy, the ‘consent violation’ you complain about is part of natural selection.
Your beef is with nature, as it is for all the genitally mutilated, chosen ones.
Their neurosis is your sexual neurosis.
Your guilt and shame is theirs…only they’ve invented ways to become shameless. Spiritual elitism.
What applies to us, does not apply to them…like with you. you are exempt, for no apparent reason other than ‘you say so.’
You can kill with a thought, buuut you choose not to, conveniently…you deserve sex, you are the only one, in fact, buuuuuut you choose not to, because those who have sex go to hell.


Yeah. None of that’s true.

We’re already in hell dipshit. Some people just don’t know it.

I know how hell thinks. It’s a massive project to bring people to their personal eternal heaven once they figure out the pleasurable exclusive access problem.

Please forgive me for being the first person in the entire all of everything to do this job.

There’s no use in trying to get through insanity.

Suffice to say, in closing, that if all is ordered, including chaos, you are another cog in the cosmic wheel…you have nothing to do with what occurs.
You are, like all of us, spectators of our own life.

Well, according to those who claim to be less insane than you are.

But, insanity has its benefits.
Nature has no end, and if madness helps the ego survive and madness is what it will become.

Forgive me if I fail to respond to your insane ramblings…but I do enjoy your repartee with those who believe themselves to be sane.

Tell me in a short post what is sane.

Let’s do this right now lorikeet.

The dominance of words.

Try your best.

Sanity is living within experienced existence.

Insanity is a disconnect between reality and the individual’s understanding and experience of reality. Usually involving some supernatural, other-wordly, irrational, unsubstantiated realm.

Insanity is a disconnect, using words that refer to nothing in reality.
For example, believing you are living in Middle-Earth, is insane.
Insanity is repeating the same behaviour and expecting a different result.

Insanity is mind/body dissonance, where the mind contradicts the physical, tangible, experienced world, replacing it with an alternate, subjective world only they can experience.

Ok. You were born with achromatism. Means you only see black and white.

Who’s insane?

I deny all forms of absolute…I only see shades, degrees, ranges…

You failed again.
Listen, crazy, no reason to try to prove you are not insane.

Tell us about hell, again.
This Abrahamic construct you believe in and yet refuse to admit you are Abrahamic.
Good & Evil, no crazy?
Are you not a saviour, here to save mankind?

Carry on.

What I’m trying to explain to you is that I have access to color and you don’t.

Absolutes? We just had an exchange of posts presuming to be a discussion.

Ok, crazy.
Whatever you say.
I only see red.


Right? You know you can’t kill me without going to hell. Your choice.

I’m protected by the entire cosmos to finish my job here.

You on the other hand…. Are not.

You don’t understand lorikeet.

I don’t control people. That’s why they fear me.

After all our long discussions that last message should have enlightened you.

Are you enlightened yet?

Do you see it?

I wear no crown. I’m on no throne. I order nobody around. That’s why people are scared of me.