The Catholic church has been harbouring peadophiles (at least, thats what all the evidence points to). The reality probably is - its not so much that the Church is evil as it is behind the times. Child abuse used to be the kind of thing no one talked about, when it occured it generally got swept under the carpet because it was all so embarrasing. That was true 50 years ago or more, but hasn’t been true for at least the last two decades. As always, though, Churches (filled with OAPs like the Pope) are behind the times.
This isn’t a new thing. When Britain abolished slavery, it had to pay compensation to Church of England Bishops who were still keeping slaves. By this time, most educated people had twigged that there was something pretty wrong about slavery, but the Church of England was (predictably) set in the middle ages when villienage and other forms of slavery were still fine - they saw nothing wrong with a good old bit of slavery.
Surely anybody who looks to these instituions as their moral guides is barking? They are clearly run by old people out of touch with modern evolutions in what is right and wrong. They are always harking on about ‘traditional values’ - because thats all they can remember. But old values are outdated values - and the new ones are generally better (like the newfound intorelation of peadophilia).