Clinton and Obama behind Russia Collusion HOAX

Now proved and in the open, looks like Intelligence agencies are preparing to throw the political-left under the bus… interesting turn of events…


I gotta ask, have you ever posted anything, ANYTHING, that wasn’t already
put on Faux News? Your every post seems to mirror every single report on
Faux News…I would say you have an completely empty mind and you need
faux news to fill it with, something, anything…

I heard a description of William Jennings Bryant, that fits you to a T.

if he ever had a thought, it would die of loneliness in the empty desert
of his mind…

fits you to a T.


Truth is invisible in the black light of hate.

K: Ok, so no… every single post you make is simply something you
saw on Faux news… that’s good to know…as advertise… as we used to say in
liar’s dice…you have no intelligence and no imagination…hence
your reliance on faux news to tell you what to think…and what to be against…
if Faux news ever went out of business, you would never post again around here…


Interesting self-reflection, PK, glad that you’re finally becoming self-conscious and making intellectual progress though. Keep up the good work!

why you still on this?? trump got voted out. his term is over. he didnt build the wall he just cut taxes for the rich. he lost by a landslide.

Stay on topic.

If you want to discuss Trump’s 2020 Presidential win, when you exclude illegal & false votes, then start a new thread.

This thread is about Obama and Clinton using the Federal government illegally.

K: Jeez, I hate dealing with 3 year old children.


As a related sideline, the case of Dr’s Jonathan Tobey can be interesting , to point to a more comprehensive and encompassing major political conflict.

That the motive for selling out the US has not yet
been established, things are beggining to trickle through the grapewine.

Money can’t be the sole object, because they were making in excess of 200,000 dollars a year.
An idea that some analysts suggested was a remark that the wife made during the attack on Congress by Trumpian fans, that she , along with her husband hated Trump with a passion.

They lived practically on the event’s doorstep, (Annapolis) enjoying way over upper class benefits.

He could have made money, for sure, but it was an emotional retribution which was basically the tour de’force.

On account of the heightened political tension of that time, can understanding not but befuddle such emotional outburst, among the partisan elite?

Just thought that the current ran deeper then the Steel Dossier points to, and that this case is examplary of the disconnect perpetuated by the intelligence agencies.
Media do not really help matters much , and maybe mass confusion does have some remote benefits.

The husband was a decorated naval officer, and his conversation with the buyer(s) seemed to indicate a support of the agenda contrary to his country’s interest.

Some speculate the buyer of the intelligence to be Russia or China, since it consisted in acquiring basic tech. info into the latest stealth nuclear sub that exists in the US arsenal.

K: ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the ILP version of Hiroo Onoda…


And I give you The Wall Street Journal -

but he lost tho

Removing illegal and fraud from 2020, Trump won by a landslide. Trump third-term incoming 2024.

yeah they looked over all that. youre wrong. he lost. bigly.

Arizona Audit proved Marxist defrauded the election, over 50,000 fraudulent votes.

K: actually, the Audit showed the Biden won by more votes then previously thought…
but we know you don’t care about the truth or reality… so hold on to your
fantasies how IQ45 won the last election… it ain’t true…

so give us your proof, your evidence that the election was stolen by “50,000” votes…

whereas I can easily give proof that biden won the last election… without lying,
unlike you who needs to lie about the election results…


it wasn’t the steele dossier that started the mueller probe. it was george papadopoulos getting drunk and self snitching to an australian diplomat who then alerted the fbi.

rwnj media doesn’t want to deal with that because it’s not so easy to dismiss it all when a dude straight up snitches on himself.

Fake News -

The US CIA told the FBI that Mr Papadopoulos was working for them. An FBI staffer then changed that memo to read the opposite - that Mr Papadopoulos did NOT work for them. The staffer was eventually arrested and convicted (long after the damage was done - of course).