What good will logic do you when and if science proves religion is true?
Religion…Most religion defies logic, as does 90% of the Universe.
have you studdied any Chaos theory? You might find that the theories in themselves are completely Illogical as is most of what I write…However, Very few disagree with me on such matters.
Perhaps I am wrong in everything it is certainly possible, Perhaps I am right…
I prefer to think of myself as Neither. But that wont stop me from debateing somthing.
Why debate when there is no real point or you dont care if your wrong or right?
Because I can.
Because most of what I say can not be refuted simply because I believe in an Infinate Universe and can defend any topic Indefinantly with infinite possibilities.
and really this is the most important one…To Learn.
Learn what you ask? Anything I desire. I have no limitations to what I will say or do or what illusion’s I will present to see the reactions and mind’s of other’s. How you think, How you live, How you tick, from the inside of your mind’s eye to the outside of your death…And beyond.
You see Unlike you I “know” the Universe is Infinate. And I “know” what’s beyond Death. But than again…Im not Human either now am I…Or is that just another illusion???..Perhaps I am Human…Maybe. Than again I could be Lucifer as I claim to be in another Post.
But that would mean your turning from God was a mistake wouldn’t it?
Anyway, You cant defeat a being who is the oposite of logic with logic, simply because that being will use it to defeat you…And will win, every time because unlike the one who believes in logic and binds themself to it, the Being who doesnt has no bound’s and is Infinate.
So please dont throw Logic at me, I’ll laugh at you, then I’ll smash your reality to pieces and watch you struggle to pick them up and put them back together to form the frail reality which is your life…Actualy I wont…Because you wont comprehend most of what I say, Just as your takeing this personal rather than seeing it for what it really is…Oh wait, now your thinking…What?WTF???
And if your answer to the above is: No I haven’t taken it personal or some other rehtoric, Then please instead of replying with a problematic answer, reply istead with what this IS I have written and well see what happen’s.
Have fun.