Continuation of my topics...

Isn’t that some sort of discrimination?

They must have banned him a long long time ago, because these days I’d hazard a guess that there’s almost nothing anyone could say that would get them banned.

You should register a new account, Ec. Call yourself something like “Approach Escalation” or “No Means Yes” and everyone from ILP will know who you are. Or, actually, you can just go with “Ecmandu Marr”.

And seriously, what kind of forum bans people and then doesn’t provide a mechanism to lift that ban?

Look at it from my perspective for a moment.

I know every type of being has traversed earth.

That means…. For the whole cosmos. I’m the singularity for this.

That’s a lot to take in for a person.

Especially…. That it was a heterosexual male who figured it out first.

Lots of bumps on the road navigating these concepts…

Also…. Lots of “fuck I’m the most important being ever” and lots of, “none of this matters because it wasn’t taught earlier than me”.

The only thing I have left is evolution.

Stupid simple shit like “ nobody wants consent violation” was never uttered in the cosmos before me.

No being. Not one.

You have no idea how much that fucks with my head.

I always try to keep a cool head.

I’m very thankful for the kindnesses.

I’m tired of the bait and switch. Because I’m the singularity for this concept, people call me god and wish to punish me forever.

Or they use the, “all that you are is given by god and can be taken away at anytime if you don’t obey and try to think… you arrogant piece of shit Jason.”

There is a line…. “At some point over the course of the infinite and eternal, all beings in their own way will grapple with what I grapple with.”

Being the singularity for this concept.

Our job is to work to forgive and better reality.

If it fails. Everyone loses. Forever.

Not just one person, but everyone. Infinity is a long time to eventually be in my shoes in your own way. It’s inevitable.

Someday, somewhere, you’re going to be a hyperempath and always hurt when others hurt.

You’re going to find the sentence, “consent violation is the only problem in existence”

You’ll also find the sentence, “everyone gets everything they want at the expense of not one single being, is the goal of life”

You’ll also see the power.

Once you have graduated, you’ll wonder why there’s no diploma for you.

And then you’ll know what I know.

Everyone is eventually condemned forever.

Unless…. My solution becomes true.

This has an easy solution.

First, make sure she is an adult in body and mind.

Second, make sure she is saying yes, and never no, the entire time (periodic checks).

Third, do an after action review for quality control.

Fourth, echo her feedback when you’re ready to improve.

Works for males or females.

Probably. Requires folks who appreciate the scientific method, including peer review.

Too far right or left prolly not gonna be … firing on all cylinders.

Apparently I never replied to this.

Nobody has billions of friends. If they do, the friendship is likely very surface-level, or the definition of friendship is way off. And the 40+ year relationship should be the deepest one, or what’s the freaking point. It’s a matter of where you most invest your limited time and energy. The folks you keep in your life the longest should be those you treasure/appreciate most & who most treasure/appreciate you. If you have a stayer, stay back harder, and they’ll do the same, and you’ll just keep multiplying off each other until you never want to leave or unstay. If someone leaves, it’s usually because the other stopped staying harder… or just stopped staying, period.

Because there was perhaps unresolved consent violation. Because one/both were not down with peer review.

The scientific method is very, very important.

You don’t have to lose all your friends, you just have to redefine friendship. If your “herd” includes a bunch of free-sex cows, your main cow ain’t gonna give milk. Perv. lol jk

But srsly.

You’re not responding to content.

I am totally FUBAR because I’m the singularity for the approach escalation causes all war problem. No means yes problem. (Male to female) homosexuals not stating it to have clean sex.

Totally fubar for the singularly of the, “consent violation is the only problem in existence problem”

Totally fubar that the goal of life is that everyone gets everything they desire at no expense to anyone singularity.

If a female or homosexual had figured this out …

I would not be totally fucked up beyond recognition.

Because I was a male, it fucks my whole life up.

I have lots to be grateful for….

My necessary eternal condemnation is not one of them.

I’ve told you this before…. Someday you’ll be where I am in your own way, and you’ll realize that everyone EVENTUALLY goes to hell forever if this problem isn’t solved.

You’re the type of person who doesn’t see exclusion of the best as a problem.

So we really don’t think alike.

Some people might call me dumb.

I’m not dumb to know that it should have NEVER been a heterosexual male who first observed and articulated it.

You claim you can have any woman you want. How can I know that it’s true? How about an example? SUppose that Ichthus lived where you live. How would you approach her? What would you do?

Seriously. Magnus. This is the first time I’ve ever thought you were retarded.

How I’d approach a woman?

I’m a heterosexual male in a sex dimorphic species.

I can’t approach women in the ways you conjure.

Someone just got a 48 hr ban for saying something only slightly more inflammatory than this. Please, ec, behave yourself.

Yes. You said you can have any woman you want but that you’d have to use “approach escalation”. I would love to see an example of that.


I’ve also stated that if I had 24 hours to get laid I’d be shot dead. Why? Because I have integrity.

No woman on earth would be shot in this game.

I don’t want to defend Ecmandu but to say that what Lorikeet wrote in that other thread is “only slightly more inflammatory” than what Ecmandu said in the above quote is a serious understatement. Pretty much every single word in that Lorikeet’s opening post is an insult. And he wrote a lot of words.

That said, Ecmandu should definitely behave. Just remember Ec, you are banned on all other forums.

Read my above post Magnus. It’s called truth.

You might want to try it sometime.

So you won’t tell us how you’d seduce women?

That’s funny. I don’t seduce women. I tell the truth.