Contrary to…

Is it contrary to reason, is it contrary to judgment, or is it contrary to understanding, and what is it worse to be contrary to—or is it equally erroneous to be contrary to any of them? If you are contrary to one, are you also contrary to the other two, if all three are required?

Reason makes sure memes & genes are consistent with reality — IDEAS (oughtness feels consistent)

Judgment makes sure laws/justification and being harmonize with the point (love despite circumstances) — INTUITIONS (endness resonates)

Understanding processes and crystalizes what it can grasp of the consistency & harmony or lack of it — CONCEPTS (isness feels like you’ve got a grasp on it)

Read Kant’s Critique of Judgment as a refresher.

no takers, eh?

not even so much as a nibble?

Just sticking this here randomly, contrary to or perhaps just surpassing reason, better judgment, and all understanding, so help me God.

self-recognition survival instinct (higher: truth impulse)
other-recognition defense instinct (higher: impulse for good)
reproduction pleasure instinct (higher: impulse for beauty/wholeness)

