Coronavirus Hoax

Yup, science, or mainstream science, or scientism, has become a religion.
It didn’t start out like that.
Just as there’s always been spirituality and informal philosophy, there’s always been informal science.
Science formalized itself, became more experimental and observational in the renaissance and early enlightenment.

It started small and slowly expanded its sphere of influence.
It began as natural philosophy before breaking off.
It was confined to the natural and physiological domains before developing an interest in the social and psychological ones.

Originally the scientific community was broadly libertarian in the sense that, they just gave people information based on what they’d observed.
Medical science made recommendations and offered advice about health, but it didn’t tell people what to do.
Originally science knew its place, it wasn’t the entirety of human knowledge, it was an important part of it, along with spiritual, supernatural religion, philosophy and the wisdom of the people.
Originally science was more pluralistic, for example in the 19th and early 20th century there were at least 4 schools of scientific medicine in the west widely recognized as valid, but gradually it narrowed down to just one, allopathy or germ theory, whereas naturopathy or terrain theory and the others were sidelined.

But gradually this idea arose that only mainstream science had real knowledge of anything, and that it had the right to dictate policy to the people and politicians.
After Europeans distanced themselves from immaterial, incorporeal religion, we turned to democracy, liberty and equality, but slowly new authoritarians appeared.
Fascism and Nazism was a revival of Christian or pagan authoritarianism, but modernized.
Communism in theory was democratic and equalitarian, but in practice oligarchic and elitist.

However, I believe there is a new authoritarianism emerging.
It’s not communism, not in practice nor in theory, nor is it a revival of Christian or pagan authoritarianism.
Theocracy will be replaced with technocracy and a new caste system will emerge based on eugenics and a total monopolization of wealth and power.
Or at least that’s their plan.
The people won’t accept it (just yet).
They’ll tell us it’s for the greater good.
That scientists, financiers and Ai are going to be running things from now on.

For the most part I’m not a Social Darwinist.
Just because I’m against this government intervention, doesn’t mean I’m against any and all government intervention.
I think liberty is important, but so is the greater good.
But ideally the people ought to play a large role in determining what the greater good is, that is if they don’t want to be enslaved.

They are few, we are many.
We’ll be easier to manage if there’s fewer of us.
With Ai and machines, they’re running out of things for us to do for them, especially the simpler among us.
They want to fill the earf with more of themselves or rewild some of it, not with us.
The millions or billions who can’t be re-educated will have to be eliminated.

The soft kill is already here, the soft metals and toxins in the air, food, water and vax are here, the 4 and 5G, chemtrails, fluoride, aluminum and mercury in the vax.
2nd and 3rd wave feminism, planned parenthood and the promotion of transsexualism.
Autism rates are skyrocketing, cancer, diabetes, infertility and obesity rates are soaring.
Whites and yellows aren’t replacing themselves, and pretty soon browns won’t be either, only African blacks will be, but they’re working on them too.


if any of that is true, i applaud based on how old a particular conspiracy ‘plan’ is and how well its going. so the question is, is this:

… something that was seen coming by the conspirers long on advance? if so, they get my applause if they planned to do all these things to slow the reproduction rates of human populations. lol i remember reading online somewhere a note or letter supposedly written by an illuminati ‘official’ that goes on to explain how we should be thankful for what we have because without their control, shit would be far worse. stuff about earth’s population being unchecked and left to reproduce disproportionately in favor of more primitive people, bringing up the third world populations. now you either gotta utilze these people and make them productive, or you gotta get rid of them because they become an economic burden. as it stands, and has for hundreds of years, the kind of disparity a global free market creates between the potential productive capacities of a particular population and their actual productive capacities is what puts the full potential of modernization in jeopardy… not only a slowing down of the overall technological advancement of the planet (resources aren’t allocated and organized properly because people are in competition for them), but also generating a very exploitative relationship between the underdeveloped countries and the capitalist imperialists that guide their development. in a sense the modernization of those countires is what the capitalist wants to avoid, because with an increase in economic power comes the power to negotiate your prices and demands.

now the illuminati guys see this coming… the knew long in advance the idustrial revolution - the unique way it was - would lead to possible outcome x, and they had to have a plan to resolve outcome x when it happened. late stage capitalism and the systemic conflicts it produces worldwide is this outcome. they see the population explosions and the asymmetrical rates of industrialization all over the world and these niggas know they gotta stop it with the new world order. see they thinking four hundred years at a time, bro. that’s what i’m talkin bout… that’s impressive, not reprehensible. i applaud that shit.

anyway the illuminati dude went on and on about the great things they’ve done behind the scenes that if we knew about, we’d by like ‘right on, bruh’. i doubt the credibility of the document, but the meaning is not lost on its inauthenticity, be that as it may. we can imagine there being a secret society that the public is mistakenly afraid of… when in fact the secret society is responsible for everything society so appreciates.

you gotta think like one of nietzsche’s masters. your business is not always what is ‘good’ in the marketplace, but what must be done to create a ‘good’… in the same way an artist creates a work just because it’s difficult, just to see if they can do it. we’re looking more at the audacity and nerve before such difficult questions as ‘what to do with man’, and how amoral one can remain when answering that question.

here masters play with ‘ideals’ not because they are totally concerned with what is ‘the better for man’, but because they would be beautiful works of art if realized in practice. the visions alone of socialism and nationalism are two such stimuli for these artist-masters who want to design societies. but whatever the case may be, none of these ‘ideals’ involve a danger for man the species. there may be some drastic population reduction and radically rearranged governments with new laws and shit, but man will continue to be protected and improved on his way to merging with AI. yeah i said it. man is about to become gah’d.

Setting aside whether 9/11 was something other than what the official story was, it was used to usher in radical changes in law enforcement, surveillance, money for black ops, rights to privacy, and more.

Here we have a vastly more extensive event and whether or not the lockdows are good or bad, or whether the virus is a false flag or not, etc., it can still be seen as an opportunity by those who dislike freedom, privacy, mobility and individual control. … tire-city/ … avirus-law … power.html … nt-powers/ … -emergency

That’s just a broad quick sampling based on a broad quick search. I think this is the kind of thing that needs to be monitored. Governments, even ones we call democracies, have a habit of not relinquishing these types of powers and exteneding the crisis. We know there are people who want this kind of shift of power. How hard would it have been for them to plop the virus down in China?

I missed the first half of this by a couple days; I made this prediction on 4/1, and we’re at 430k today, (4/8). At the current daily case rate, it will be about two days until 500k.

And I think the second half of the prediction will also miss, probably by a week or so. The doubling rate appears to have fallen, and I’m glad to be wrong here.

This was on 4/3, so still have time, but given I got that first prediction wrong I should update my priors and reconsider my other expectations.

For context this means 100k new daily cases (=10k hospitalizations per day) by ~4/17 and 200k new daily cases by 5/1. Given that my last prediction failed by over-estimating the rate of increase of new daily cases, this prediction will probably fail. I also misapplied the doubling rate to the cases/day, rather than to the total cases, so this estimate is likely off by a factor of 2 or more. I expect daily new cases to rise, but I am not very confident that they will rise higher than 40-50k, and I don’t know the timeline.

So to update my predictions:
500k by Monday (4/13).
1m by the end of that week (4/18).
The doubling rate is at 5 days, so if that holds we’d expect 4x (1.6m) on the 17th, so 1m by the 18th is conservative (but NB my earlier “conservative” overestimate).

How does this view match with the increasing number (and rate) of deaths? Were 2000 people dying of COVID every day before we started testing?

If only there were a way to check, we wouldn’t have to assume at all!

The mortality rate is still quite high. The main change has been demographic: young people face a risk of death comparable to the flu, but for old people the disease is very dangerous. So its lowest morality by age demographic is still comparable to a very serious illness, and people over 45 face risks many many multiple higher. You’re right that that’s not as bad as people were expecting, but it is still very bad.

And it’s also worth considering that a disease that is very very deadly is not likely to kill you. Something that kills in 1% of cases is super deadly by disease standards, but each individual who gets it is very likely to survive.

My understanding of fever reducers is that the fever itself is harmful. Human bodies don’t operate well outside of the normal temperature range, it’s destructive to have a fever. The gamble is that the body can withstand it longer than the disease can. In the context in which that reaction evolved, that trade-off may have been worth it. It does not follow that the same trad-off is worth it now. With more sophisticated medical backstops (e.g. intubation), the fever may do more harm than good.

This isn’t a fair characterization. To the extent there is a breakdown (my Amazon deliveries say otherwise), it is caused by the disease and not by the reaction to it.

The difference is that an individual can do a lot more on their own to avoid dying of alcoholism, drug overdose, or suicide, and even driving. To avoid dying of a pandemic takes broader cooperation.

That’s a lovely theory. Still, 1) the market didn’t crash in reaction to those later lockdowns, and 2) that observation is compatible with a lot of other narratives that are as or more plausible (like “millions of people getting sick and hundreds of thousands of people dying is bad for business.”).

Ah, I didn’t realize we were engaging in speculative fiction. Carry on.

One way to answer this is by comparing the testing numbers to case numbers. For example, we can see if state-by-state case numbers are correlated to test numbers. They don’t appear to be.

Is the standard based on intuition, or is there some articulable line where you’d be OK with intervention? Some number of deaths? Some delta of deaths?

To that latter question, do you have a working estimate of how many people will die from the economic downturn? I estimated 60k based on a paper out of Brazil, of which I am not that confident. Multiply that by the percentage of the downturn attributable to the intervention/loss of freedom, and then compare to the lives saved by reducing the spread of COVID. Is that a reasonable approach to distinguishing acceptable and unacceptable interventions? Or is there something else?

I’m setting up a task force of ILP intellectuals to build models based on statistical analyses, which I will then present to the white house and to officials of WHO and the CDC.

After running them by Turd of course.

Sure, but people were acting, here at least, like getting it was a near death sentence. I would tell them that 83 percent of people over 80 survive. Not to diminish the large loss of life that entails, that’s still pretty good percentages for an individual. People were being scared and are still being scared out of proportion to the threat. And this, as I said, adds to a negative placebo. And I would think the elderly would be especially vulnerable to thinking ‘this is it’ which is precisely the opposite attitude survivors of all sort of deadly illnesses are best off having.

You have to get quite high for a fever to be dangerous.

No, this is incorrect. A fever is part of the body’s attack on the infection/virus. Even a well educated person like you is under this misconception. Viruses and bacteria do not like the higher temperaures. Of course this is not enough, it is just part of the bodies response to the intrusion.

And with most fevers the body does just fine, which is precisely why we evolved to have fevers. Nothing you are saying contradicts the problem with an uninformed public thinking that these things help fight the disease, which many think, since they think of the fever as part of the virus rather than the body’s positive response to the virus. And they are given no guidelines for when to break a fever. And there are other ways to fight a very than taking pills that suppress immune response. These things are anti-immflamatories. What’s immflation, well in part it is the bodies response to the virus.

Ibuprophin is one of the worst. It is well documented to suppress the production of antibodies. Yeah, mull that over.

But it is true in general for these medicines…

Notice that, especially true regarding the people who make up the majority of the deaths by covid19, the elderly. They should not be breaking fevers unless they are very high, certainly nothing under 103F.

And, again, it is not the only way to reduce a fever. There are methods that do not inhibit immune response AT ALL and in fact may stimulate it.

And then you know people are going to take those pill for muscle pains and aches and physical discomfort, headaches which are one of the symptoms and sore throats. Now, I am sorry, we are being screamed at that this is a deadly disease, but people are not being disuaded to inhibit their immune systems because they are uncomfortable ( yes, sometimes extremely). I’m sorry, deal with that pain if the damn thing is so deadly. I had some pretty severe muscle and skin pain. Felt like broken glass under the skin. Not necessarily worse than a bad, normal flu, but different. Seriously, we are so used to not letting our bodies do their stuff. I have sympathy for wanting magic bullets and all but it’s not good for the body.

If one googles various experts you get different levels for when to intervene or when to talk to a doctor about lowering a fever. But most people know nothing about this, no government guidelines were suggested and they KNEW that people were clearing shelves of these things. There were some announcements, for example by WHO, but this did not trickle down into any widespread guidelines by the media or official government reccomendations, at least none I’ve seen. I think France might have done it but they have a nice history of being a bit more skeptical.

INtubation may do more harm than good.

Amazon? What is it up to 17 newly unemployed in the US so far. Thousands of businesses going down. I am not saying the whole shabang collapsed instantly, but the changes made early will have unfolding causes that are a breakdown. They will change the way governments have a role in society on the economic side and probably in terms of law enforcement, monitoring the public. They be the new war (drugs, terrorism being the two biggies already in place) against viruses and the bad people who won’t quarantine, vaccinate, test. They are already scrambling to increase law enforcement rights and targets, reduce privacy, increase state control of the economy and more. The disease certainly is part of this. The way the disease has been characterized, the in general maintenance of loans and rent, the pressuring people and in some countries enforcing not participating in the economy are options that were chosen. Couple with the way the disease was couched as such a high individual threat and this caused a much deeper economic effect, very fast. And somehow I knew what the actual estimates were for mortality long before it trickled down to nearly everyone. Not through any deep research, but by avoiding newsmedia and seeing what the reports actually said.

I am a bit skeptical about how they can be so sure of mortality rates, given that people are self-quantining world wide, often without getting tested.

and as a half aside, India, for example, though not just India seems to have a very low mortality rate and transmission rate.

And similar problems were created by saying masks did not help. We know, I mean, we know, that viruses in general are often contagious prior to symptoms. Sure, they couldn’t be sure about Covid19, but there was a liklihood that it would be like other viruses in this way. Still, most of the WEstern governments made this seem like a useless option. When in fact, if used at the levels of some Asian countries, could have inhibited the spread to some degree. When they adviced people there was no good reason to do this, they did not seem to realize themselves in the presentation that viruses often can be transmitted before symptoms appear. There was no loss, again, if people buy and wear the masks. They were likely to not protect the wearers - not their own mask - but to protect others.

Further in their presentation it seemed to most people I know that hand contact was the most dangerous threat. I kept telling people that the best science was that the main transmission was via the air. People would laugh at me. This was a huge failure in information presentation. So much stuff about hands. Once the virus really got a foothold in the West, then the social distancing was talked about more. Well, that’s not good timing. And they knew long before they started pressing for social distancing that the main contagious pathway was via the air. Not me saying handwashing is a bad idea, but they had people at ocd levels of handwashing and they did not understand that this was still the less likely pathway for most transmission. That was known before the disease had really gotten out of China.

I have a background in alternative medicine and I have a biology degree which I’ve enhanced through work and long interest. So I was perhaps more comfortable looking at less digessted down for public consumption information on the internet. I also know about fevers and what anti-immflamatories do. But I want to make it clear that what was being directly clearly to the public had serious flaws in it. Fundamental flaws and I knew this not because of conspiracy sites or my own intuition, but just from doing a bit of investigation into what the scientists and doctors were saying. And then through some basic physiology and disease pathology. I have been repeatedly stunned by what well educated people think ‘and knew’ thorugh the media. And then stunned by holes in the information and presentation of information by governments and agencies.

No, Carleas, the death rate is very LOW. Nothing like the hysterics and panic the Liberal-Left and Mass-Media-Mob is pushing for.

The damage to the economy, however, is very real, and will be 10x or 100x more destructive than this virus HOAX.

When fear is 100x more destructive than actual diseases, you know, there is something very wrong with society, a much deeper illness underneath.

I don’t know about Africans, but African-Americans and Caribbeans tend to develop hypertension and diabetes etc., due to poor diet and lifestyle choices. The medication that they’re on to help control their conditions isn’t helping their situation either, and so their weakened systems more easily succumb to toxins and viruses.

Just the internal physiological stress going on inside their bodies is enough to kill them, without the presence of a virus.

Vaccines aren’t what they used to be… they have now become weaponised, and their utility of once being good has now become bad.

Totally agree, but that’s not the agenda that the vaccine manufacturers are following, in having allowed very toxic components to be in their products… as noted by the anti deep state crew.

It’s like people are simply running out of steam… something that takes weeks if not months to recover from.

Well here, the government are recommending that we eat healthily, exercise, and stay hydrated etc., but I ain’t seeing that on the Whitehouse IG newsfeed… only updates and reminders to self-isolate.

Thanks for posting this.

There you go, some of their predictions (which factored in the effects of social distancing) were several times worse than what ended up happening.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, decimating tens of millions of lives to give tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands for that matter), most of them in their 70s and 80s with multiple comorbidities, a slight extension of their lives (assuming there aren’t as many or more old people dying from measures taken to prevent Covid as there are dying from Covid itself), makes absolutely no sense + I’m pretty sure it’s unconstitutional in the US.

Lastly, if there’s a good chance you’ll die from Covid already, there’s no harm in experimenting with drugs that’ve shown to be effective in treating similar conditions, even if the drugs have some risks.
How else are we going to figure out what drugs are effective?
Someone has to be the guinea pig, and who better than someone who has little chance of living anyway?
And it’s doctors administering this drug, because they think it’s worthwhile.

But if you have ulterior motives for shutting down millions of jobs, small businesses, churches and communities, for wanting to chip and vaccinate everyone, which they obviously do, then the last thing you want is for some miracle drug to come along and save tens of thousands of lives, that’d really fuck up your whole plan.

1800 US deaths in 24 hours, the Nation with the highest death rate… though check-ins to hospitals have drastically declined.

The EU have put together a half-a-trillion Euro care package, for businesses and workers, but have refused requests from the poorer European countries to share debts incurred equally across the countries.

The deep state cares little for the environment, by far and away they’re the biggest consumers and polluters.
They’re willing to sacrifice our lives for themselves and maybe, for the environment, but not their own extravagant lives.
If they gave back most of the wealth they stole, if the cost of living was where it should be, we wouldn’t have to produce, consume and pollute nearly as much as we do, and many of us wouldn’t.

I’m not sure it was necessary to reduce population growth under the guise of progressivism, but even if it was, it’s surely unnecessary to reduce the population after its stopped growing or its growth has slowed to a crawl.
Whites and yellows aren’t replacing themselves and browns, just barely.
The only population that’s exploding right now is African blacks.
But they continue to amplify their depopulation measures all over the world.
They want to get it down to something like a 10th of what it is.

Call it what you want, call it the cryptocracy, the deep state, the shadow government, the NWO, the illuminati, whatever’s fashionable.
They exist, they’ve already admitted they exist.

Carroll Quigley from Tragedy and Hope.

Historian Carroll Quigley affirmed the existence of an Anglo-American deep state, his only objection was they’re not exactly communists, altho they’ll work with communists and anyone for that matter to achieve, whatever their ends are.