Coronavirus Hoax

For me, the elite isn’t the top 1%, I mean the 1% could include your doctor who lives next door to you, I’m talking about the top 0.003%, the UHNWIs (ultra high net worth individuals), who collectively own at least 13% of the economy (assuming they’re not hiding much of their assets), especially billionaires and billionaire families, and I’m not saying they’re all totally on board with the agenda, altho the vast majority of them are certainly not opposed to it, as it’s socioeconomically, politically, and if you take it too far, physically dangerous to.
There is an organization and organizations of UHNWIs for world government, but there is no organization and organizations of UHNWIs seriously opposed to world government of comparable wealth, power and influence in the west, nowhere near.

Money as we know it will only take you so far.
Their ultimate objective is to incrementally transition from these liberal democracies of ours to a system more like how China was and is, but on a global scale.
They need to invest large amounts of wealth, resources and make sacrifices, including sacrificing parts of the current economic order in order to erect the new one.
When the system is complete, money as we know it will be obsolete, they will simply grant themselves unlimited purchasing power (some of them may already have it), and we will be assigned credit to our RFID chips based on our obedience to political correctness, which will be amplified times 100, and how useful we are to the state.
Small nuisances will have some of their credit and privileges confiscated (and be sent to a re-education facility), big nuisances, or those who’re no longer socioeconomically viable, will be liquidated, and recycled.

This from the guy who’s a bit disappointed that civilization didn’t end.


Anyway, good job, you found a box to put me in. Do you feel better now…? Generalized your way back to the comfort zone yet…?

I just pick my poison like everyone else. Science and innovation with a dash of critical thinking. Shaken, not stirred, thankyou bartender.

And I’m not “calling for the deaths of billions” lol. Just speculating along with gloom. Hypotheticals. One of those things us humans do. You watched Avengers right…? They are even doing it in Hollywood. Big blue guy, Thanos, “you guys over there, you other guys over there.” Zap blam kaplooie. Don’t worry, Ironman the Techno-Jesus will save us.

When I was a wee babe back in the late 60s, the world population was about about 3.5 billion. 50 or so later, in my lifetime and I’m, hopefully lol, not even nearly dead yet, it more than doubled. Think about that. In 50 years human global society produced the same number of live people that previously it had taken 200,000 years to finally support. Go back to 1920, 1.81 billion. Lol, these days it’s like the entire 1920s pop. of the world just moved to China.

It’s not science that is the problem. It’s humans boinking each other crazy. Science just rolls its eyestalks and tries to deal with the mess.

Humans. “We are sad science. Our tummies are empty.”
Science. “Aww, you poor thing. Look, I made cake.”
Humans. “Whoo !!! Thanks science.”

Humans. “Er… Science…?”
Science. “Yes humans, what is it…?”
Humans. “Well…”
Science. “I’m not going to like this, am I…?”
Humans. “We made more humans lol, can they have some cake too…?”

Couldn’t agree more.

I’m curious about what sorts of alternative medicines you used.

Yea perhaps it’s not new, and they’re lying.

That’s right, a lot of people die from the flu every year, some years a lot more than others in some countries, but they’re not talking about that.

Raw garlic. A few oils I breathed in for the lungs: oregano, eucalyptus, rosemary. I took Reishi and Ashwaganda. They both help me sleep and the first boosts the immune system. Elderberry/Echinacea/Ginger tea. I got the feeling early on that sleep was really important so I took a lot to make me sleep. My sleep can be easily disturbed. Once I was sleeping well, I felt much more at ease in my body. Of course, that’s me. My sense is different people get different symptom pictures. that seems true of flus in general, but my sense is Covid has even more variation.

Agreed :slight_smile:

They both matter, but the, for the most part, matters more than the, remaining part.
While a truly scientific education is better than a quasiscientific or unscientific education, scientific deception, when you use science to figure out how best to manipulate and exploit the people, is all the more sophisticated and harder for the people to break out of than a quasiscientific or unscientific deception.
It’s a trade off, we’re not really making much, if any progress in my estimation.

Technology can save more lives, but it can destroy more lives faster and more efficiently with all sorts of WMDs, it’s a double edged sword.
We have a greater imbalance of power now.
In some countries peasants still have nothing to fight with but pitchforks, while the government has assault rifles, military vehicles and WMDs.
This is part of the reason why I’m pro-gun and pro-militia.
But I’m not exactly a conservative or libertarian, when it comes to taxing UHNWIs and spending on the poor in the form of education, healthcare, affordable housing and income assistance, I’m all for it, but I’m also all for homeschooling and naturopathy too.

What we call symptoms are in most cases the body’s natural defense mechanisms against toxicity, which in most cases shouldn’t be suppressed just because they’re unpleasant at times, only if the body, for whatever reasons, is overreacting do they need to be suppressed, or if they pain is unbearable they may need to be mitigated, tempered until the solution, the cause is unveiled, or the body heals itself on its own.
In some cases they should even be encouraged, or just left alone to do their own thing.
The body is rarely stupid, we should generally work with it, not against it.

In my view, viruses are rarely the root cause of illness and cancers rarely appear overnight solely due to some genetic mutation or bad luck, they’re the product of many years or months of abuse, of malnutrition, toxicity and radiation poisoning.
Science overemphasizes germs, genetics and luck of the draw and downplays nutrition, stress, toxicity and unwholesome lifestyles and outlooks, and I mean unwholesome in a strictly secular sense.

Well we, or some of us anyway, can at least aim in the right direction.
We may only get a quarter or a 10th of the way there, but at least we’ll be aiming forwards and not back.

Well in a representative democracy you can still have philosopher and scientist kings, or philosopher and scientist presidents and prime ministers.
But unfortunately we don’t do that, instead we elect rich buffoons, or people who’re minimally philosophically and scientifically educated and propped up by rich buffoons.
It’s just foolish for the people to relinquish all their power to other people, no matter what sort of education they’ve had, but temporarily relinquishing some of their power may be necessary, if we had much better checks and balances than we do today.
If we had the right checks and balances, they’d be extensions of our power.

Again science isn’t begnin, there’s such a thing as scientific deception, using what we, or they know about human nature from empirically studying it, not to educate the people, but to manipulate and exploit them for selfish ends.

We have plenty of alternatives within the system, 3rd parties and independents, who may radically reform it upon taking office, altho I’m concerned about election fraud, how much of it there is.
There is also civil disobedience, it’s difficult for government to get people to do what it wants if the vast majority of people don’t believe in the law.
We got to stop following laws that impoverish and enslave us, as much as we can, and encourage others to do the same.

As the system becomes increasingly corrupt, we will face a fork in the road, where it’s either revolution, or total dystopia, and it’s at the point we may have an opportunity to radically change things for the better, but at this point, we’re not ready for it, too many people are still too comfortable, but if this corona thing spirals further out of control in the coming months, that could all change.

As soon as a real social democrat comes along, and talks about increasing taxes on the rich and spending on the poor in the form of healthcare, the MSM, political and financial establishment rally against him or her and rally behind someone like Clinton or Biden.
That goes to show you how much the establishment cares about our health.
That’s why I’m skeptical whenever they say they’re going to do a, b and c to keep us safe from x, y and z.
When they’ve been cutting taxes on the least needy and slashing spending on the neediest for the last several decades.
When there’s lots of bailouts, subsidies, tax breaks and welfare for the corporations, but little for the poor and small businesses.
When they find plenty of money to bomb another middle eastern country, as the standard of living for the poor and middle class shrinks even while the economy continues to grow.
Keep us safe is code for gather, fleece and slaughter the sheep.

Here’s a headline:

100 000, that’s it?
Something like 3 million averagely die of disease and accidents in the US every year, give or take a million.
What’s so unusual about this?
Viruses mutate, they get stronger and weaker, they come and go.

It’s going to be a lot more than 100,000 especially once you throw economic collapse, civil war, starvation, and martial law on top of a deadly virus.

Seasonal flu kills 12-60 000 people a year in the US.

So it’s probably going to be a bit worse than seasonal flu shrugs.

And then a few years later it or some other mild-moderate virus will mutate, get weaker or no longer be able to infect humans at all.
This is all part of the normal, natural cycle of things.
At this point, comparing this to the Spanish flu, let alone the plague, well, there is no comparison, that’s just it.

This civilization will end, tell me about how you feel in three months from now assuming there is still an internet connection to make a post by then. From a historical perspective this current civilization is in the process of ending already.

My position is fairly simple as a naturalist, nature triumphs over science since science itself is nothing but a tool and has evolved into a religious cult of aristocratic Malthusianism.

Biological nature is the real master and ruler of humanity, techno progressivists will learn this the hard way I’m afraid.

Well, something’s definitely not adding up here, either you’re right, and they’re hiding how deadly it really is, or I’m right, and they’re using it strictly as a pretext to hasten the police state.

But yea, whether it really is super deadly, or not, if they double or triple down on martial law, the end of civilization, at least as we’ve known it for the last 75 years after WW2, is at hand (or afoot shrugs).

Either way they will fail no matter what they do at this point, the chaos will not be contained where it will overrun the global organized systems in place. I’m in fact counting on that to happen.

The death rate isn’t the only important variable. It also creates severe symptoms requiring prolonged hospitalization in something like 20% of cases (I believe that’s 20% of confirmed cases, but I don’t have a source so take with all the salt).

Look at New York’s hospitals for what that means. It’s not at all like a normal flu season. Very likely that lots of people will die because hospitals are overwhelmed who won’t technically be recorded as dying of COVID-19.

But I also think the death rate is higher than you’re supposing. There are about 2000 deaths in the US, and 500 of them were yesterday, and already about 200 more today. How many flu deaths were there on the worst day of flu season (honestly asking, I don’t know and it seems relevant). New deaths per day is still doubling every two days. New confirmed cases appear to be leveling off (meaning that total cases is ‘only’ increasing linearly as opposed to exponentially), but I don’t think we’re testing in a way that we can read too much into it.

It also matters how the deaths are timed. If everyone killed by flu in a given year were to die on the same day, the impact would be much more severe than spreading those deaths out over a year. Even taking optimistic projections for total deaths, how does the curve of deaths compare to the average flu season?

The economy we live under has a mix of market capitalism, corporatism and state capitalism, with just enough socialism thrown in to keep the poor from revolting.
We have a two party dictatorship, our civil liberties have increasingly been exchanged for political correctness and we’re continually at war with the 3rd world, but all that’s insufficient for them.
What they’re really after is a global gulag under the guise of socialism or communism, like the Soviet Union or Marxist China.
Again, only time will tell for sure, but it appears government may be trying to crash the economy to hasten the next phase.
If so, they will give the employed and unemployed a meagre, subsistence existence, but only under the condition they completely surrender their sovereignty and take the soft kill vaccines.

What they want to happen and what will happen instead are two different things, they’ve overplayed their hand and there will be huge incoming reprisals.

I like the sound of that. :evilfun:

It’ll be interesting to see how all this plays out.

3 seems the least likely, I doubt they’d go to such lengths just to prank us, unless they made a monumental mistake, which also seems unlikely, given how clever they are, but not impossible.

I think it’s probably 2, but 1 also seems very possible.
Their numbers definitely aren’t adding up with their reaction, so something is amiss, either they’re just using it as a pretext to bring about the police state, or it is a bioweapon deliberately or indeliberately (more likely deliberately, given who we’re dealing with) released and many times worse than they’re saying.

Either way shit is going to get messy, even if they pullback soon, there’s going to be massive fallout over all this.

Cool, thanks for sharing.

Yea I’m sure there’s a lot of variation in symptoms, not only between people with mild, moderate and severe symptoms, but between two people with mild, but different symptoms, or two people with moderate, but different symptoms, or two people with severe, but different symptoms.
From what I gather, most of the tests don’t test for the virus itself or even the antibodies, but for the symptoms, and since the symptoms vary so much, and there’s so much overlap between them and seasonal flu symptoms and symptoms from other viruses, coupled with coronaphobia, there’s a strong tendency to overdiagnose, rather than underdiagnose people with corona.

Also, if you’re 90+ years olds, or you got something like AIDS or stage 4 cancer and you get corona and die a few weeks later, did you really die of corona, or were you going to die shortly anyway and the corona was wholly or largely incidental?
Again, because of coronaphobia and the shoddy testing, I think there’s a strong tendency to overattribute deaths to corona rather than underattribute them to it.