Coronavirus Hoax

You know what, I’m not even going to say what I think about the coronavirus hysteria, because I’ve done so before. I’m just going to cite numbers.

What is the mortality of this virus? 1.7 percent. That’s the CDC. Global population, no other filters. So 1.7 out of 100 people that are infected, die.

But let’s apply some filters. First filter: age. That number drops significantly when you look at deaths in people under the age of say, 45.

And it drops once more when you take out comorbid deaths. That’s when a person dies with covid while also, you know… dying from terminal liver cancer. Stuff like that.

When you apply those filters, the mortality drops to around the same probability of death as a healthy 30 year old would face getting into a car and driving to the nearest place to get a vaccine given deaths by vehicular accidents in the US per year.

So you guys can keep LAARPing about the end of the world, I am sure it injects a lot of excitement into your otherwise boring-ass, pathetic lives, to imagine that you’re roughing it out in the apocalypse and all: but it’s not real. And just by the way: you can vaccinate yourself as much as you want, but it is as insane to believe that you will ever ‘get rid of’ covid now as it is to believe you could make the flu extinct. It’s an endemic pathogen. It isn’t going away. And all the social, political, and socioeconomic changes you have seen thrust upon you by the State in relation to this virus, are not the temporary changes you were told: they are transitions to a new world-structure in which, once again, you have been convinced to give the state yet more power over you, your lives, and your decisions. For what amounts to nothing. You idiots are never going to take that little face comfort blanket off again. Every day from now till you’re dead, you’re going to be masking up in public, and honestly, it’s hilarious.

It is starting to appear that there are three purposes for vaccines and masks -

  • These vaccines create government dependency. Natural infection provides years of protection - these vaccines don’t.
  • Mask mandates reduce population growth.
  • Conversation monitoring and control.

Covid wasn’t designed to kill (3,000,000 worldwide would have happened from the yearly flu pneumonia combo anyway), the vaccine and the never-ending boosters are the soft kill. I’m wondering how much each shot diminishes longevity.
My guess is five years, so as to not be obvious and the harmful internal effects these vaccines are causing from blood clots, hypertension, on may affect each genome differently. Perfectly healthy individuals will develop debilitating illnesses and pass prematurely in all age groups, but from a wide variety of causes so as to not cause suspicion.

I think the decrease in longevity was started a few years ago(not sure when) so its continued shortening will seem natural, since life expectancies were already decreasing on the record.

K: and this is what stupidity looks like in public…just another conspiracy theorist
who can’t add up one plus one equals two…as I have noted before, you are fighting
the wrong war with the wrong battle plan… the government isn’t the problem,
big business that makes money is the problem… the governments of the world, for
the most part, are part and parcel of big business… the U.S government is simply
another division of Mobil Exxon…the battle isn’t over the government controlling our
lives but big business controlling our lives… that is where the war will be won or lost…

the second part of this is simply this, Covid-19 will always be a part of your life,
as with any disease is always going to be a part of your life…if you have cancer,
you will always, always be in battle with cancer… it is part of your life… but that isn’t
the point…most viruses that exists in the world, already exists within you… you
always have the flu virus within you and you always have cancer within you
and you always have the mumps within you and you always have every other
disease already within you…the trick in modern science is to understand
what kicks off that flu virus or that cancer virus or that AIDS virus…

it isn’t the fact that we have cancer, the problem is that cancer, as with AIDS,
is always in the process of evolution… of changing its nature…if AIDS or
Cancer didn’t mutate or change, it would have been cured decades ago…
(BTW this change, this mutation is proof that evolution exists and exists
to this very moment)

so, to say, Covid will always be with us is to say, Water is wet…
it doesn’t mean anything… it has always been with us… and will continue
to be with us forever…as our genes give us information about
the very first human being…the information stored on/in our
bodies for all time… we can tell how human beings died
back in the time of the hunter/gatherers millions of years ago…
it is written within their bodies…and as covid will be and is written
in our bodies, today and for all time…

now your argument dismisses the millions that have died of this disease… over
4.6 million people have died from this disease…despite your “math”,
Covid is a clear and present danger to everyone… just because you are too
dumb to be able to deal with that is your problem…

the next argument is about the nature of Covid… in other words, you are unable,
in fairness many around also have this problem, in seeing covid as part of a system…
you take Covid as an isolated problem, that exists separate from any other event
ever before…it doesn’t work that way… we learn from each disease as it exists…
our current knowledge of Covid comes from our past experiences with diseases like
polo and Mumps… and the vaccine also comes from our prior knowledge of past
diseases…and past vaccines…some say that coming up with a cure for
Covid couldn’t have come in the short time covid has been around…
but the point is that the covid vaccine is derived from other types of
vaccines we have used before…the current covid vaccine is a
derivative of another vaccine we have used in the past…

our knowledge of both diseases and vaccines are derived from past
experiences with both disease and vaccines…

The hoax was that this disease is as deadly as they scared everyone into believing.

More of the hoax is that the vaccine would keep you from catching covid and that there’s no natural immunity.

The hoax will continue on forever now, medical necessities that are mandated to have, vaccine after vaccine, for the greater good, of course.

The Communists are so stupid that they don’t even realize that they are Communists, they just roll over for authority, whatever authority says is necessary for the greater good.

Be proud that you have been vaccinated guaranteeing you nothing(NOTHING)but a government that gets to dictate and limit your freedom for the greater good, you dumb Commies!

Enjoy your next hundred vaccines!

So it is mass murder after all. Anyone who knowingly causes a population reduction (e.g. by knowingly lowering life expectancy) is a mass murderer.

Yep. “Enjoy” them!

Communists are the most obedient to authority.



This man is brilliant, and u r trying to get that hamster in ur head to understand all this, urwrong. But this is far beyond u, far beyond all of u.

If world revolution does not come soon to wipe capitalism from the face of the planet…

… we have no choice but to send in the cleaners.

It’s not “beyond” us…

Lol. Do you have any idea how many grand conspiracy narratives there are on the internet, junior? Bilderbergs, trilateral commission, zionists, the Nazi fourth Reich, reptilians from planet x, the list goes on.

All u need to know is that any major world shift into a system that is run and controlled by an elite group of politicians and business men, will never involve initiating any kind of mass violence upon the citizens of the world via some military force. I’ve explained this a hunerd times. They can’t afford to push the working classes of the world into a real revolt, because they would die if they did. The parasite class needs the productive working classes to stay alive. Piss them off, and the whole farce comes crashing down on em. Like hegel’s master/slave dynamic.

You just relax. I’m telling ya, you guys would be doing the same thing even if you lived in a dystopian nightmare; you’d sit at home on your computers all day, just like you do now.

Don’t forget the Moon Nazis from the base they have on the Dark Side.
I understand they are beaming down new variants of the virus!!


Oh you blissful, innocent, sweet summer child…

These are the same people who funded Hitler and caused both World Wars that you call incapable of “initiating any kind of mass violence”.

I really wish it were just a theory. I really wish I were wrong on this one… but I’m probably not.

That’s all fine and dandy prom… but here’s the problem… looks around shifty-eyes, pulls you in close, whispers (we have the receipts)

Inform yourself:

Shit chute

If dogs could talk, they’d tell me they shit in your shoes, and I’d give em a treat.


The “hoax” marches on!!

[b]"W.H.O. Says New Variant in South Africa Is ‘of Concern’

Several countries, including the United States, announced restrictions on travelers from southern Africa in an effort to contain the new Omicron variant, which has mutations that may make reinfection more likely."[/b]

The only way this can end is when the vaccinations themselves result in the human species going extinct.

Let’s synchronize our watches, okay?