Cosmic Radiation

Armed with drooling end-user software, Canadians are dirtying the internet with anti-American / pro-Canadian web filth, more than any other nation of the world.

However, while surfing the web, I happened across an article on CNN that claimed the North Magnetic Pole was leaving Canadia sometime in 2006. Then there was this thunderclap type of epiphany that happens when the truth is finally revealed. Of course, that has to be the answer - the Massive Gaussian fields that Canadians have been subjected to their entire lives must be responsible for all bad things Canadian. Clearly, one would expect a completely nonsensical country to emerge if the entire population is subjected to the electro-magnetic equivalent of going through life with 10 cell phones duct taped to their heads!

And the good news is that scientists expect the North Magnetic Pole to immigrate to Russia beginning sometime in 2006. I don’t get this whole pole moving thing, but hey, they’re scientists and it is on the Internet, so it must be true?

The bad news, of course, that the pole is moving to Russia and the Russians will soon experience the same magnetic assault that the Canadians have long endured. Hopefully, the Russians are made of sterner stuff then Canadians, as images of nuclear-armed Russians behaving like Canadians should send chills down everyone’s spine.

In the mean time, before the departure of the North Magnetic Pole, I urge all Canadian to wear tin foil hats to block all those magnetic rays and to start anticipating an era of normalcy when Canada will be able to proudly stand amongst the nations of the world.

so dont “blame Canada” its cosmic radiation !

Thanks for warning me

not a problem… you just have to wait it out a little then you really see the racist nature of people coming out. i admit i have read into a few interesting peeps and mind you i used the word ‘few’.

i pm’d ya a really good link to a site which shares no racial hatred and if any comes up it is to be posted in a political section… one weird thing about the topics being seperated is you can make out who is on the site and if they are trying to further their own agenda… not more suprising is the section barely has any new posts except for the few trolls that pass by. :laughing:

Uhh I thinc ids duck tape…stupid amirikans :unamused:

btw hows that war on terror thing going? Have all the evil doers been caught :astonished: ?? Just wondering how the war on evil is going :unamused: Us canadians we don’t really go to war that often, or rather start wars that often, so we like to take an interest in our American cousins. I can’t believe you guys won the war in Iraq soo quickly :astonished: I’m thinking about vacationing there next summer seeing as its now a nice democratic society now :unamused: I agree with you its wrong… all that anti-america sentiment comming from Canada… whats with us… and well All of Europe too I guess, and China … and uhmm… well whats with the whole world hating on America damn. I mean everthing they do makes perfect sense. Maybe the Massive Gaussian fields have been effecting the rest of the world to :astonished:

I am really sorry you feel that way, i have to disagree with a few of your statements though because Europe is not what you think.

If anyone actually watched the new and was current with world events “before” the Iraqi war, you would have seen a whole different picture. But our canadian brothers to the north are very skilled at being followers and jump on any bandwagon which comes along. Tell me guys one important uprising of democracy in a 3rd world country (which none of us here live in) that you can name and discuss that took place before the Iraqi war?

Trust me i am no racist and i love everybody as a whole, i realize people have different views but to just go spewing the same crap everybody else is spewing and take it for truth is kind of letting yourselves get brainwashed in a way by internet tripe.

do some research and find out for yourselves before you guys just go pointing fingers everywhere. and trust me, if they dropped you off in the middle of Iraq right now… not giving a crap where you are from they would tear you to pieces! you represent a lifestyle (no matter what your opinion of it) you represent the “west” everything you know and have known and your forefathers have know represents the same thing.

same goes if you drop a NYC african-american gang member off in the middle of somolia ! they wont see “their own kind” trust me.

One good thing though is Iraq war is finally getting the westerners (canada included) to open our eyes and pay attention to world event… something i have been doing long before the Iraq War… and since i myself have ‘come of age’ :wink: