Could you do a better job of creating a universe than "

I am looking forward to my death. If there is no life after death then that’ s the end of the matter and I don’t mind. BUT if there is a god then I plan to give him/her/it a hell of a bollocking. He/She/it has a lot to answer for.

Any ideas for more ‘suggestions’ for god?

What’s the point in bollocking God?

If He does exist, he most probably knows exactly how you are feeling: nothing you could say to Him would be a surprise!

Of course, this is all conditional on God’s omnipotence/ omniscience.


why didnt you ever ask whats up back, do you not care?

I have just one:
Don’t create something with the capacity to piss you off if you don’t want it to piss you off.

whats the point of anything we do???

its fun to pick on the one who never picks back i guess. if he ever picked back it would be amazing to know he was there…

All i can think of right now is a quote of roots manuva:

“If god has a sense of humor, then the joke is on us.”

Having said that i just want to point out that i don’t mean to be another god-basher. Belief has a very valid purpose for some, and you have to respect that in my opinion.