The following two attitudes, re-worded a million different ways, are extremely popular in pop-culture, be it TV, movies, or even message boards like this.
“Everybody is Stupid but Me”
“I am Crazy, and that is Funny”
Do you guys agree with me about the commoness of these expressions? Is it a bad thing? What implications do they have, especially when taken together?
i would agree with you, but I’m the only smart one here, and I’m so insane thers no way i could possabley agree with any of you losers, lol.
yes, you are absolutely right.
(and for anybody who thought i was serious above, i wasnt)
i also consider this to be a bad thing indeed, and very anoying. especaily people think their cool or funny for being crazy, like you said, when they have absolutely no idea what it’s actualy like to have any sort of mental problem. but the majority of people don’t like to think most of the time.
No, it isn’t. There are things that people say that are worst than that. People say things all the time and it doesn’t mean they are true. It is a bad thing if you start believing it when someone says it to you.