Dave...where'd you go?

Dave Chapelle has officially gone Awol. Checked into a mental facility in South Africa or some shit.

Today is a sad day for comedy.

“I’m Rick James, Bitch!”

Have any of you seen the skit where Dave plays a KKK leader who happens to be black?

It happened that the character, as a child, was raised in a orphanage for blind kids. Dave was the only black kid there but was was treated as if he were white. He became a racist and eventually a leader in the KKK.

The punchline happens when Dave reveals his true identity (finally removing the hood) at a KKK meeting, before a crowd of fifty or so red-neck racists.

Fucking brilliant.

Its one of my favorites.

Oh, and there’s one where Dave visits a kid who is dying of cancer, as the kid is a great fan of Dave. During the visit the two of them compete in a basket-ball video game, and Dave ends up beating the kid over and over again. This amounts to Dave literally ‘shit-talking’ to the kid, bragging about his wins and insulting the kid about how pathetic he is.

The visit quickly turns sour and if I remember correctly, the kid ends up passing out while Dave mocks him “what, you can’t handle it? You gonna die now?”

It was terribly funny.

LMAO :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I haven’t seen it but it sound great!!

That’s sad if the info about him is true :cry: :cry: :cry: But are you sure its true? I mean… are you sure its not a joke?.. a black guy checking into a mental institution in South Africa where they tell him he’s white… Theres a good story there.

The part after he finds outs that he is black and is “recovering” from the psychological trauma. Then, when we receive updates about his life we find out he is getting divorced because his wife is a “nigger lover.” :laughing:

Unbelievably funny.

it is a classic cheech and chong bit…

(Soft knocks at the door)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It’s me, Dave. Open up, man, I got the stuff.
(Silence. More knocks)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It’s me, Dave, man. Open up, I got the stuff.
CHEECH: It’s, Dave, man. Open up, I think the cops saw me come in here.
(More knocks)
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It’s, Dave, man. Will you open up, I got the stuff with me.
CHEECH: Dave, man. Open up.
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave. C’mon, man, open up, I think the cops saw me.
CHONG: Dave’s not here.
CHEECH: No, man, I’m Dave, man.
(Silence. Sharp knocks at the door)
CHEECH: Hey, c’mon, man.
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: It’s Dave, man. Will you open up? I got the stuff with me.
CHEECH: Dave, man. Open up.
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave.
CHONG: Dave’s not here.
CHEECH: What the hell? No, man, I am Dave, man. Will you…
(Silence. More knocks)
CHEECH: C’mon! Open up the door, will you? I got the stuff with me, I think the cops saw me.
CHONG: Who is it?
CHEECH: Oh, what the hell is it…c’mon. Open up the door! It’s Dave!
CHEECH: Dave! D-A-V-E! Will you open up the goddam door!
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Yeah, Dave!
CHONG: Dave?
CHEECH: Right, man. Dave. Now will you open up the door?
CHONG: Dave’s not here.


One of my favorite skits is where Dave goes to the ‘Internet’. In his mind it is a tangible place where you can steal music, watch Ron Jeremy do a chicken, and get harassed by the same pop up ads over and over. Pretty funny stuff.

But let me pose this question: If Dave returns, don’t you think this little exodus will actually improve his ratings? Think about it. I’m pissed that he’s pulling this, but I’m anxious as hell to see more, so when it finally does come on you’d better believe I’ll be watching.

Hello Crooked,

If Dave takes much longer you better believe that’s a killing. :lol:

Thirst wrote:

My friend, stealing my sayings about what’s a killing… you’d better believe that’s a killing! :smiley:

Glad to see my humor is not wasted on all. But seriously, don’t be stealing my lines, I don’t play that game. I keeps it real!!! (Dave Chappelle tribute)

Dave, Thirst and Crooked need new shows. Get out of the jungle and make fun of everyone again.