Dear comrades, my new avatar and signature.

I think this is the one you were looking for.

Truly a robotic communist social utopia comrade, don’t argue against progress citizen. This is the wave of the future. :sunglasses:

ah hah tricked u! that’s what your life will be like if Jodie and the capitalists win, bro.

Comrades our glorious leader Joe Biden is about to legalize or give American citizenship to 11 million foreigners, this is good I say because it will make sure that us Demshiveks will stay in power the next 150 years and because it will completely crush Whiteness within the United States. Only racists believe that foreign immigration reduces or destroys wages, it is evil white racists who talk like that. These evil white racists deserve to be replaced and their jobs taken by others.

National borders are racist, we are now a new nation without racist borders.

This has been an official report commissioned by special highranking officer Comrade Commisar Joker.

Comrades, under special and much deliberating within the political politburo we’ve decided that we need to take extra steps in being a multilingual nation [without evil racist borders of course] that’s why we’ve decided that Mandarin should become the official language of the United States with Spanish as a close secondary language. Within the next fifteen years every child in public education will learn how to speak Mandarin and Spanish. Dare I say it, but within 75 years it’s quite possible that English will be a minority language that will simply die out from overall usage.

This has been an official report commissioned by special highranking officer Comrade Commisar Joker.

Comrades there has been much talk on the new economic stimulus talks coming out under our heads of leadership concerning the Biden and Harris administration where everybody is supposed to be given $1400.00 particularly on the affordance of such an economic redistribution financial package. From what I can gather we’re going to make a deal with our greatest ally in China concerning the Chinese central bank to which they’re going to loan us the money with credit interest. It is good to have great allies with our fellow communist Chinese otherwise we wouldn’t be able to economically build back better under Biden without them. In return for loaning us the money all previous economic sanctions against them by the fascist would be Hitler Donald Trump will be null and void where as a favor we will open up the nation entirely to Chinese capital investments. This is a huge win for everybody.

This has been an official report commissioned by special highranking officer Comrade Commisar Joker.

Comrade Gloominary, you bring up an excellent subject regarding eating and dieting within the new green economy, frankly with global warming, little polar bears being stranded on ice, and just the overall carbon footprint I think everybody needs to go on a starvation diet. It’s the only way we can move forward to save the future of this planet and if people have to eat bugs or human feces then they better get use to cutting the mustard on that shit sandwich enjoying it. If people object to these progressive aims they’re literally supporting the holocaust and genocide of the entire planet, they’re literally environmental Hitlers.

Столичная, ура товарищи!


Comrade Gloominary, there very well may be 7.8 billion different genders but I’m no expert myself as a humble Commisar and hired man of the secret police. There may very well come a day when we explore outer space coming in contact with extraterrestrials and we find out upon discovery that there is indeed six trillion different genders if not more. For now I leave it to our great expert LGBQT Marxist intellectuals to decide these sort of things. :sunglasses:

One of these days as the entire internet becomes archived researchers will come across ILP and glance at our Marxist intellectual giants such as Peter Kropotkin or Iambiguous where they’ll finally get the scholarly credit that they deserve, they will be in shock and awe concerning the philosophical determined expertise of both. Both are intellectual geniuses that have lead the way for over two decades now, our glorious American communist revolution would of never made it without them. :sunglasses:

Again, the chickenshit will post drivel of this sort time and again, but he won’t drop the fulminating fanatic cartoon character act and take any actual intelligence he might possess here:

Anymore than his “comrades” Windy and urwrongx1,000,000 will.

I concede Iambiguous, you’re the greatest nihilistic Marxist philosopher since white bread has come out, there is just no way competing with an intellectual giant like yourself. You win, accept your victory graciously old man. :sunglasses:

Look, I’d like to take credit for reducing him down to “clever” retorts like this. But the fact is I’ve come to conclude there’s nothing there that would allow him to actually rise above it.

Back on that other thread, he made an attempt to present himself in a more serious manner. A more substantive Zero_Sum. But when I followed up on it, he collapsed back into his fulminating fanatic cartoon character Zero_Brains.

Now, in my view, there are only two viable reasons for that.

1] There is something there but he prefers the clown act.
2] There is nothing there and there is only the clown act.


:laughing: “starvation diet” made me laugh real hard.

Comrade Gloominary, this is wrong think, you’ve now been denoted to minimal cigarette and chocolate rations for one month concerning your wrong think, I can only shield you for so long concerning thought crimes before the rest of the politburo finds out. We wouldn’t want that, would we? If a two year old boy wants to identify as a woman and get their prepubescent penis chopped off with the aid of the Marxist mother this is progress. Why, it was just two years ago a bigot racist father abducted his son away from his mother in Texas stopping his four year old son from getting a necessary sex change, the police pursued him and a shootout transpired where the bigot died from his wounds. The boy’s mother reunited with her son Steven who is now known as Sarah.

You cannot fight against progress comrade Gloominary, one of these days we’ll have trannies everywhere, Pakistani trannies, Vietnamese trannies, Japanese trannies, and so on. This is the wave of the future. :sunglasses:

Comrades, I am happy to report that we have 65,000 soldiers in Washington D.C. to make sure Donald Trump [Literally Hitler] is ousted of the Whitehouse next week on Wednesday. Their presence of course is to protect our model American democracy and to ensure the racist Nazis don’t insurrect within our nation’s capital. Now it’s a great national embarrassment and we still don’t understand how it happened yet how our soldiers were sleeping on the floors of congress without cots, pillows, or sleeping bags. We’re currently interrogating the general of command for this national disgrace or public embarrassment.

Be rest assured that we have now put our brave men, women, and gender neutral people in uniform within all the local Motel 6’s. :sunglasses:

Protecting our nation’s capital away from radical Nazis is a tough job, I can only imagine how.


Note to others:

Pick one

1] [size=50]There is something there but he prefers the clown act.[/size]
2] There is nothing there and there is only the clown act.

Give it a rest Biggie. :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

I challenge you to a substantive and substantial discussion of our respective moral and political philosophies and you ask me to give it a rest?

Again: you will give it a rest yourself because you can or you won’t because you can’t.

That’s up to you.