Debate forum

There should be a debate forum, focusing entirely on debates. Maybe it works like this: there are two to four main debaters, and other people can speculate and comment on what the main debaters are saying.

Maybe there are specific ways of doing the html so that the main debaters could be especially outlined while the commentors are more minor.

I just like the idea. Comments?

We did have a debating forum but it hardly ever got used. If you want to try to put together a formal debate (i.e. a couple of teams, a central proposition to be debated, someone to referee the thing to keep it on target) then I’m sure we can reopen the existing forum, but it’s currently unavailable to regular posters due to the lack of use before.

Don’t tell me you’re gonna debate like this: … p?t=155930



I think it’s a good idea.

Naw, I was just kidding there. I’d even be serious in the debate forums/teams.

If you’re thinking of doing a formal debate, I’m game.

How big would the teams be? How would the event be structured (order of responses, length of responses, length of debate, scoring, etc.)? Would the ref. need to be a mod?

That’s what I don’t know. Anyone have a knowledge of debate teams?

I was in the debating society at school, and we just had two teams of equal numbers, each being given a chance to offer a prepared statement outlining their positions first off. Then they argue the main points, and those watching can ask questions or offer brief counters to the arguments set forth by the two teams.

The main role of the referee (not necessarily a mod) is to keep the discussion on track, stop people hijacking the thread and so on.

Can you do group PMs? If not, having a team that comes up with the answer might be a pain.

I got a proposition. 2 people, 1-on-1. Lets say 4 posts each, and then people can chime in on who won. I don’t know if we need a ref, if it’s just a few posts, but I think we need a way to stop uninvolved parties from interfering.
And this might require a new forum to set it sufficiently apart from other goings on, and to make clear its format.
