God is love.
In love, we are all one.
Most people are really good deep in their heart.
You get back all that you give.
Heaven is forever; hell is only on earth.
God is love.
In love, we are all one.
Most people are really good deep in their heart.
You get back all that you give.
Heaven is forever; hell is only on earth.
God is in charge.
He’s really smart and we aren’t so sometimes we have to roll with the punches, and many times we are put in situations that seem unfair to us.
Life is better in the long run if you go along with God’s vision, but you don’t have to. Luckily, He gave us some idea of what His vision is.
Justice is an illusion more often than not in this life, but it all gets sorted out In The End. That means there’s something like heaven, and something like hell.
These days, rigor and self-discipline are the only ways to be sure. If a spiritual belief comes easy and makes you feel really good, it’s probably baloney. Regardling God, love should be balanced by fear and trembling.
God is faith as well as our faith describes God.
So God is perfect - I can’t define him, my faith is based on my ideal, the Utopia is the form of life that I want to construct. There is a Prefect World in my mind, but the only way I may believe it’s possible to be created is by my faith - I just find God as the creator of my imagination.
There is an underlying intelligence to the universe. It’s our job to give that intelligence form and meaning.
From my own perspective I center the universe as I know it.
I am my own god, as far as the ‘here and now’ is concerned.
But as for my ultimately meaningless theory of life and intelligence…I think perhaps, collectively, ‘life’ is god and evolution/adaptation is it’s method.
perhaps, collectively, life is intelligent in a way that may or may not (probably not) be recognizable to us. The fact that life undeniably and invariably moves on a path toward continuance makes me think.
It starts at the beginning with some genuine self knowledge at the expense of rose colored glasses.
Concerning the inside and how to appreciate it, I’ll quote Simone Weil:
As far as the outside I’ll quote Nietzche:
So when the dust clears, the question becomes: Now what?
I know two things:that God exists and that I am not God.
Stammering,I echo the heights of God as best I can.
Also, as far as the “son of God”? We are all sons and daughters of God, but some of us make a bigger impact.
Siddhartha Gautama
Tao Te Ching
(and, of course, his eminence, George Burns)
Before becoming a son of God one must change by first becoming aware of our situation… This is not easy to accept. It is much easier to imagine ourselves God or sons of God rather than as a potential. Our egotism protests but that’s the human condition.
But aren’t we all crucified slaves in a way? I do not see it as ego, and do not see myself as a Daughter of God. I just see myself as a daughter of God. If I call myself a Christian, I do so for following the example of Jesus and his Golden Rule. But seeing him as divine is something I am questioning still in my life especially given the time of his birth hundreds of years past any Eastern faith. Blasphemous to many, and I am not trying to offend, but I don’t see it.
This will start a shitstorm, but how can Christians be so sure when, in the scheme of time, Jesus is quite a baby. I have never known a “born-again” Christian to be tolerant of another’s faith. Quite the opposite, actually. Personally, I think Jesus would be appalled at the thought of the sheer arrogance of his peaceful flock.
my hands are now protecting my wincing face from an incoming stone-throwing
ps… I considered myself a Christian before I moved to the Bible Belt 15 years ago. It’s been an eye opener, let me tell ya.
Discussing your question here would derail this thread so why not begin another with this question. I’m on my way out the door but will respond later if it’s there.
Have a good day
“i want a kid named faith
and a hearse named death
so who wants a ride?”
Siddhartha Gautama
Tao Te Ching
All publicity freaks.
Hey Nick,
I would love to have a discussion with you and have you change my cynical mind. No such thing as derailing my thread. Although the good ol’ boys have exhausted this topic ad nauseam, what’s a little discussion amidst others chiming in their faithful or faithless views. Hit me with your best shot.
Very funny, you blasphemer, you.
Yeah, you know I meant that to be funny, but when I thought about it I had a feeling that I was on to something. None of those people quietly went about being pious and that makes me wonder.
If God is ominipotent and omnicent, is not assigning God a gender diminishing God? Yes.
Dismissed the formal religions long ago and simply believe that these organizations are generally in it for power, prestige and wealth.
A Deist
Yes, God created the universe, the earth, split and is probably LOL regarding how we have made a mess of it in God’s name.
I have said that 100 times. God must have a laugh a minute, and yet, for some reason, I think there must be tears shed as well. It is all very sad to me what religion does to nice(?) people.
People plan, God laughs, as the plans disintigrate.
im yet to find out why this one was posted on the world wide web o_0