
[quote=“Berkley Babes”]
On second thought, if I had the solution to the world’s main problem, evil, and I had a solution that would lead to the ultimate peace, I wouldn’t charge 25 dollars for it. It would be free, or I’d use every second I had to go door to door with flyers that directly explained the solution. You’d end up on tv explaining it, instead of saying people aren’t ready for the message.

Hell, I think they’ll find my work after I’m dead, too. It’s romantic. But unlikely.

I value peace too much to be swindled by the false promise of it.

Peacegirl: You are not being swindled. The ebook is $4.99. Is that too much? If it is I’ll give the book to you.

Berkley Babes: Free will and determinism should have multiple threads here that are not pitching your failed investment.

Peacegirl: This is in no way a failed investment. How could I give up on such an important work just because scientific confirmation is not coming fast enough? This knowledge will benefit the world, no matter how long takes, if it’s genuine, and it is!

Berkley Babes: Sorry to sound like a dick, but ILP relies on that topic (thread title), somewhat.

Peacegirl: The topic is appropriate.

if you believe in the solution, do more, just saying peace is highest value.

Do more? What do you think I’ve been doing, playing twiddly winks? Do you actually think knocking on doors is the answer? Like a Jehovah’s witness? I can’t help but laugh. :laughing:

We got to learn to love one another…and then all will be determined correctly.
Peace on earf…and all dat shiat!!!
know what I’m sayin’?

Here comes down the value of karmic law. , the existential gnosis that has reoccurred. That makes one enlighted to connect The One with many.

The big break has always been illuminated, for others trying hard it’s coming in bits and pieces.


you can at least admit you want inner peace . . . ?

What makes you think I don’t have it?

Sounded like you were doing a mock racist thing there. Maybe that’s a stretch but content people don’t mock others. I know I want inner peace. No, you don’t have it.

Why is peace important to you and your kind?
Peace is death…when we die we are finally at peace.
Life is war…struggle. No peace.

Go back with the girls and discuss love and braid your hair…I have no use for you.

On the other hand, it does rank…

#4,253 in Free Will & Determinism Philosophy
#10,601 in Ethics & Morality

…on the best sellers list at Amazon.

No way Evil has a chance against that, right?

They all rank on that site, if you buy your own copies to give to people. I’ve seen two books occupy the same rank at the same time on that site. Don’t trust it. Amazon doesn’t have report their actual numbers to best selling list compilers.

I have ideals and values, despite the struggle. Utopia then heaven.

It’s not about learning to love one another; it’s about not hurting one another. Yes, yes, I know what you’re sayin … and all dat shiat!!! :laughing:

There have always been glimpses of the truth in all types spiritual and religious practices. This is more than karmic law, although there is an element of it in the sense that what we do affects what comes back to us. Sort of like “do unto others as they would have them do unto us.” But the question arises: how can we do unto others as we would have them do to us, if what we do to others is done for self-preservation? Sometimes we hurt others because not to hurt them (as the lesser of two evils) ends up hurting us.

Peace is what most people want. Don’t confuse this with complacency or lack of motivation. Wouldn’t you want to live in a world where you don’t have to worry about locking your doors at night? Or getting shot and killed by some random dude? Be honest.

Lorikeet doesn’t want to honest about that. It would appear weak. Even though water dissolves rock, that type of wisdom is pussy shit to lorikeet.

I don’t know why it would be weak. It’s human nature to want to live without fear. In the world we are living, fear is a constant. I don’t understand how it’s weak to admit you wouldn’t want to be shot by a sniper. :confused:

My god, you people are so naïve and fucked up.

You describe a utopia…as if it were possible.
Peace would be stagnation…Paradise would be eternal stagnation.

Peace describes non-existence, or the unconsciousness of existence, which is dynamic, interactive and for life experienced as constant struggle. Even when we are comfortable we are fighting, struggling, to preserve ourselves.

World peace is possible because we can eliminate serious conflict between people and countries. This is not about stagnation. It’s about future growth economically and every other way. IOW, it’s a win-win.

It’s true that life is about survival; self-preservation. That does not change. In fact, this law of our nature (when it is understood and applied) increases our ability to survive without taking away personal incentive. The only thing that changes is that no one will have to live in poverty, go to war, or be afraid of getting shot or murdered.