Devalue all constructs. Except...

Or per chance or hyperbola was he the one who did the kicking can all that masochistic gymnastic merely be extra curricular? or can he have been excorcized by some kind of super space x superman ingradient,
which can surface in or out of It’s containment ?

We already discussed being happy for other people instead of jealous.

Besides… whatever you possess in an attachment way also possesses you.

So. It’s kind of stupid to get married before you have learned who actually owns everything.

But if we all waited that long we’d prolly never get married.

Or it would take a miracle.

Life is weird.

The latter undoes any confusion about it, if adhere to the notion everything is as was written. as it should be, is. No jealousy but a simulation. exit but first.

golly, door opened automatically no keys.

Reduced to two: figures. Now one prisoner can not leave out of being an empath. So the other one has to leave otherwise forced to reveal his game plan, but then the one left has to stand by and stand his ground alone. Solving the dilemma as reduciable to Absolute, which is a fallacy.

And that violates the rules of the game. at least two must remain to find out who this remaining prisoner is. One can not win by it’s self and not being able to identify himself.
It’s like claiming a lottery win but convincing the prize committee of it and having lost the ticket?

So I leave and let the lonely one on stand by without a leg to stand on or having no ground to stand that nice? Lovical? Kind? Empathetic or what? Anyway as self serving it may seem. a re treat is the best move.

Whoever remains, must divided himself into two. That’s all there is to it. .

Otherwise down the rabid hole.

Promise to come back, though by a recall.through a 2/3 vote.

Now by now the 2 has already decided only 2 prisoners can not solve the problem and the reduction in numbers from 3 it two is a loss loose let’s see who could win here now, at this point? Among the three remaining. without leaving. or indentifying himself?

Since one of the three has exposed the other two still imprisoned, and with his identity still not established the rules change

Parkdutes. and Me no left to contest the rules, if he in actually in the game or. appears to be have remained in it, and me no are probably thinking of the third man? Prisoner’s motives about leaving…

The game at this point is on thinning ice because by preponderence of evidence many arguably can still guess who is who.

But the important aspect that changesthd whose structure of the game makes all other devaluations nil in favor of dynamic strategy.

In light of that , like a chess move towards the end , all states of mind can be inferred, and nit the other way around.

Whoever stands last still stands, chess games are immutable resilient to temporal duration.

So the thing is, at this point, a draw is most likely. So … ?

Strategy or empathy in determening who is on first , second and hence third.

May the games continue.

This is the most difficult of all. parts of the dilemma, and so with that said, … An analysis could envolve an AI type if new character transformation, if one of the two, one identified the other left to imagination could narrow down who could escape this evolutionary trap from the the starting point to it’s end.

Motor daddy and memo haves been identified as strategic equivalent at this point reducing their empathic proof not to be reduced yet to the Absolute level, a tied at this ping could terminate the game.

Regardless of the machination of the third prisoner’s variable file ma coming from.his appearing disappearing play.

me no the last man standing is declared winner by default

The fallacy of contradiction saves ZZmenofrom debating empathy from strategy, because as the lone man standing, he must analyze how empathetic and contradiction (strategic coexistence) could not immediately kick an empath into third gear, skipping second)

So the default was of an unknown source of power; and definitionally binding.

So Meno is saved by an absolutely super ordinary trick and can turn the reality of superlative dialectics unto it’s own image.


Score: Meno win=loss
draw = tie

Meno can not devalue his own construction except if he can be in two places at once

Motor daddy comes back : whether his exit and entrance spread duration was noticed as between sign, ~signal
Or not because such uncertainty only kicks the problem back into the prior duality between empathy and stratagem

Unless the test to be repeated indefinitely, the draw can not infer draw of weapons such as to edged swords.

Therefore a minimal curve approach to both possibilities is formidable; giving rise to a an upper bound tie, a breaker of which can not logically assume a dual exclusion.

Unless 1 can stay cut the other off. So either two leave or two stay .

That logical consistency is the only tenable one.

Therefore an Absolute devaluation of two into a singel absolute is impossible as it is uncertain .

That does in no way disprove a reduction of an absolute , absolutely proving an absolute identity, only that as soon as as such devaluation approaches it’s absolution, it wins and looses by default by transcending an imminent without passing through any boundaries, filters, or objections by berklyan apologists’ objections.

Jealousy is not the issue here. That’s a propaganda technique people use when they’re hurting someone intentionally.

The issue is sympathetic joy.

Almost everyone is a monster on earth. Are you supposed to feel sympathetic joy for them so they don’t have to regret their memories?

I’m not a messiah. I think you’re retarded.

I’m patching existence to get us out of the eternal hell loop/cycle/ever newness of a new hell forever.

Meno_, I still need to get caught up but it’s like a narrated play-by-play of a live reality game show where the players are sort of hard to pin to the stage/set… in the flavor of Whose Line Is It? … and the narrator keeps trying to make third (or nth)-wheel weird, as if the players needed any help with weird.

I hope you’re rewarded for your talents! You appear to have many.

Look. Over there. Unlit dynamite! You’re not just gonna let that sit there all unblown up are you, Meno_?

Ec… sympathetic joy … if you’re in a relationship with someone… should only happen if the other’s joy is based on something good in the past… not necessarily perfect or admirable. I’m not really sure what you’re referring to. But… say you still drunk text your ex-bes instead of paying needed attention to your current b. That makes you a li’l b**** in my book. I love being single and loved by someone who isn’t a li’l b**** (God). I’ll never put up with bullshit again. Plus it means I can have sympathetic joy all day long without feeling deprived of or in competition for attention. People suck less & you like them more when you’re not in a relationship. Pretty sure that’s verifiable.

I’ll rest here glad the magical triangle keeps bouncing back. No I seek no recompense, bu yes and no lying the greatest would be one if vindication to my claims of access to revelations nit tied to The Revelation.

Other than rest I the other Me no 2nd that motion unward the the previously hidden and mystifying realm of the 3rd of the overwhelming significance of the 3rd estate.

Happily convinced to leave a token on the 1st because the first cat’s eyed Buddha is the green one.
The balance is much more guardedly tri umph ant.

Incidentally been in medicine Buddha temple near Santacruse Ca. where some high ranking person from Tibet advised in blowing of soles of shoes be for walk as to minimize damage to atman as a result of stepping on those creatures.

So what if you have access? Why would that matter?

I kind of expected that question and surprisingly am a little caught off guard that even though all i have revealed hers, You would presume that iota of difference between a personal and a superpersonal source would/could not bring about the ecfinity wit the Original Image of what was Intended 2 Reveal?

Not answering a question with Another, but I know You as well as 2 sentiment beings are capable of.

And we’re both looking at the unimaginable through the same lens focused on That End with a backward look.

It really doesn’t surprise me and it shouldn’t You either All things considered, it doesn’t make a different d one wAy or another. The deal is broken, and I have no fears.