the new secretary of education is someone named Betsy Devoss…
she was confirmed on party line votes this morning…
her sole qualification for being secretary of education seems
to be that her wealthy family donated millions of dollars to
GOP senators…she wasn’t educated in public schools, none of
her children have been to a public school… she has no education
working experience… she wasn’t a teacher or anything…
she thinks that children in schools should have guns because of
possible grizzle bear attacks… her words at her nomination committee…
she believes in vouchers for people to use to go to private schools which
if implemented nationwide would destroy the public school system…taking
money away from public schools and divert them to private schools…
but once again she was nominated and confirmed due to one reason and
one reason only, the millions of dollars her family has given to the GOP
and its candidates… is this the new standard we use to put
people into cabinet… by how much money they donate to their
Rome, who we resemble more and more, every single day, began to fail when
Emperors would sell senate seats and other important seats
of power to the highest bidder… the men who were do the very
important job within the empire would be busy trying to recoup their money
by raping the institutions they were in charge of… sounds familiar?
anyway, we now have the same situation where we put people who have
given millions of dollars to public officials being approved by those
same public officials… it seems to me to be a major conflict of interest…
approving of someone who just gave you hundreds of thousands of dollars
in bribes, oh sorry, campaign contributions… I can’t even begin to see
how that is in any way, shape, or form, ethical…
but of course defenders of the party, (not country because party is more
important then country as it was in Nazi Germany and mao’s china and
the soviet union) will justify it some way, because, PARTY TRUMPS ALL…
in the new Amerika of the GOP…