Distressingly knowledgable people

Before I start, I’m not meaning to offend anyone here - I think it’s brilliant that you lot are so enthuiastic about philosophy, that you are so well read and that you’re well clever.


Is anyone else pissed off with everyone on the main philosophy boards (the religion one, the science one etc) knowing too much? I used to avidly argue on the main philosophical topics, but now it’s all “episcoblob said this”, and “if you read Aristotle’s life work, you’ll see blah blah…” … bring back the days of “evolution blatantly happened- there’s loads of bones around!” and suchlike.

In terms of politics, please, oh god PLEASE, can we just have the occasional rash, under-researched and generalised statement? example: “the middle east are all fuckers. let’s wipe them out. they’re causing a lot of trouble”. I love to argue about politics, but I really don’t know anything about it. Do any other ignoramuses feel like having an unfounded shouting match about the future of the world?

I’m not saying you lot should stop having thought-out, substantiated arguments - I just wish all the ignorant people would speak up too. Then by jove, I’d post like a crazy thang, because I wouldn’t be alone any more.

This might be one of the posts I regret.

i agree. more involvement

No worries Nicola,
as surprising as this may come to you, since I’m sure your post’ aim may not have been intentionally directed at me, but it nevertheless hit me square between the eyes :astonished: . Meaning…I know what you mean. This place needs a tinge of fun :laughing: , reckless verbal regergetation of stress without thinking twice about what one wishes to say :evilfun: . So fuck this shit about keeping to a standard, forget about pleasing people, and let the last thing we think about in this thread be ‘talking about something that we think worth while’ :sunglasses: .

:evilfun: YEAH!!! :evilfun:

All religion sucks shit :frowning: , their all a bunch of child molesting perverts looking for a way to procrastinate :confused: , talk as though they knew what the hell their talking about, become an authoritative figure, not have to lift a finger, and still rake in good cash while getting a car on the company, I mean church (implicit mistake :wink: ).

All politics sucks shit :confused: , their all a bunch of thieves looking for a way to procrastinate, talk as though they knew what the hell their talking about, become an authoritative figure, not have to life a finger, and still rake in good cash while running the country in any way you want, if someone doesn’t like it you just simply cover it up, or write the law in such a way that it won’t get broken down into it’s smallest parts an analysed until a century after your dead, so no one will realize the stupidity of the law until it’s too late.

I hate having to conform to societal measures, you know we all do, don’t any of you dare say otherwise. You know what I’m talking about, I mean banks, schools, governments, laws, stores, parents, and people in general. Why can’t we just do what we want!?!..where the hell is Frighter? Get him in here for a word or two on Anarchy.

Let’s raise hell!!!

What about customs, everyone preaches how all cultures are losing their heritage, customs, and traditions because America is coercing everyone politically, economically, or just by blantantly lying. The last statistic was something like 14% of Americans think that Sept. 11 happened because of what I stated above :frowning: . Yeah, well they should take that statistic in Canada, they’d blow their tops to find out how many of us think it’s their fault - Americans would be walking around like headless chickens. Whether you steal a thousand dollars from a person by robbing their house, or you canivingly steal .1% of their income every year until you’ve drained a thousand out, you’ve still stolen a thousand dollars and someone is going to have to make some serious answers or heads will roll. This is analogous to America, because they are stealing from everyone, what some call ‘legalized theft’.

I’m sick of seeing unattractive people have low self-esteem when it isn’t their fault, we live in an extremely biased, deceitful, ignorant, and prejudiced society. I’m sick of attractive people being confident beyond the limits of the universe and snubbing everyone they come by that they think they have nothing to take from.

I’m sick of smart people acting as though no one but themselves can be smart, when they should be helping those less fortunate, and helping everyone learn what they have learnt. I’m sick of ignorant people being fed up with educated people, although I understand why.

I’m really sick of the god-damned law! It doesn’t protect anyone, it doesn’t prevent anything from happening, all it does is punish. What the hell good is a punishment for if the crime is murder!?! People, the world we live in makes your chances of living to be 70 harder than winning the lottery. I don’t give a damn what punishment you give to any person, I DONT WANT TO DIE. Yet, nothing, absolutely nothing stops anyone from shooting, stabbing, or beating the life out of me - even this very second. Maybe I should say a prayer that I get to finish this post. Oh, the government and lawyers, and judges come in and they say “Oh, Magius, do not worry, if anyone kills you we will find them, with state of the art technology, DNA testing, etc etc, and we promise you we will find them and put them in jail for life. So don’t worry Magius, work for your country and be a good little boy and in return we will protect you.” Did I mention I was DEAD! What the hell good does anything you said do me?

How’s that Nicola?

P.S. I think I’M going to regret this post. :frowning: :confused: :astonished:

:evilfun: Good thing i petitioned for this evil smiley otherwise nobody would have no evil fun.

I think you should also petition to have a smiley with a cigarette in it’s mouth, and one with beer bottles since some here post while they are drunk, or even better still one with a graduation hat to represent smartasses, or maybe one that is sticking it’s tongue out, I especially think there should be one with an expression of being tired on it’s face, their in demand especially in those really long posts. One should be dressed in a robe with white hair to represent a philosopher. As paradoxical as it may sound the smiley that has moving Z’s over it’s head to represent a sleeping smiley has come to be quite useful on other boards, it is used to indicate that one has to go to sleep or that one is that bored - this would come especially handy for Natsilicious when she writes her replies to my posts, she could simply respond by writing my name Magius: and leaving a sleeping smiley.

What’s your take?

This is why i love each and every one of you guys (and gals)
Wow, Im having a Bischoff moment…

Yeah more fun! i hate the “Well, as Epiglottis wrote in the ‘Furmanion thoghts on matastaisical funtaculation’ it is obvious that fluks will gloot even when gtoos fnuggle” just as much as you do, but i dont say anything for fear of looking ignorant :blush:

As for more smilies, ill see what i can do :smiley:

NO NO NO YOU NEED A SHIFTY SQUINTY EYED ONE!!! A SMILEY WITH SHIFTING SQUINTY EYES!!! … Not asian just squinty eye evil kind of… If you watch simpsons regularly you would know what I’m talking about.

But as far as the uneducated posts go. I don’t really anything about philosophy science or politics besides what I learn from message boards so just about everything I say is uninformed. I consider this more of a learning experience then anything else. I ask my questions when I need further information. But I go to other message boards to mouth off and tell everyone how stupid they are. If I was to do that here I’d need to back it up with information and I’m just too lazy for that. Political discusions are all biased or uneducated. Yea you could know all the facts that lead up to the topic and all the conspiracys behind it but a 2 year old is just as well suited for the decision making in my opinion.

Ah hell. If I could I’d do away with everything and start it all over from scratch in an attempt to make everyone happy. I hate all our morals all our biases just way to much about people is in my opinion very bad and evil when they are all desperately attempting to be good. I honestly blame religion for it. I’ve got my reasons ranging from actual evidence from the bible that would suggest that we think a certain way to just cold hearted predujices. I’m not sure if it was this board or another where I mentioned my basing a livable system around the idea of anarchy. I’ll find out and post it in the political section for some nice criticism.

I’ll rant more later… people are over

i agree nicky - there are far too many people who know stuff about philosophy, politics and religion on here. i yearn for the days when i could just make up bullshit and not have to back up my opinions by quoting some eminent philosopher/politicion/god or other religious leader. i must say though, i’m not really concerned about the number of smilies in the slightest, but there you go.

wll actually Magius, the smiley of choice for you would be

or one with a middle finger (which i can’t seem to find right now)

I agree with nicola and cba, i know what you’re talking about with that squinty eyed smiley … that kinda says “shut up…”

The green picture reminds me of south park’s cartman when he is suffering with his frustration till finnaly he can take it no more and tells everybody to sod off and that he is going home.

Are there any ‘elephant man’ smilies ?

Oh come on Natsilicious. I never expected someone of your stature to be so sensitive, I was helping you out by suggesting a smiley that you could use against me. You could atleast try and be creative and suggest a smiley that I could use against you. I wasn’t trying to insult you, you yourself came out and made a thread about how you hate long posts, it’s no secret you find my posts boring. So how could my suggested smiley be an insult? I actually meant it to extinguish some of the fire between us, so that we could suggest smileys for each other, and maybe even end up laughing about it :slight_smile: . Out of all the things you have said to me, especially your last PM to me, it is not a far cry to suggest you using a sleeping smiley in responce to my posts - it actually suits your character (from what I have read) :wink: . How is it that the smiley you propose for me is a proper representative of my character?

hate to interject but maybe she was returning your kindnes by not returning with a blow. Besides we all know kindness kills quicker.

Women and their evil plots. i need to get one.
Can i get a smiley with T&A? heh

:sunglasses: :evilfun:

Soo… im backing out now. tootles.

You think her putting a green tongue sticker outer (LOL) and saying she wants to put one with a middle finger showing is not returning with a BLOW!?! I think Natsilicious has infected you with whatever she infected with that smiley that is sticking it’s tongue out.

Can’t help being infectious!. Don’t worry, some fine day you will too, Magius… :astonished: Oh I get your point .But you were wrong. The least I do is yawn. But what I was showing you is MY face after reading your posts. You Misunderstood again. You keep on misunderstanding, so I guess your smiley face after reading any post is
always a distorted view.

From Chris Tucker in Rush Hour

Pangloss… I couldn’t find an elephant man smiley face, but i did come across a rasta smiley with a spliff in his mouth…

Not the ‘shazza my nazza’ elephant man. The special ginger boy with a double-decker forehead.

Natsilicious stated:

Nice play on words. :wink:

??? Some fine day I will also what?

This invariably is a recurring theme with your responses to my posts.

No that isn’t the least you do. The least you do is go into a thread where there is a discussion going on between three people, two of which make posts longer than the third. But all three have fairly long posts, I happen to be the third whose posts are shorter than the other two, yet you come in and question whether I actually expect you to read the post, then you proceed to tell me that you didn’t even read the first word.

But like I said in my previous post, it is so not me. I already explained why a sleeping smiley is a representative of a smiley you would actually use to respond to my posts. How is it that I would use that smiley in response to your posts? Furthermore, how was I suppose to think that the smiley was your face when your post stated the following…

You need to be a little clearer with what you are trying to say. Just maybe, that is why there is the confusion there is for me, and as you very well know, there is confusion for others. Whether we speak of Psychomusicfreak or Sivakami.

Natsilicious posted:

I guess a proper response to your statement would be…from the same movie, Jacky Chan also states the same sentence to Chris Tucker, and my response to you is the same as Chris Tuckers was to Jacky Chan:
“Ain’t nobody understand the words that are comin out of your mouth!”

What’s your take?

Stop. This. Now.
This is the final warning for both of you. You have a problem with each other? Fine, use PMs. But if I see you bitching at each other again, it will not go without reprisal. I hope I’m making myself clear.

I don’t hate Magius.
I’m sure he’s just going along w/ this like I am but I don’t really know that.


as you wish. :astonished:

<— on her FINAL warning.

…(quiets down) :confused:

I think pms is what started it in the first place. :unamused: