No worries Nicola,
as surprising as this may come to you, since I’m sure your post’ aim may not have been intentionally directed at me, but it nevertheless hit me square between the eyes . Meaning…I know what you mean. This place needs a tinge of fun , reckless verbal regergetation of stress without thinking twice about what one wishes to say . So fuck this shit about keeping to a standard, forget about pleasing people, and let the last thing we think about in this thread be ‘talking about something that we think worth while’ .
All religion sucks shit , their all a bunch of child molesting perverts looking for a way to procrastinate , talk as though they knew what the hell their talking about, become an authoritative figure, not have to lift a finger, and still rake in good cash while getting a car on the company, I mean church (implicit mistake ).
All politics sucks shit , their all a bunch of thieves looking for a way to procrastinate, talk as though they knew what the hell their talking about, become an authoritative figure, not have to life a finger, and still rake in good cash while running the country in any way you want, if someone doesn’t like it you just simply cover it up, or write the law in such a way that it won’t get broken down into it’s smallest parts an analysed until a century after your dead, so no one will realize the stupidity of the law until it’s too late.
I hate having to conform to societal measures, you know we all do, don’t any of you dare say otherwise. You know what I’m talking about, I mean banks, schools, governments, laws, stores, parents, and people in general. Why can’t we just do what we want!?!..where the hell is Frighter? Get him in here for a word or two on Anarchy.
Let’s raise hell!!!
What about customs, everyone preaches how all cultures are losing their heritage, customs, and traditions because America is coercing everyone politically, economically, or just by blantantly lying. The last statistic was something like 14% of Americans think that Sept. 11 happened because of what I stated above . Yeah, well they should take that statistic in Canada, they’d blow their tops to find out how many of us think it’s their fault - Americans would be walking around like headless chickens. Whether you steal a thousand dollars from a person by robbing their house, or you canivingly steal .1% of their income every year until you’ve drained a thousand out, you’ve still stolen a thousand dollars and someone is going to have to make some serious answers or heads will roll. This is analogous to America, because they are stealing from everyone, what some call ‘legalized theft’.
I’m sick of seeing unattractive people have low self-esteem when it isn’t their fault, we live in an extremely biased, deceitful, ignorant, and prejudiced society. I’m sick of attractive people being confident beyond the limits of the universe and snubbing everyone they come by that they think they have nothing to take from.
I’m sick of smart people acting as though no one but themselves can be smart, when they should be helping those less fortunate, and helping everyone learn what they have learnt. I’m sick of ignorant people being fed up with educated people, although I understand why.
I’m really sick of the god-damned law! It doesn’t protect anyone, it doesn’t prevent anything from happening, all it does is punish. What the hell good is a punishment for if the crime is murder!?! People, the world we live in makes your chances of living to be 70 harder than winning the lottery. I don’t give a damn what punishment you give to any person, I DONT WANT TO DIE. Yet, nothing, absolutely nothing stops anyone from shooting, stabbing, or beating the life out of me - even this very second. Maybe I should say a prayer that I get to finish this post. Oh, the government and lawyers, and judges come in and they say “Oh, Magius, do not worry, if anyone kills you we will find them, with state of the art technology, DNA testing, etc etc, and we promise you we will find them and put them in jail for life. So don’t worry Magius, work for your country and be a good little boy and in return we will protect you.” Did I mention I was DEAD! What the hell good does anything you said do me?
How’s that Nicola?
P.S. I think I’M going to regret this post.