Do you folks still doubt me about platonic forms?

Existence has everything to do with logic.

Logic dictates that the definition of non existence or nothing at all is: isn’t

This is everything except: isn’t

Logic is the reason existence even exists

Logic is the most powerful thing.
Logic is not aware that it exists.

The most powerful referent is not a self aware being.

Logic is the basis of existence and is more powerful than any being that can be imagined.

Don’t pray to god. Learn logic. Learn the logic without emotion and learn the logic of emotion.

That is what makes power.

Existence is universal because it has always existed and will always exist too in some form or other

So logic cannot have existed before it as that is not possible including from a logical perspective

Therefore it cannot be the reason that existence exists as logic came after existence not before

Also existence is actual reality whereas logic is just an abstract concept understood by minds

And minds did not exist before existence either as nothing can

Logic is not aware it exists. Minds can apprehend logic though. Logic is the reason existence exists.

I already know this. But why would it cause infinite divisions.

That makes absolutely no freaking sense to me whatsoever.

That doesn’t make sense.


That logically does not follow. You already stated existence pumps out consent violating realities as default. So why would it suddenly change and pump out better realities out of the blue.

No the problem is that virtual reality sucks and is not real and if it was made to be more real it would probably cause some kind of brain damage from technical problems, also our physical bodies would be defenseless against external attacks in the real world.

I already told you that wasn’t the plan anymore its out of date. That was the old plan. New plan is just a world with majority females. And then men are cream of the crop interesting men like Elvis Presley etc. Not a bunch of lame uninteresting worker drone beta males.

Also hell doesn’t exist.

Consent isn’t always good. For instance if a little kid gives consent to stuff a bunch of candy in his face it will rot his teeth. So denying it is in his best interest.

You are stuck on the internet talking to other loonies such as me so it seems like you are already sent there IMO.

Or the most impossible job in existence.

That makes zero sense whatsoever and sounds like you get punished for no reason for trying to make the world a better place.

Yes I know. They cling to life like maggots. It is what it is. I’m not a nazi and people don’t want to sacrifice their lives in the name of a better civilization. So I offer castration, to the ugly people and low iqs because noone ought to be born ugly and stupid. Same as also to whoever believes in the common religions.

What I was clumsily trying to say surreptitious, is that logic cannot exist without existence and existence cannot exist without logic. Logic is in the eternal form realm of existence.

Minds that understand logic came after existence and therefore logic did also
Logic cannot exist on its own as it needs minds who can understand what it is

Existence existing before logic is like existence existing before otherness.

There has always been otherness and logic

Besides, existence never began.

Eternal forms have always been.