Do You Like Sweat?

Well do ya?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I thought of different types of humans, one type that do like sweat and the other that dont. People I mean.

Do you like (to) sweat? Like to wear sweaty clothes? Im afraid to admit it but, I do. Not inside of course. I just like the feeling of having been sweating. I dont like the smell naturally but I sometimes like to be a bit smelly.

Isn’t this bound to be a psychological type? Please answer with substance.

Blood swear and tears or any teetering combinatiin.

Any three people need to play that game in order to get above that choice.

Two is company three a crowd. One has to go one way or another, and that usually entails some extraordinary source of power.

Do we not All sweat from time to time? less in Winter, I would assume.

Some sweating is good for you, in being detoxifying for the Being… moderation, not excess.

2% of the population doesn’t excrete bacteria that causes the odor when they sweat.

Every once in a while I’ll have cold sweats at night when in bed… it feels fantastic when I have them and I wake up feeling rejuvenated.