Does anyone here actually suscribe to the belief that

Communism is the best form of government theoretically, but not when put into practice? This is one of the worst beliefs that I’ve ever heard, and 90 percent of the people I have met say it when communism comes up in conversation. Predictably, none of them have any idea why they hold such a belief, so I come here hoping maybe someone can explain to me this phenomenon.

communism/anarchy are the worst forms of government (no government=slavery to the strongest)

and socialism is slavery to the state


There will always be slavery. Thus democracy is the slavery of the strong few to the weak many.

Socialism is slavery to the state, yes; but then the state may be the servant of something else - a means instead of an end (and I agree that the state should not be an end in itself).

I think the state should serve culture (as opposed to “civilisation”, i.e., taming). I might call myself a Cultural Socialist.

What should be cultivated, however, is the strong man.

Communism is nice in theory, but in practice pure communism will fail unless all participants are convinced not to freeload.

Capitalism is nice in theory, but in practice pure capitalism will fail unless all participants are convinced not to exploit completely.

IMHO, a regulated hybrid system is best.

While I recognize that there are certain problems, both from the American infrastructure, as well as technological constraints, I think that electric cars are a really good idea.
However, because of the issues that I mentioned, at the present time I think that a pure electric car, while a good idea, isn’t terrible useful unless one has a second, traditional car.

Hybrid cars, on the other hand, manage to overcome many of the flaws that both electric and traditional cars represent and may also (hopefully) serve as a stepping-stone towards everyone having electric cars.

Communism operates on the same principle.

Note: I am definately not a Communist.

Communism is the best form of government theoretically, but not when put into practice?

the pure meaning of communism is commune-ism (i.e. supporting each other ) ,so Communism is a good form theoretically(im not sure if this is the best theoretically) , but in practice it doesn’t go well due to some human natures. (e.g. laziness, hatred, greed)

A true Communism has never actually been practiced. All attempts have been modified versions of or frontal illusions of.

Home grown Nationalism has also played a role in the negative connotation of Communism and its true nature is not understood. For instance, why would a happy Union worker display an utter distaste for considering the concept of Communism?

Other factors are the eventual corruption and the continual revolution of societal states.

For those who have nothing, Communism was created. It is set up to give the reserve army of the unemployed something, but ends up leaving everyone with nothing. Top-down management of all capital is a problem as well.

Still, a mixed economy (Capitalism with safeguards) has made for a more merciful, forgiving, and civilized society.

Anarchy, in and of itself, doesn’t define anything useful.

Anarcho-capitalism, however, is a far better alternative to any form of established state. There is nothing those fuckers do that wouldn’t work better privatized.

Dr. Satanical, do you believe in The Unseen Hand?

I think it somewhat ironic that I hold belief in a beneficient God, but do not believe in The Unseen Economic Hand…But you do. :smiley:

Screw anarchy and communism. I would do a better job at running the economy then a bunch of ambitious self-centered dicks or a bunch of commoners and peasants. Sure, I didn’t even choose to take my introduction to economics course this semester, but I don’t care.

  1. What, you’re not a commoner?
  2. Are you advocating Fascism?

I’m being sarcastic, and I am a commoner, but a rather uncommon uncommoner thus making me no longer a commoner.