Does everyone agree that Trump is nuts?

:mrgreen: So yeah, if Trump is nuts, I am too. More then plausible. He has no corner on that market. For every yard I extend to myself he has a yard. His is bigger in certain respects and smaller in others. You do the math. But be certain your equations balance, at least try. And maybe try as you will you might just succeed. Cause that’s the way math seems to work at this scale. The really big and the really small don’t appear all that concerned.
OP, are you listening?

I agree with all of this.

I do not really see him as being “nuts” as "nuts’ goes per se but at times I can also see him as a runaway train about ready to derail. There is only so long you can hang onto a weak limb. Is it possible that he is BP?

Maybe it’s not Trump that’s crazy, maybe it’s the Dems?

Trump said today, at the NATO summit:

“The Democrats have gone nuts, they’re crazy. And it is very bad for our country,”

Should Congress vote to censure Trump, it would make him only the second president in history to be explicitly reprimanded. In 1834, President Andrew Jackson was censured by the Senate in a fight over the survival of the Bank of the United States.

In Washington on Tuesday, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee plan to release their findings in their impeachment probe before turning it over to the Judiciary Committee, which is holding its first hearing on Wednesday"