Donald Trump, Ukraine, And White Nationalists.

The small cult of Christianity was already very strong by the time that happened. Why do you Rome needed to align with it to attempt to maintain power? But yeah, don’t bother asking why it was spreading so well. No philosophy here, nothing to see here :stuck_out_tongue:

Right back at you… :dance:

I’ve already laid out my arguments. And it’s telling that you still refuse to engage them.

It didn’t become strong until the Constantine family came back from the Roman Judean military campaigns.

Whatever you say Schlomo.

Early Christianity was highly opposed to Judaism. And yet it spread anyway. Sorry to spoil your fun.

Judeo-Christian culture of “the west” wasn’t codified until much later, in the late Middle Ages. The old Roman emperors were simply doing their historical part working to fuse pagan and Christian (only implicitly Judeo-Christian) ideologies, in mere attempt to maintain power as the philosophical ground was shifting underfoot.


Yeah, you’re done. Nice try at a “refutation” of my points, though. For a non-thinking conspiracy ideologue, its par for the course.


More insanity and non-thinking from you. Are you really this stupid? I doubt it.


Hard to deflect from what isn’t there.

Absolutely. He does not know what he is talking about.

The most difficult position to take in this issue sourrounds the central concept of neutrality. What if society at large be divided, appearently by a 50/50 split, and lands itself in a catch 22 situation, where opposing opinions appear to cancel each other out. This result would indicate a quantitative synthesis of null, whereas the qualitative one may indicate something entirely different. The indications of confusion may qualify most people of voting age as pertaining to them. As such, US society at large suffers the effects of this conflation, symbolically half bred as either of this or that opinion, not entirely divided congruously. The effect is tantamount to half bred, racially divided people, usually the products of interracial relationships. This comparison may be apropo as regards to a figuratively effected in the first type, and literally in the second.

This is a very difficult subject, about which those, who speak about the subject, but remain silent their own ethnic orientation-genetically speaking, are indicators of their state of mind on the subject.

The most difficult positions occupied by any
orientation, genetic, adopted or otherwise is, that
they are torn people, if even they are of half blood .It is far more difficult to be a half of anything, like a bisexual, or a half Jew, because, they are not
identifiable as either this, or that. They carry the
stigma, yet can not really belong. They are sort of shadow people, hated, feared, and admired at the same time. The analogy may stand the test of reality, that of society becoming half bred.

They become either educated, or vengeful, to the ways of the uneducated or the forgiving. They are the messengers of crucifiction, and the overmen of
Christianity. . They can only relapse into quiet meditation, or, become something they are not, never can be, even if they tried.

How can genetic theory compete with environment, when they are of different categorical descriptions? How come Darwin came out on top, and those who
proclaimed a gradual acquisition of traits by use were diametrically opposed by the Darwinians? Was it a political act by competing difference oriented biologists who used competing and often interlaced methodology?

The case of the midwife toad, is an example, still shrouded in mystery, where the allegation was, that when the lab was in London, the evolutionists, Darwin among them , sabotaged the methodology. Has it been conclusively proven that trait acquisition, as a gradual effect of use and misuse of certain biological-anatomical parts are totally groundless? The biologist in question was an Austrian, and the whole case ended tragically, for upon discovering the tampering in his lab he took his life.

Both allegations are reactions were over the top, and the Jewish question has not been solved, even by the final solution. The most it did was to bring into question societal hinesty, resistance to the latest science, acceptance of propaganda, and the development of guilt to innocent people, heretofore, having no preference or even knowledge of power plays, of differences, of levels of intelligence and other hierarchy.

Neutrality, in cases of divided souls, is as much suspect as unfashionable, and for these reason these type of persons, rather stay within a safe boundary of non commitment, rather then face charges of spinelessness, and consequent ridicule.

I think it is highly unfair to brand people as such, and call genetics the ultimate determinant, even if, most experience seems to validate it.

I am being completely honest when saying, that other ethnic groups are equally suspect, and today’s majority can be tomorrow’s powerful lobby-majority.

Case at hand , Trump’s white, so called middle class reactionary constituency, who although charged as ignorant, bible thumping -can’t wait to reverse so called equal opportunity zealots-, still, have a point.

The point is badly taken by civil rights groups, who fought hard to attain equal opportunity, but the perception of the meanings both of ‘equal’ and ‘opportunity’ have been made to appear, as if through a looking glass. The politics of experience has brought upon the politically uneducated a willful, and biased position, pro/and/or con, depending on context. Individuals now, are very hard to find, who do not resemble the half breed, for all who derive this The a toward the most symbolically impoverished primary logic of their understanding, are due to suffer the consequences of their coming mistaken belief system.

Should race relations, trait/genetic science, and opinion be relegated to the risky poker-like game, Let it ride? Where the successful outcome may change or color the measure of one’s opinion, by applying the well versed idea that it is not the will to power, but the power to will?

Then what happens to the half breed, unable to really firm an opinion because of a built in, pre existing bias?

Might as well join all the others crucified in His name.
Remember, even Nietzche was of divided mind over this, and to this day it is uncertain who was more in the right, in ‘Wagner contra Nietzhe’

Why does this matter, and how does art come into it?
It’s a reduction of the highest religious good into its aesthetic interpretation.

Kierkegaard, Either/Or.

Yeah, a return to tribalism and race wars, I’m sure that represents an “enhancement” and further increase to the philosophical condition of humanity, and not at all a regression, right? lol.

Modern art is the figurative equivalent of lack of proportion, of aesthetic distance, harmony, balance and finally REALITY.

God himself has become disfigured, next who knows, the Bible will be revised, ops it already has, many times over.

What has humanity learned about itself? Our trinkets have progressed but what of our beings?

Enhancement, but at what cost? We are losing touch with our own being at a faster rate than ever. We live longer but our lives are also becoming more shallow and meaningless. And what exactly is being enhanced?