Double edged sword

There are many kinds of death. Someone said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Someone else said, “An open rebuke is better than hidden love!”

Blow it up when it’s in the bud or it will blow up bigger when it gives its poison fruit. Js.

And on the 7th day God wrested

I know. I remember that very well. Thank you.



John 1.21-28

I don’t know either
& yet.

Know I should

:slight_smile: Sad. :slight_smile: Sad. :slight_smile: Sad. :slight_smile: Sad. :slight_smile:

It is in God’s hands.

but, not hopelessly affected. The double whammy of emotional uncertainty ; praying against the de-compensated structural subsistence, causes a doubled up projected emotional response(anger issues) .

Per self analysis through Karen honey.-not to be confounded with the other prejoritive meaning of Karen’s last name; though the libido may sneak in there.

The list of Saints attesting to the compensation affect with the effect; say in the twofold economies of Freud with keynes:

Has a particular impression here, within.

The man I met was really torn up about having been stolen of a particularily important painting by Albrecht Durer, found that loosing that valuable piece to a ‘friend’ actually helped to see that he gained by it a far more valuable enrichment of getting closer to an unapproachable value.

This act , for which he should adore his friend for liberating him from bandage, is totally subversive in today’s view of value; and such is merely inversion within the basic architecture of prevailing manifestation.

It’s like the echo’s from immortal time are subsequently represented as repetition (K) with fear and trembling, to be relieved by OCD structural requirements by the ID.

I am so happy that I did not have a mouthful of coffee. A good laugh. Thanks. :laughing:


Oh yeah.

Alan should know by now, right?


Another unanswerable question.

⸘or is it weirdos in WeirdoWeirdoWeirdo in weirdos‽

Lord, let it be.

I may never firmly grasp it. God forgive(s) me.

Darn this all to he(double l).

Life is … Weird.

It’ certainly is when seeing one globe doubly.

77 pray for You, going for a longer sojourn, …need rest will travel.

Do not have a nice trip. I will not see you next Fall.

Or something.


Don’t go. Be happy. Words are stupid. God is good. Yadda yadda.


have a nice (working) vacay?

yeah, me too

Who am I even talking to?

Myself… most the time.

Of course the only kind of trip I am going on is the kind peeve Herman said when they asked him about have upon gone to France and he said :

I don’t have to go to France , cause can go and get French ribs here.

Don’t worry 77, my lonelies. ,have no bounds. & besides Plato may have missed something when he says:

One can recognize a fool when he doesn’t abide by two ways he can be recognized:

Now I gotta look that up. A sec:

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something”


Such self admonishing is only pleasurable, if related to a nobly major reference; as in "The Idioy’ as compatible to a philosophy in a new key. ( Suzanne langer ).

Like musical chords which undulate and gain calculated weight of impressions .

Forgetting one’s self in a plethora of orchestrated fantasy.

Homesick for heaven. But I’ll take a little already not yet as God allows. Preferably not just in my head.

World I is still weird. For all of us.

Let World I be the world of I AM: transcend/perfect.
Let World II be the world of immanence/permissive existing in (getting its being from) World I
Let World IA be the world of I am: transcend/permissive existing in World II existing in World I
Let World IIA be the fallen World IA in World II
Let World I reconcile World IA by entering World II and switching perspectives with World IA.
Let World I reconcile World IIA by making a new World II existing in World I.

Yes, but is God a/ the model for man and/or Man 4 God?

I know that riddle needs no answer even if there is ONE or there at least should be one.


my case