Philosophy is many things, but one is the pursuit of an ideal of reasoning. Every idea, assumption, argument is put through a rational grinder and the hope is that the result is that we only hold ideas with the most solid reasoning. With the strongest foundations.
But, in order to do that, one must have confidence not only in ones philosophical methodology, but also ones ability to execute that methodology. Philosophy, as the purest of reasoning, exists within us and yet outside of the everyday us. The us that has bodily needs, that has social obligations and wants, the us that does not have the purest of motives, that us that is pulled this way and that way by emotional tides.
Philosophy as an ideal executed by a agent that is far too imperfect. After all, how many philosophers are there whose works do not have tracts of work that makes one think “What were they thinking!”. How many even of us would-be (and real) philosophers on this board are swept away by the words we speak rather than the ideas they represent?
Aside from not being able to adequately doubt everything, when one stumbles across a idea that does not appear to be doubtable, there is always that nagging itch in the back of your brain that seems to be whispering “It seems to be right, but only in the framework you’re working in, what if you have missed the point?”
Ah yes, I feel like I’ve fallen in some deep dark skeptical hole, yet I want so much to have something to hang my hat on. When I write the ideas I hold, I want so much for them to be as close to the “truth” as possible, as close to the ideal of philosophic reasoning as possible. I try to write convincingly, yet… I cannot go too far, if I hold my own ideas as truth I would become complacent in the method of doubt and critical examination, and when things seem all too true, I wonder whether it is truth I have stumbled upon or my limitations as a philosopher.
edit: even in reading over my post again, I see a lack of sophistication here and a lack of clarity there. The sloppiness of my argument particularly in reference to different types of truths and knowledge, a mistaken reference to absolute truth, etc etc. And yet paradoxically, the inadequacy of my post is a example of its adequacy.