Downtime tonight (1/31 c. 0200UTC)

The site will be down for maintenance tonight/tomorrow morning for ~1-4 hours, starting at about 9pm EST (0200 UTC).

During that time you should see a ‘down for maintenance’ page, but the server may be unresponsive in which case you’ll get some kind of error. In either case, please don’t fret, the site will be back up tomorrow. Resist the impulse to refresh, sit in still contemplation, and know that this too is the Tao.

Ooooooh, exciting… I wonder what new functions, the updates, will surprise us with. :-s

I’ll go check it out, on Google Search…

We’re back, might be bumpy for a bit longer as some processes wrap up.

None, sorry. Today was pruning spammy accounts etc. and making a copy of the database for testing. There will probably be a couple more like this before I’m ready to actually change anything in production. New features are still a ways off, I’m afraid.

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