Dr. Goebbels - Predatory Sex Pest

What causes a human with physical and sexual defects to judge and condemn others? What are the psychological mechanisms at play?



A novel way of telling the world about his “sexual defects”…as he condemns others because of their, presumed, “sexual defects.”

The videos are objective appraisals of the character defects of certain invdividuals who engaged in mass murder. Was it the condemning and judging part that triggered you? It’s understandable that you might feel a little exposed on account of that. You haven’t signed off on mass murder yet but given your extreme views who knows if circumstances permit…

To keep the thread on track maybe you could furnish us with the details of your life and the events/thoughts that first provoked your journey towards the far-right? Was it similar to Kazcynski’s own traumatic reaction to his inner nature being exposed for the world to see? Did you feel… different?

Claiming that condemnation of another’s “defects” is based on sexual defects, is delicious. =D>
Your fetish with nazis, is what gives you away.
A semitic example of Muslims throwing homosexuals off rooftops, would have been more current.

You claim that Islam is concealing sexual defects.
It’s good to be “healthy,” like you, no boy?

Ah, so you need more gossip to twist into your fantasies…
What brought me on the path of objectivity? :-k
When I realized the emotional foundations of the left’s progressivity.
When I realized the left was about wishes, and how the world ought to be.

I deal with how the world is.

I thought it’s final…I am a closet homo.
Stay with that.

Actually, I’m for Timocracy.
Everything else is about truth, not what I prefer.
Truth, nature, is neither left nor right…but delusions have taken over the left, so all truth is associated, by them, with the right.

Progressive lefties were enough to send you full Holocaust denying Nazi? Wow. You must be far more sensitive than I’d imagined. As i’ve said before, in a time of abundance, with ample opportunities for individuals to find self-fulfillment in life, to choose a path of negativity indicates… issues. You’re still at the level of the tribal manimal, some exterior force has caused this, the question is what?

“Holocaust Denying”?
How presumptuous. =D>
I’m afraid it’s far more complex.
Nothing you would understand.

Well, my feminine side is very sensitive.
I leave it up to your imagination.

Ignoring popular lies, because I’m doing well…is something sheeple, like you, would do.
But sheeple have no objectivity so they simply repeat whatever they are told, and they never question it.
Thanks for another piece of information about you manchild: as long as you are okay, you don’t give a shit about the lies going around.
A true philosophical acumen.
You can see here, the source of this manimal’s delusions: if someone is well, lies are ignored, so if he exposes lies he must not be doing well.
Integrity never factors in.

Nothing happened to me, man-child…I happened.

Degenerates, like the man-child, are convinced that the only reason to critique the status quo, is when you are not benefiting from it.
That’s the standard of its judgements.

The status quo is flawless, perfect, unless you are not benefiting from it.
Truth does not matter…all that counts is how much you, personally, benefit.
So, anything I love, or need, is automatically perfect, beyond critique.
It is perfect because I need it and love it…or I benefit from it.

The leap follows:
Therefore, whoever has anything negative to say about the status quo, or what we all benefit from, must be psychotic, or a loser.

If we had been born in Saudi Arabia, critiquing Islam, or the Saudi system, would be a symptom of resentment.
If we could have been born in the Middle Ages then critiquing it would only mean you were not gaining from it.
There’s no other reason…no standard other than self-gratification.

Imagine if everyone was like these idiots…
Nothing would have ever changed.

Benefiting from society is natural, it’s what all humans strive to do. It does not follow that by your benefiting you are denying it to others or disregarding the ‘truth’. Have you chosen against your own interests? I suspect so. A mind in conflict with itself.

Your genetically determined inability to become objective, is the root of all your misunderstandings.
What’s left for minds, like yours, but to project their subjectivity, exposing themselves in the process?

You can never truly understand another, because you can only ever project yourself in another’s circumstances and imagine how you would feel, and think, if you were in his place.
This is why your every attack is an expression of your deepest fears and insecurities… constantly making a fool of yourself.
Subjective minds can only perceive a reflection of themselves; emotion is central, in their beliefs.

So, empathy is objective; sympathy/antipathy is subjective projection.
Schopenhauer described it as will-less knowing.
That is knowing/understanding, without any personal stake in the outcome - no need/desire.
Pure knowing.
You lack this philosophical acumen.
All you can do is expose yourself, to eyes that can see, remaining convinced that you are exposing them.

You are not alone…the majority on ILP and the world are on your level.
Just read KrapOnIt’s projections.

Your whole philosophy is a romanticized view of existence that makes you feel more secure in a world you feel lost and vulnerable in. You exist in a hall of mirrors, only seeing your own reflection, and pour forth your verbal diarrhea arguing against imagined entities and positions. Like Kacsynski you are trying to exorcise your own demons and keep them at bay by finding scapegoats. See how you disrupted this thread because you couldn’t bare the conclusions of what is being suggested and what it entails to your existence?

See… subjective projection.

You just told me what motivates your participation on ILP; explaining why you follow me around from thread to thread.

Nothing romantic about my worldview…this is your own alienated romanticism you are projecting.
My worldview is distinctly anti-romatic…and that’s why you hate it.
I demystify what you mystify…like sexual relationships.

But you can’t erase reality by silencing the messenger, man-child.
You can try.

The thread was also indicative of your kind’s subjectivity.
A vid about how critiquing sexual practices reveals some hidden sexual dysfunction, proceeding to critique the adversary’s supposed sexual practices.
A fantastic display of your idiocy.

So, what you had to let us know is that you have some kind of sexual issues…because according to you, that’s the only reason to critique another’s sexual preferences and practices.
Any critique, in fact, of another is concealing a personal issue.
That’s not my position that’s yours.
So, every time you try to analyze my motives, you are telling us, it is because you have issues…because that’s the only reason to critique anybody and anything.
You also let us know that whatever you benefit from you do not critique, no matter what it says and does.
Subjective to the extreme.
This is why you remain and will remain, as you are.
You will never change because you cannot objectively critique yourself and all that you like and depend upon and have grown accustomed to.

And I will have it no other way.

See how deluded you are? Contradicting yourself in the first statement. Hall of mirrors…

What you imagine about others is driven by the needs and desires of your own ego.

:laughing: =D>

You worship Greek gods, ancestral gods. Hate it? It’s quite hilarious. There is nothing objective about your mind. You are incapable of thinking scientifically.

You mystify everything, completely unnecessarily so. Like Kacsynski you need to deal with the war in your psyche.

Another ‘messenger’, but this time with the ‘true message’. :laughing: Keep going Greek messenger, you must gather disciples. Every prophet needs followers.
Soon your poetry will no doubt replace quantum mechanics as you prophesized on this forum.

You jumped into this thread because you felt it was targeted at you, when it was not. You felt the need to deflect away from the subject matter as you felt exposed. Remember how vociferously you tried to defend against Colonel Fitts, a fictional character from a Hollywood movie? How the charge of latent homosexuality irks you…

Perfect! Goebbels and you share much in common.
Did you even watch the video? As I’ve already stated, it’s too close to home, exposing, so no rational critique can be expected from you.

You can only throw back at me my arguments, hoping they are my projections… your mental gymnastics are legendary. But your accusations are transparent, your motives laid bare by years of vomiting online your fear of the feminine and its proxies.

You don’t benefit - or more correctly I suspect, can’t benefit - so you tear down what you cannot bear. You’re what you claim to abhor, a nihilist in disguise.

Of course, you are a determinist at heart. Your ideas are all about shutting down people’s freedom. This is again to do with your inability to escape your predicament.