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when was your first time?

  • 1-10
  • 11-12
  • 13-14
  • 15-16
  • 17-18
  • 19-20
  • 21-25
  • 25-30
  • 30+
  • not yet…
0 voters


Eww…girls have cooties.

Man: I was so confused by the whole birds and
the bees thing…

Crowd: How confused were you?

Man: I was so confused, that I am still trying to
figure out what the sex life of birds and bees
has to do with me.



Who the flip answered 1-10? That sounds like a very bad thing.

Friday the thirteenth, April 1990, San Jose California, fifteen years old, in the shower after swimming at the pool. Standing up.

[bows to audience]

Her name was Brandy.

“And the sailors say Brandy, you’re a fine girl. What a good wife you would be. But my life, my love and my lady, is the sea.”

Do dum

Da do dum…


détrop, nice description :wink:

Mine was few days after I turned 14.

You mean that cliché made it all the way to Canada? I thought ya’ll were still wearing polyester, playing pac-man and reading Nietzsche.

Remember, Doc, one can always get a cootie-shot: “circle, circle, dot, dot, now you got your cootie shot.”

You fifty-first staters might be worth your weight in bacon afterall. I was beginning to think that you people simply weren’t cool, with the exception of Alanis Morrisette.

No, I got it by mail order. I admire the devotion of the man that carried it 1500 kilometres through the snow by dogsled to get it up to my maple-syrup factory. (which is also canadas second biggest igloo, bows)
What will you oh so clever americans come up with next?

And before you ask, no I do not know suzy from Canada.

wow. props to you guys…fifteen/fourteen…niiice…but where did you happen to find fifteen-yr old sluts? :stuck_out_tongue:

(of course, im not surprised for you all…you must be rather irresistable)

In England, Holland, France, Germany etc. it’s not uncommon for children as young as 11 to have sex. Okay, it is uncommon, but it’s not something that seems to shock as much as it used to…

Of course a better question is ‘how old were you when you had the best sex of your life?’

I bet most people’s ‘best time’ was when they were considerably older than their first time…

:imp: My first time was on a cool spring evening after my folks had gone to bed.
I was but 13.
I had spent the entire week primping and pampering myself. Lotions, colognes, and oils were used to accentuate the experience and stimulate my sensations.
The entire time my anticipation became excruciating, the unavoidable presence teasing me into tumescent agony, when touch brushed up against me.
And then the time of reckoning, as I unrobed and allowed myself the relief, magazines strewn across my bed haphazardly, inspiring my imagination, my ears listening for the slightest stirring from my parents bedroom that would disrupt my ecstasy.

I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed my hand as much, ever since.


That was tender!

[size=75](We didn’t invent sex in England until the mid-eighties - up until then it was ‘Hows-your-father’)[/size]

First time: 17 and a bit. Hurried, fumbly and not what we thought it would be. Kept at it however.

Best time: 25. With an amazingly insane woman from the Czech Republic. Astonishing sex, awful relationship. Lasted three-weeks and one suicide attempt. And yes, I went back eventually for more. And yes, I regretted it.

Last time: About :evilfun: half an hour ago…


:wink: tab

There was a list with ‘10 reasons why hand is better than a girl’ :wink:

Tab, what’s the feeling like sex machine? :sunglasses:

I was 14, she was 16. I lived on a small island in between Vancouver island and the mainland, and her parents caretook a small island (nothing but a house and a barn) just off the coast of our , larger (5 miles by 7 miles) island. She picked me up in her boat. I had sex the first time a mile offshore on a pile of lifejackets.
Good times.


Satyr’s top 10 x 2.5 reasons why his hand(s) is better than a girl:

1- My hand doesn’t talk back.
2- I can clean it ….before…hand :astonished: …… and it will not be offended.
3- It’s always comfortable and less sweaty cuddling with my hand, afterwards.
4- My hand is more flexible.
5- I can call my hand a “little bitch” and a “dirty whore”, in the throws of passion, and I won’t have to explain myself afterwards.
6- I always know where my hand has been.
7- My hand works for me.
8- My hand rarely gives me the middle-finger.
9- My hands are always up for a …. foursome.
10- Slapping my hand, hints of victory. Slapping a girl, hints of incarceration.
11- I can ignore my hand.
12- My hand is …handy.
13- My hand only requires moisturizing and a manicuring to feel good. A girl requires a credit card, a car, a salon, a wardrobe, a house, a family, a status, a social life, foreplay, after-play……etc……etc.
14- I can offer my hand to another man. :wink:
15- I have a spare hand and the other doesn’t mind.
16- I can watch my two hands play with each other.
17- I’m not embarrassed about giving a hand.
18- A hand is irreplaceable.
19- I trust my hand with my money.
20- My hands cook, clean, a wash my clothes and they don’t bitch about it.
21- I don’t have to pay for my hand.
22- My hand obeys me.
23- Hairs on my hands are cute.
24- When my hand smells, I know why. :confused:
25- My hand uses the remote-control for me.

I envisage you sitting in a darkened room on a sofa with a beautiful woman. You are both sipping Irish coffee and there’s some moody tones lilting out of the hi-fi. She thinks she’s in for some lovin’ but you are just wondering where the hell the smell is coming from…


…and then discovering, to my dismay, that it is emanating from me.
Then carefully excusing myself, taking care not to waft too many air streams her way and hoping that grimace was me leaning on her hair, before I go to the bathroom and try to hunt down the source….