Ec… it worked!

I just saw this on Facebook. Ec.

Your plan worked.

Now what?

I’ll know my plan really worked if every woman has sex with me. That’s the highest encryption level in existence.

There are infinitely many realities in which every woman does have sex with you. You just don’t live in any of them.

I would say I’m just like every woman, but…

I’m pretty weird.

Sorry, Ec.

If every woman has sex with me, I’ve solved my problem. I’ve created my new dimension.

I have very high standards for my ideal reality set:

I’ll know they’re not sentient beings.

Women who are sentient don’t have sex with truth.

I have the power to pull every woman in existence into one woman simultaneously.

I’m not trying to insult women. It’s just a fact.

The mechanism is true.

The irony is…. I can protect your spirits by rejecting me.

Topic moved to a more appropriate board.

…because you forgot your safety goggles.

#science … tid=cr9u03

Now there’s glass in the sandbox. Good going, FJ.

Ec… to reiterate… it worked: … 2#p2928642

Unfortunately, these anomalous results could not have been predicted.

It’s trial and error. For beings subject to time.